Breastfeeding Mom: What Items You Actually Need Postpartum

In this blog I’m sharing the items you actually need if you’re planning to be a breastfeeding mom!
Are you a new breastfeeding mom? Chances are you are since you stumbled across this blog! A big congratulations is definitely needed here! You should be proud of yourself, too. Breastfeeding a selfless thing to give your baby and while it’s not always easy, it will be so worth it. I promise! As a breastfeeding mom myself, I’m writing this blog for you to let you know what items will be super helpful when you’re in the early days of breastfeeding and even beyond.
You’ve had your baby shower and your baby has been spoiled, but what about you mama? It’s important to take care of you, too! Check out these 10 items every breastfeeding mom needs to make life just a bit easier. Make sure you have these items handy before you have your baby!
*This blog contains affiliate links. This means I may make a commission if you purchase an item through my link. There is no extra charge to you. I only share products I truly believe in, thank you for your support!
Why Is It So Hard To Be A Breastfeeding Mom?
Being a breastfeeding mom can be incredibly challenging due to a multitude of physical, emotional, and social factors. Physically, it can be demanding as it requires your body to produce enough milk, which can lead to fatigue, discomfort, and even pain from issues like sore nipples or mastitis. Emotionally, it involves a significant time commitment, with frequent feedings that can disrupt sleep patterns and daily routines, often leading to feelings of exhaustion and isolation. Socially, breastfeeding moms may face pressure and judgment, whether it’s the stigma of breastfeeding in public or criticism for how long they choose to nurse. Balancing the needs of your baby with other responsibilities and self-care can be overwhelming, making breastfeeding a complex and demanding journey.
I’m willing to bet that every breastfeeding mom says they want to give up at some point or that it’s too hard and overwhelming. You are definitely not alone if you are having these feelings! If you are check out my blog: I Never Thought I’d Miss Breastfeeding…. You might think I’m crazy now, but this blog will remind you why you’re doing this for your baby! Overall, breastfeeding is so worth it and it will become easier and easier as the weeks go on. Keep reading for 10 items that will make your breastfeeding journey a little easier.

Keep reading for the BEST items you will need as a newly postpartum, breastfeeding mom! Save the image below to your fave Pinterest board for later.

10 Things Every Breastfeeding Mom Needs
1. Breast Pads
You’ll need these once your milk comes in, about 3 days postpartum. Everyone is different, but you will most likely leak for a few weeks and you want to be comfortable and dry. Here are my favorite breast pads.
2. Haakaa is a favorite of mine for a breastfeeding mom!
You NEED a Haakaa! They are amazing milk catchers and are especially great in the first few weeks when you leak a lot. Actually, even if you’re someone who’s not super leaky, a Haakaa is great. When your baby is nursing, you put the Haakaa on the opposite breast and it catches/suctions your milk. I typically got 2-4 oz. at a time when I used mine. It also helped when I was engorged and baby was sleeping.
3. Baby Blues Postpartum Hair Vitamins
These vitamins help fight postpartum hair loss! They are amazing, they taste great, and you can get them at and use code BASICMAMA10 for 10% off your first bottle! I have used these way past postpartum and they continue to amaze me! You will not regret this purchase.
4. Boppy Pillow
These are great to get comfortable in the early days of nursing. They help support and prop up your baby so you don’t have to. Then as your baby gets older, you can use it for the baby to lay on, to help them with tummy time, and to help support them when they are learning to sit. It’s something with multiple uses that you can use for a while. Get your Boppy Pillow at Amazon.

5. Nursing Bras are a MUST for a breastfeeding mom
A comfortable nursing bra is a must because you will basically be living in it. Get a couple without underwires. I personally like the ones that just pull down, not the clip ones. But this is totally preference with whatever makes you more comfortable.
6. Legendairy Milk Supplements
Legendairy Milk has many supplements that aid in breastmilk production and nutrition. I used these around 3 months postpartum when I felt my supply dipped a bit and they WORKED! I also love that they are fenugreek free and there’s no added sugar in their supplements. Buy your supplements at Legendairy Milk and use code ALESSANDRA15 for 15% off your order!
7. Lanolin
This will be your best friend. While it’s not normal to have cracked, bleeding nipples (TIP: If they are seek out an IBCLC stat!) it is normal to have some soreness in the beginning of your breastfeeding journey. Lanolin helps soothe your nipples and it’s safe for baby, so you don’t have to worry about washing it off before each feed. Get some lanolin here.
8. Comfortable Underwear/Sweatpants
Get those granny panties ready! 😉 You’ll want bigger underwear that’s comfortable and will hold a large pad. You’ll also want sweatpants that are a size bigger because you won’t be your pre-pregnancy size just yet, and you need sweatpants to fit over the large pad. Also, if you had a c-section, sweatpants will be much more comfortable on your belly.
9. A Big Water Bottle
I don’t know what it is about breastfeeding, but the second that baby latches on you will suddenly feel like you haven’t drank water in weeks. So have a big water bottle, make sure it’s always full and keep it near by at all times!
10. An Amazing Nursing Top
You will want to get cute and comfortable nursing tops, because again you will be living in these shirts. From nursing tops that button or zip on the side, or just lift up in the middle, these are also a preference just like a nursing bra.

The best advice I have for a breastfeeding mom is: Take care of yourself!
Congrats on your new bundle of joy! Remember to take care of you, too, and go easy on yourself. Being a mom is the greatest gift, but it’s not always easy. Get rest, drink lots of water, and remember it’s ok to ask for help! I hope these postpartum tips are helpful for you, make sure you share them with a friend. You’ve got this!
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