Creating A 6 Month Old Schedule For Your Baby

Lets create a 6 month old schedule for your baby the easy way! Keep reading to learn how.
Are you tired of being tired, mama? My guess is, you clicked to read this blog because you are desperate for your baby to nap more often. You want your baby in a better routine. And you’re ready to crack down and get your 6 month old schedule on point. If naps are few and far between for your baby and you’re exhausted, you’ve come to the right place! As a mom of 3, I know how important it is to get your baby on a good schedule and have a great nap routine. Oh, and I know how important naps are not just for your baby, but for you too, mama!
I want to help you! In this blog you’ll learn how I got my babies into nap routines that worked. If you want to give yourself some free time during the day to rest or get chores done, keep reading mama! This blog is perfect if your baby is ready for 2 daily naps. Check out my schedule at the end of this blog!
Let me remind you why your baby’s nap time is important for you too. We, as moms, need some quiet time and a break during the day. Creating a 6 month old schedule for your baby is totally doable and will help you do just that – take a mini break, because you deserve it! Just follow my simple steps to create a schedule that works for you. As long as you stick to this, it will work!
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6 Month Old Schedule
Once your baby is down to two naps per a day, I like to follow the “Eat-Play-Sleep” schedule. That means, your baby wakes up, you feed them, they play, and then they sleep. By following this schedule your baby won’t rely on nursing or a bottle to fall asleep as often. You can use a binky or just let them fall asleep without one, that’s totally your call!
At 6 months old, I also like to use the 2-3-4 rule for sleeping. I will give you an example below:
2-3-4, 6 Month Schedule Example
If your baby wakes up at 7AM, their first nap will be 2 hours later at 9AM. If your baby sleeps for 2 hours and wakes up at 11AM, their next nap will be 3 hours later at 2PM. Then, if they sleep for 1.5 hours and wake up at 3:30PM, they will go to bed 4 hours later at 7:30PM.
Of course, this is just an idea. Some babies it might be 2-3-3, or 1.5-2.5-3.5. You just need to watch for your baby’s sleep cues and use the 2-3-4 schedule as a guideline. The key is to make sure you get your baby down before they are over tired and crying. But how do you do that? By creating a quick and easy nap/bedtime routine! Keep reading to learn how!
Nap/Bedtime Routine for 6 Month Old
I like to keep these routines super simple! Like, you can keep this routine if you’re staying in a hotel simple. About 15 minutes before my baby’s nap time, I change her diaper, put her Nested Bean Zen Sleep Sack on, read 1 or 2 books, sing her a song, and put her in her bed drowsy, but awake. I have chosen to use a pacifier so, she takes that and goes right to sleep. If she cries a little, I know I waited too long to put her down. If that’s the case, then I might have to rub her back to help calm her down a bit. But for the most part, she goes right to sleep on her own. I don’t ever let her cry for longer than a couple minutes. And I always go to her and calm her if she’s crying a lot.
I know the cry-it-out method is a hot topic, and it’s totally a mom’s choice what she decides to do, But I just want to remind you that there are way more options to help your baby sleep. Cry-it-out is NOT the only way to get your baby on a sleep schedule!

If you stick to these schedules and routines I know your baby will get use to it. Babies LOVE routine. They love knowing what is coming next and things like a book and their sleep sack are cues to help them learn that sleep time is coming.
Stick to the Eat-Play-Sleep and 2-3-4 routines for your 6 month old schedule and before you know it, this will just be part of you and your baby’s day. It will become second nature and it will be SO easy! Before you know it, your baby will be asking you to put them to bed.😉
Sign up for my email list for a FREE bedtime checklist to help bedtime go smoother!
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Let me know in the comments what you think of this schedule! And make sure to share this blog with a friend who’s trying to figure out a 6 month old schedule for their baby, just hit those share buttons below mama!
Do you like Zen Sleep Sack? I’m just at the moment of dropping the swaddle (following Susan Urban’s guide from here: ) and I’ve bought some random sack that Lily doesn’t seem to like very much. So we’re making great progress with sleep training although I’d like her to have something that she loves, just like swaddle…
Hi! Yes we’ve been loving the Zen Sleep sack! My daughter’s nightly wake ups have been cut in half since using it. Instead of waking up 4-5 times we’re at 2-3. 🙂 It’s been a great sleep tool for us!