62 Screen Free Summer Activities For Kids To Have The Best Summer

In this blog I’m giving you 62 screen free summer activities so you can have the best summer ever with your kids! Plus keep reading for an amazing freebie.
Screen free summer activities are needed by so many moms, so that’s why I wrote this for you! Summer is coming, my very favorite season. I loved summer pool days as a kid and I love making summers with my own kids extra special. First and foremost though, I want to be honest, I am not the best at limiting screen time for my kids and I’m totally guilty for using the TV as a babysitter. Seriously, no judgment if your kids are TV junkies like mine! But if you’re wanting screen free summer activities for your kiddos, keep reading!
With all that being said, I do try really hard in the summer to watch less TV. Some days are better than others though because it’s all about balance, but that’s why I have come up with 62 screen free summer activities for you and your kids! There is something for almost every day of the summer, and this can at least HELP in the less-tv-watching-department.
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Make sure to keep reading and download my Summer Bucket List so you can write down all the things you want to do this summer and hang it on the fridge. I’m also including in this post a huge summer activity download and a full daily schedule so you’ll always have something to do while also making sure you and your kids get much needed relaxation. So make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom for more!

Screen Free Summer Activities
- Go to a museum
- Make slime
- Find new playgrounds
- Go to the beach
- Jump in puddles
- Make a rainbow
- Play with sidewalk chalk
- Visit a water park
- Go camping (even in your backyard!)
- Go hiking
- Swim in a lake
- Paint rocks
- Plant some flowers
- Make a backyard obstacle course
- Learn something new
- Run or walk a 5k race
- Play soccer
- Take a walk in your neighborhood everyday
- Catch bugs
- Go on a scavenger hunt (inside or outside)
- Build a fort
- Ride bikes
- Go out for ice cream
- Make your own popsicles (or froyo)
- Visit a farm
- Go to the zoo
- Make a necklace
- Ride a peddle boat
- Play legos
- Dance in the rain
- Have a neighborhood lemonade stand
- Have a backyard campfire and make s’mores
- Read 100 new books
- Do some arts and crafts
- Go bowling
- Finger paint
- Visit the aquarium
- Make sand castles
- Bubbles
- Go to a trampoline park
- Get beach pizza
- Go to the arcade
- Make Oobleck – Recipe HERE
- Make cereal necklaces
- Paint-By-Sticker books – Find them on Amazon
- Put on a puppet show
- Go to a play
- Puzzles
- Make shapes and letters with popsicle sticks
- Do yoga – Cosmic Kids Yoga is GREAT!
- Bake cookies or bread
- Practice cutting
- Play hopscotch
- Play sink-or-float in a water table
- Water beads
- Play-Doh
- Run through the sprinkler
- Puzzles
- Grab Activity Packs for a rainy day
- Go to your local library
- Get a KiwiCo Box
- Have a water balloon fight

Screen Free, FUN Summer Activities for Families
That’s 62 fun and screen free summer activities for you to do as a family! If you can do every one, you’ll have a jam-packed, FUN summer! But like I said before, make sure to relax too! There’s nothing wrong with having a low-key, or “boring” day when you just stay at home and do nothing. Seriously, don’t feel bad about doing nothing! In fact, experts say being “bored” is great for kids because it helps them tap into their creativity. I think it’s great to even schedule in a “boring” day and just turn off the TV and allow your kids to think of something to do on their own, play with their toys, and be a kid!
Use these images below to save to your Summer Pinterest board for later!

Subscribe to my email list below and get a FREE 18 page PDF Activity Pack! It comes with coloring pages, a daily schedule, the two images you see right above, dot marker pages, and more! I honestly can’t believe I’m giving it away for free! But I want to make sure you have the best summer with your kids and you always have something to do, even if it’s just for a little part of your day. When you’re on my email list you’ll also get play ideas and you’ll be alerted when new blogs are published.
You won’t want to miss these fun ideas for summer! Here’s what is included when you opt in:

Related Blogs
- 30 Playgrounds in 30 Days Challenge
- Mess Free Crafts
- KiwiCo Subscription Box for Kids
- Insanely Simple Morning Routine For Stay At Home Moms
- Activity Packs
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