How To Make Slime Using Elmer’s Glue

In this blog you’ll learn how to make slime with only 3 ingredients! Plus keep reading for a freebie.
Recently I’ve seen a lot of advertisements for Elmer’s Glue Slime. I’ve seen TV commercials and posts on Instagram, so I wanted to try it for myself. And I’m so glad I did! It was a really fun activity to do with my 2 big kids.
You only need 3 ingredients and you probably have them in your house. Elmer’s has a huge variety of glue you can use for it, too. From glow-in-the-dark, to clear, to metallic…any slime will look so cool!
I bought metallic and glow-in-the-dark glue (or “glow up” as Roman calls it.) My original plan was to have Roman and Mallory make their own slime. Then I thought better of it and we chose to just use the glow-in-the-dark for our slime to make sure we liked it. Then when that slime dried out, we had more glue to make more!
How To Make Slime
So let’s get to making it….I got this recipe right on the Elmer’s website!

Here’s what you’ll need:
- A whole bottle of Elmer’s Glue (4 oz. size)
- 1/2 tbsp. baking soda
- 1/4 tbsp. contact solution
What you need to do:
Mix all the ingredients together and you have slime. We needed to add a tiny bit more contact solution to make it less sticky, but other than that the slime was perfect and the slime recipe worked well.
My kids also LOVED it! So that’s a win in itself! They literally had hours of fun. I’ve honestly never seen something hold their attention for so long. Roman tends to get a little uncomfortable about some sensory things too, but he didn’t mind the slime at all!

Storing Your Slime
Once the kids were done using the slime I just put it in a Tupperware. It’s held up perfectly in one for a few weeks now. Whenever the kids eye it, they play with it at the table for a little while, then put it away. It was great.
I definitely recommend making it. It doesn’t take long to make, and like I said, it’s a hit! I’m sure you child(ren) will stay occupied for a while. So you can cook dinner, clean up the living room, or maybe pee alone. 😉

Final Thoughts
This easy to make slime is sure to keep your kids entertained for a while! Which will allow you to get some things done and just relax for a bit, without feeling guilty about it. So in my opinion, it’s a win-win! With only 3 ingredients, that you probably have laying around your house, this slime will be a hit that you’ll come back to over and over again. Will you give this recipe a try? Let me know in the comments section below!
Use the image below to save how to make slime to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to it later!

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