Edaville Family Theme Park: A Trip To Remember


If you live in the Boston area, a trip to Edaville Family Theme Park is definitely a park you should add to your list of places to visit. It’s the perfect place for little people, keep reading to learn why!

Edaville Family Theme Park is such a great place for family for a variety of reasons. From kid-friendly rides to stroller-friendly walkways, it’s a place you will want to check out with your kiddos. We took a family trip to Edaville Family Theme Park in Carver, MA to mainly visit their Thomas Land attraction. My son LOVES Thomas the train and anything train related! Keep reading to learn more about our trip!

Edaville Family Theme Park

This theme park is truly beautiful and has an old-school feel. Everything was clean, it was spaced out so it didn’t feel like you were getting lost in the crowds. The best part though was everyone working was SUPER friendly. They were always starting conversations, saying hello, and making sure we were having a good time.

Thomas Land in Edaville Family Theme Park

When we first got to the park my 4 year old son only wanted to ride Thomas. We probably could have sat on that train all day long and he would’ve been a happy camper! But the first train ride was at 11:00 and we had some time to spare until then. So, we convinced him to go on a few rides in the Thomas Land section of Edaville.

Edaville Family Theme Park

Thomas Land is a section of Edaville and it was so cute! It’s completely themed to Thomas The Tank Engine, perfect for those children who are obsessed with the show. Each ride was a character from the TV show and the shops were the famous landmarks, such as Tidmouth Shed and Knapford Station.

When it was finally time to take a ride on Thomas, my son waited very impatiently. Once we got on the train he kept asking, “when are we going, when are we going?!” He sat right next to the opened window and gazed out happily for the ride. The train takes you around the whole park through parts of Carver, MA and lasts about 20 minutes. The scenery was beautiful! There were so many cranberry bogs and open fields. It was enjoyable for the whole family.

Edaville in Carver, MA

After our train ride we got our son to go on a few more rides. Our 2 year old daughter was indifferent about most of them. She had no smiles or tears over them. Our son though, learned to face his fears and go on the rides that seemed a little scary, but they were super kid-friendly, nothing too thrilling.

Our Day At Edaville

We were able to leave the park to go have some lunch, (which was a great option for my very picky eaters) and then return to the park later in the afternoon! So we headed back to our nearby campsite, about 7 minutes away from the park, took a rest and ate. If you have toddlers, you know how amazing this option is when you have a long day in the sun! After a little rest to reset, we went back to Edaville Family Theme Park to visit the Dino Land section! Seriously…..trains and dinos in one park?! It’s every kid’s dream!

Edaville Family Theme Park

Dino Land at Edaville Family Theme Park

If your kids love dinosaurs, then you will want to check out Dino Land at Edaville! It was a fun walk down a dirt path where we were able to see a bunch of “dinosaurs.” Each dinosaur had a button and speaker that told you facts about that specific dino. We learned a lot of really cool information all while feeling as if we were walking through a jungle!

Final Thoughts

Overall our trip to Edaville was really awesome! We had so much fun and we can’t wait to go back again. Everyone was so kind and the park was truly perfect for toddlers and children and families alike. I also really liked that there were indoor spaces for cooling off and talking a break from being a bit overstimulated. I also loved that we were never overwhelmed by large crowds because of how large the space is. The lines for rides were also shorter waits, which is great for impatient toddlers. Overall, I highly recommend visiting Edaville Family Theme Park with your family for your next big adventure! If you have any questions about Edaville, please let me know! And please share this with your friends who might be interested in visiting Edaville with their families.


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