Stay At Home Mom Goals For 2025 To Help You Thrive

Are you ready to thrive this year, mama? Make 2025 your year with these stay at home mom goals. Keep reading for 5 super attainable goals you can reach AND accomplish this year!
It’s time to thrive, not just survive, with these stay at home mom goals this year. Being a mom is hard work, we all know that! But let’s make 2025 the best year yet, and really enjoy being stay at home moms. Because as hard as it can be, we deserve to feel good and be happy. Keep reading if you are ready to reach for the stars this year and not only feel more confident, but be an ever better mom!
This blog is for you if:
- You’re a stay at home mom of younger children
- You need a confidence boost
- You want to feel less guilty and thrive in 2025
- You need some attainable goals and accountability
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Stay At Home Moms Goals To Make 2025 The Best Year Yet

Here are your 5 totally attainable mom goals for 2025. But first, make sure to sign up for my newsletter to stay accountable for these goals PLUS get updates on new blogs, mom tips and tricks, and good old motivation! You’ll also get a free download packed with tips to help you feel less overwhelmed and more like the mama you always wanted to be!
Stay At Home Mom Goals #1: Be More Patient/Yell Less
In 2024 I’m making this a true goal. Honestly, I wake up every morning and tell myself to yell less. But somehow by the end of the day I’m feeling guilty for snapping too often and yelling when no one listens. And I’m 99% positive I’m not alone in this. So this year, I will practice more techniques to get better at this.
This includes:
- Walking away when I’m feeling overwhelmed
- Taking a deep breath when I feel like I want to yell
- Taking a “mom time out” when I need a minute to collect myself
All are completely valid things to do. And quick reminder: if you feel like you need to yell, or you do yell at your kids daily, you’re not alone and should never feel guilty about doing it. We are only human. But these 3 techniques are great ways to stop yourself if this is a goal you want to work on.

Stay At Home Mom Goals #2: Spend More Intentional Time With My Kids
This year I am reminding myself to take a break each day and slow down. To stop the constant hustle and bustle. I can get chores done and still have plenty of intentional time with my kids. We’re often told “there isn’t enough time in the day” but I promise you there is. If you’re like me and need to keep your home tidy to stay sane, then work out a chore chart for yourself to stay on top of it all. You will still have time to spend with your kids. Here are a few ways you can be intentional with your children this year:
- Read books before bedtime
- Sit down with your kids at the table for at least 1 meal each day
- Play a game together
- Go for a walk
- Do chores together
There are so many ways to spend quality time together and even if it’s 10 minutes each day, you will notice a difference in both you and your child’s mood. When you fill up each other’s cup, everyone will be happier. These 5 things I listed above are easy to add into your daily routine, cost no money, and can be done right at home. You don’t have to go out or do extravagant things together to spend quality time together. Simplicity is where it’s at!

Stay At Home Mom Goals #3: Spend Less Time on My Phone
I spend a lot of time on my phone as most of us do. I don’t think you or I are bad moms for spending time on our phones often. But I do think we can make a conscience effort to spend less time on our phone while we are with our kids or having quality time. Here are a few rules I have set for myself when it comes to my phone use, and that you can easily set for yourself too.
- No phone before 8 AM/Before school. If your kids are not in school yet, try to limit phone time in the morning. If your kids are in school, definitely don’t use your phone before they are on the bus. Not only will you spend more intention time together, but you will probably find everyone is off to school in less of a hurry and in a better mood!
- Stop using your phone during meals, especially those sit down meals you have together. Our rule is no phones or electronics on or at the dinner table while we are eating dinner.
- My last rule, is no phone after dinner. This time of day is family time and our bed time routine. I first made this rule when I told my kids no more TV after dinner time (it made our bedtime routine way easier) and they said to me, “Fine then you can’t use your phone!” And I said OK and never looked back.
Try these three new rules in your home to lessen phone time and let me know how it goes!

Goal #4: Have More Fun
While rules, routines, and structure are really great for kids, I often find myself dwelling on these things so often that I forget to have fun! Kids thrive when there is structure in their day…but they also thrive when home is a fun and silly place to laugh and be themselves. So while we do have that in our home, I’m making this year the year of even more fun! HAHA.
Instead of yelling, let’s take a step back and be silly.
Rather than demanding and telling our kids what to do, let’s use reverse psychology.
Instead of being serious all the time, let’s just simply have more fun!

Goal #5: Make Self Care a Priority
I have gotten better about this over the last 8 years of being a mom, but I want to be even better at it this year. Self-care is a necessity for stay at home moms! And all moms for that matter. It’s important for us to remember that we are people outside of motherhood and it’s ok to take time for ourselves, we deserve it without feeling guilty! Here a few self care ideas for you moving into the new year:
- Get a manicure or pedicure (and do it more often, not just on Mother’s Day!)
- Get a massage
- Go for a walk alone
- Take a shower every freaking day
- Buy yourself a new outfit
- Go shopping alone
- Get your hair done (I seriously have a new pep in my step when I get my hair cut!)
- Go out with friends monthly
- Take a bubble bath
- Binge watch your favorite show
- Exercise
Self care looks different for everyone. Sometimes for me, just going to the grocery store alone is self care because it makes me feel good and recharged. So don’t let anyone tell you what is and isn’t self care. Self care is whatever you want it to be! As long as it fills your cup, that’s good enough.

Creating goals and keeping them each year can be tough. But the key to reaching them is making them attainable. Not too easy, but not too hard. They need to be in reach so you can accomplish them. These 5 goals for stay at home moms are just that — attainable. Are you ready to be the mom you always wanted to be in 2025?! Then Check out my Mama Mindset Makeover. You’ve got this, mama!
Be the mama you always wanted to be…

It’s HERE! Check out my new course designed for burnt out stay at home moms. If you’re ready to really make small daily changes and habits that pack a HUGE punch to become a more fulfilled and confident SAHM, then this is for you! My digital course for stay at home moms, “Thriving Beyond Motherhood” is packed with real life tips to help you feel more like you in your motherhood journey. Plus get the support you need and deserve…this course has all the things those parenting books lack. Click the button below to learn more!
Use this Image to save to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to these stay at home mom goals later!

Related Blogs
- How To Make A Resolution & Stick To It
- Self Care for Moms
- Stay at Home Mom Daily Schedule
- Morning Routine for SAHMs
- Stay At Home Mom Tips: 27 Habits To Make Life Easier
- How To Get A Break When You’re A Stay At Home Mom
- Activity Packs

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