The Seasons Of Motherhood & How To Embrace Them

If you’ve ever felt behind as a mother, it’s important to note that you’re not; You’re just in a different season. In this blog, we’ll discuss the seasons of motherhood and how you can embrace each one with young children.
Seasons of motherhood is often used to describe a length of time in life for a mom. Motherhood is a winding journey with highs, lows, and everything in between. These days, one of the hardest things about being a mom is feeling like you’re constantly behind. Whether it’s feeling behind on housework, laundry, self care, your kids being hind, or being behind on “having it all together,” many of us have felt it at some point. Like we’re doing something wrong. But honestly, the trust is you are not behind! You are just in a different season of motherhood. Let’s dive deeper into what this means and how you can embrace each season with grace and confidence!
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What Does Seasons of Motherhood Mean?
Just like nature has seasons—spring, summer, fall, and winter—motherhood also moves through different phases, each with its own challenges and joys. Simply put, seasons of motherhood is a phase of motherhood. It can mean a phase that lasts weeks, months, or maybe just a few days. These seasons are usually fast moving, although they don’t feel like it when you’re living through them. Some seasons may require survival mode, while others bring more freedom and excitement. Some might feel like pure chaos, while others feel like a breath of fresh air.
Each season shapes you, teaches you, and prepares you for the next. The key is to recognize which season you’re in and give yourself permission to fully embrace it instead of rushing through it. Once you have made your way through a phrase, you realize it goes by a whole lot faster than you anticipated, making it easier to move through the next season.

What Are The Seasons of Motherhood?
The seasons of motherhood will be different for every single mom. Even though we will go through similar things, and we are often not alone in any phase of motherhood, every moms interpretation and experience is different. As a mom of younger children (9, 7, and 4 years old) I only have experience in this younger childhood season. Now that you know what this all means, I’m sharing a few seasons of motherhood I have been through myself below. Of course there will be seasons that come after the ones I’ve listed, like the preteen years, the teen years, and the college years, etc. I haven’t been through that yet. And therefore I can’t write about it just yet, but keep reading if you’re a mom of younger children, especially if you are in a difficult season!

The Newborn Season
The newborn season can be really, really freaking hard! You’re typically running on fumes, coffee, and no sleep. Your days are a blur of feedings, diaper changes, and stolen naps. You’re exhausted from not getting one full nights rest in a long time and you probably don’t feel like yourself at all! You might even feel like you’re not “doing enough,” but mama listen up! You are keeping a tiny human alive every single minute of the day and that is more than enough. Don’t get down on yourself for a few dirty dishes or being behind on laundry, being with your baby is the most important work!
On the flip side, once you’ve done the newborn stage a couple times, it can feel way easier! It all depends on how many children you have and how you perceive this certain stage. For me, the third time around felt easier, simply because I knew this season would fly right by and I wouldn’t be sleep deprived forever.
What matters most during this season: Resting, cuddling your baby, and nourishing your body. The dishes can wait. I don’t typically like to use the word “surviving” as a mom, because I think every mom deserves to thrive, but these first few weeks certainly can feel like survival mode.

The Toddler Season
Ahhh, everyone likes to call toddlers the “Terrible Twos” or the “Threenagers.” First off, I don’t like this way of thinking because it sets a negative tone for you and your toddler. Yes, your house is probably never clean., welcome “the toy stage.” You usually can’t sit for five minutes without someone needing you or getting into something. Did you know toddlers could move that fast!? Your patience is also tested daily (or hourly), and self-care? Not at the top of your list, I’m sure. This season can feel like an endless cycle of chaos and stress, but it’s also filled with giggles, milestones, and so much love!
Honestly, ages 2 and 3 are probably my very, very favorite ages! They are so sweet and innocent. They are learning and, yes tantrums happen but you can usually ward them off with being silly or picking your own battles. If you go into this season of motherhood with positivity and a good sense of humor, I know you will find it to be your favorite too!
What matters most during this season: Leaning into routines and structure can make life smoother. Plus, embrace the mess, and give yourself grace! You don’t have to enjoy every minute, toddlers are fun but tantrums, potty training, and kids who don’t listen are not. Remember, this won’t last forever.
The School Years
Before you know it, you will be in the school years season of motherhood. You might finally get some breathing room and time to yourself (yay!) but now there’s other things to juggle. Homework, school, activities, after school events, and ALL the emotions (just like toddlers) will be your life now. You might even feel a little lost, like you don’t know how to parent this age or who you are outside of motherhood. You might have kids who are more rational, but navigating friendships, technology, and puberty are a whole new world.
What matters most during this season: People tend to think that older kids are easier, but your life will still be wild! This is the time to really prioritize time for yourself again. Explore new and old hobbies, make friendships important, and create routines that fill your cup while still being present for your kids.

A Reminder for All the Seasons of Motherhood:
Here are a few simple reminders to help you through every phase, no matter what one you’re in right now.
- Just because another mom is thriving in an area you’re struggling with doesn’t mean you’re behind. Your journeys are different, and that’s okay.
- Just because you can’t do it all right now doesn’t mean you never will. There will be a time for the things you’re dreaming of, just maybe not in this exact season. The mom who looks like she’s “doing it all” may have other resources or different priorities, so don’t compare.
- Just because this season feels hard doesn’t mean the next one won’t bring relief. Every season shifts eventually and none of them last forever.
- Growth in motherhood doesn’t always look like progress. Sometimes, growth looks like survival. Sometimes, it looks like letting go. And sometimes, it looks like finally finding yourself again.
- The mom you are today is not the mom you will always be. You’re learning, evolving, and becoming the version of you that your kids need in each stage of their lives.
- Your worth isn’t measured by how much you accomplish. It’s measured in love, in presence, and in the way you show up for your kids! Even when it’s messy, even when it’s imperfect, show up!
At the end of the day, just know that you are exactly where you need to be. Give yourself permission to embrace this season instead of wishing for another.

Final Thoughts
The most important thing to note is that motherhood isn’t a race. It’s truly a journey worth moving through, not getting through. The goal shouldn’t be to “catch up.” Or attempt to be like your favorite mom influencer on Instagram. The ultimate goal should be to be present, be kind to yourself, and grow along the way. You will find that you change through every season of motherhood too! Learning and becoming an even better version of yourself. No matter what season you’re in right now, remember it won’t last forever. Live it, learn from it, and give yourself grace.
You’re doing better than you think, mama.🤍
Use the image below to save the seasons of motherhood to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to it later!

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