Routines For Stay At Home Moms That Are Simple & Achievable

If you’re looking for simpler routines for stay at home moms to help you manage your days, you’re in the right place! In this blog we’ll touch on many kinds of routines and how you can start implementing them on a daily basis.
Routines for stay at home moms can be a crucial part of staying sane and enjoying your day with your kids. As you know, being a stay at home mom is a full-time job with no clock-out time. Depending on the stage of motherhood you’re in, the days can often feel chaotic, filled with never-ending tasks, unexpected interruptions, and attending to the constant needs of your little ones. But do you want to know the secret to making daily life more manageable? You’re in the right place! Keep reading for my best tips AND a freebie that will help you achieve smoother days and allow you to enjoy motherhood more!

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How To Create Routines
Before we dive in to all the great routine tips, let’s quickly discuss how to create routines because I think this is the daunting task for many moms. First, I want to let you know that routines only stick when they work for you, so make sure your routines make sense for you and your family. Second, start slow! Third, choose your priorities and write them down. After you have written down the things you NEED to get done for each part of your day, add a few into your day slowly. Take your time with this so you can find what works for you and that way you will succeed!
Simple Routines For Stay At Home Moms
Simple, effective routines can help you go from overwhelmed to thriving! Having structured yet flexible routines in place can help you feel more in control, reduce stress, and create a smoother flow to your day when you’re a SAHM. In this blog post, we’ll break down some practical routines for different parts of your day. This includes morning, meals, cleaning, bedtime, and more, so you can spend less time feeling overwhelmed and more time enjoying yourself and your kids.

Morning Routines For Stay At Home Moms: Start Your Day on the Right Foot
You probably have noticed that mornings set the tone for your entire day. A chaotic morning can often lead to stressful afternoons and evenings. If you need to shake your routines up, creating a morning routine is a great place to start! Here are a few ideas to help you create a smoother start to your day. Take what you need, tweak what you know won’t work for you. Remember that routines only stick, when they work for you.
1. Wake Up Before Your Kids (If Possible)
This isn’t for everyone, but if you want to give it a go then well, go for it and see how it works! Some moms swear that waking up even just 10-15 minutes early for some quiet time before the kids wake up can make a huge difference. Use this time for whatever you want, maybe it’s to drink a hot cup of coffee, to stretch, journal, or to simply enjoy the silence.
2. Get Dressed for the Day
I highly recommend adding this to the top of your priorities list for your morning routine! Changing out of pajamas, even if it’s into comfy clothes, helps shift your mindset into “get things done” mode. You have now made the shift from bed time, to wake up and chances are you feel better in real clothes. This will help you do better throughout the day!
3. Eat Breakfast
Breakfast doesn’t have to be fancy, in face keeping it simple will probably help you actually eat. So many moms claim to survive off coffee all morning and that’s not going to help you get through the day in a good mood. So, keep breakfast simple by having a go-to list of easy breakfasts like overnight oats, boiled eggs, or smoothies. This way you’re not scrambling to feed everyone and the chances of you eating a healthier breakfast is higher.

4. Set Up a Morning Basket
To help you and your children ease into the day, create a “Morning Basket.” I especially love this idea if your kids are early risers. Your Morning Basket should be filled with quiet toys like books, puzzles, or coloring books so your kids can entertain themselves while you wake up. It should also be toys that your kids don’t use for the rest of the day, that way it’s “special” things to use in the morning and it stays exciting.
5. Have a Loose Plan for the Day
Every morning, create a plan for the day. Even if you’re not a strict scheduler, having a rough idea of meals, errands, and key to-dos can keep you from feeling lost. Some structure is important, but you can keep it totally flexible too. So, write down the main things you need to get done that day, think about what you’ll eat for dinner so you can prep that, and then let your day begin!
Meal Planning & Prep: Reduce Mealtime Stress
Can you believe you have to make dinner every night for the rest of your life? LOL. Me either. Mealtime seems to be one of the most stressful parts of the day, especially if you’re scrambling to decide what to cook last minute. Just a tiny bit of planning can go a long way though! Here are a few routine ideas to help you plan meal times seamlessly.

1. Create a Weekly Meal Plan
Pick one day a week (Sundays work well) to plan out your meals for the whole week. Write down what you will eat for dinner each day of the week. You can keep it really simple by trying theme nights like Taco Tuesday or Slow Cooker Sunday. This will help you when you go grocery shopping, because you won’t be mindlessly walking the aisles, and even better, this can help you save some money. And of course, it can help you save some stress at the end of the day when you’re trying to figure out what’s for dinner.
2. Batch Cook & Prep When You Can
Batching and prepping can make all the difference for you. When you go grocery shopping, come home and immediately wash and chop your fruit and veggies in advance. When these are readily available, you’re more likely to use them so they don’t go bad and you have more food ready to cook for dinner. You can also cook a batch of chicken to have in the fridge for nights you don’t have time to cook, or make freezer-friendly meals for busy days. I also always cook enough food for leftovers which helps busy nights. This also allows me to only have to cook meals 4 or 5 times a week instead of every single night.

3. Have Go-To Emergency Meals
As moms, we tend to have a lot of unnecessary rules for ourselves, and one of them is foods we can only eat for certain meals. But we can make our lives our whole lot easier if we break that rule and allow lunch or breakfast foods for dinner! For busy nights or ones that don’t go as planned, keep a list of super quick meals your whole family agrees on. Things like grilled cheese & soup, pasta, or scrambled eggs & toast are all great dinner ideas when you don’t feel like cooking. Maybe even add pancakes or cereal to that list, because some nights are hard!
4. Use a Snack Station for Kids
I cannot stress this idea enough. Not only does it help you out a bit, it also helps your children gain some independence. Set up a small bin in your fridge or pantry with pre-portioned snacks. This allows your kids to grab something to eat without needing your help every time. I swear, leaving snacks where your kids can reach, including your toddler, will make your life so much easier!
Related Resources: The @BusyMamaChef has an amazing resource for family meal planning. In includes recipes, shopping lists, game night ideas, and more! Make sure to check it out: Busy Mama Family Meal Plan.

Cleaning Routines For Stay At Home Moms: Keep Your House Manageable (Without Spending All Day Cleaning)
As someone who thrives in a tidied up space, a cleaning routine is a must! It’s important to make the point that a spotless house is not the goal though! Keeping things manageable is. Instead of deep cleaning every day, because that’s obviously not realistic when you’re a mom, set up simple habits that help you to maintain order. Below are 5 simple routines for stay at home moms to help you keep your home cleaned up and relaxing!
1. Daily 10-Minute Tidy
Make it a habit to clean one space for a few minutes. Set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes and have everyone in your home do a quick clean-up before meals or at bedtime. Pick a time that works for you! If everyone is pitching it, it goes faster and more spaces in your home get cleaned up. Plus it teaches your children to keep their spaces neat and they might even realize it’s nicer when it’s picked up!
2. Assign a Daily Focus Task
Instead of trying to clean everything at once, because that’s also not realistic as a stay at home mom, assign a focus area for each day. It can be something like, Monday: clean the bathroom, Tuesday vacuum the first floor, Wednesday wash the windows, etc. When you tackle smaller messes throughout the week, they are more manageable and you’re more likely to do it! Don’t wait until Saturday to do all the cleaning, because most likely you’ll feel so overwhelmed by it all that you won’t want to do it at all.

3. Teach Kids to Help
There is nothing remotely wrong with asking your kids to help you out! It’s good for them to learn how much work goes into maintaining your home. Even toddlers can help with simple tasks like putting toys away or wiping spills. As they get older you can add bigger tasks and more chores. You deserve to have help around the house so let your kids do some of the work.
4. Declutter Regularly
Having a tidy home is proven to help you feel more at ease and less overwhelmed! So declutter regularly. The less stuff you have, the easier it is to keep things clean anyway. Add a “declutter day” into your cleaning routine seasonally. This means, at the end of each season, go through your clothes, toys, shoes, etc. and get rid of whatever you didn’t use or wear! You can sell things on Poshmark or Marketplace, or donate them to local organizations.
5. Use Baskets & Bins
Make cleaning up easier (and fun) with storage solutions for toys, books, and daily-use items. You can find cute baskets or bin literally anywhere like TJ Maxx, Target, Amazon, or Kohls. Wherever you do, they all have fun and affordable storage bins that will fit your aesthetic. Grab plastic bins for your bathrooms, cute cube storage for toys or shoes, and medal baskets for closets. You’ll be surprised how much you can declutter and make a space feel better with a couple new baskets.

Bedtime Routines for Stay At Home Moms: Wind Down for a Better Night
Your child’s bedtime routine is one of the most important parts of their day. And a predictable bedtime routine helps kids (and moms) transition smoothly into sleep. Whether your child is one or five, these tips can help bedtime become an easier and more enjoyable part of your day, so make sure to give it a try, especially if you struggle during this time of day.
1. Start Winding Down Early
About an hour before you want your child in bed and lights out, start the wind down process. This means, start dimming the lights, turning off all screens, and just overall calming the environment. A dimmer space, that’s quiet and cozy will set the tone for bedtime and help your child start relaxing and settling down. You can use this time to chat, read, or connect in someway. If you start doing this early, your child is less likely to have demands when the lights are out for bedtime (like more water, another potty break, or for you to lay with them until they are asleep.)
2. Create a Relaxing Routine
This routine can be whatever works for your family. Here are a few ideas for a relaxing routine at bedtime. Give your child a bath, put on pajamas, have a quick bedtime snack, read some stories, and then snuggle! All these things can signal to your kids that it’s time for sleep, making falling asleep quicker.

3. Prep for the Next Day
A great evening routine makes for a better morning! So take some time at the end of the day to lay out clothes, pack bags/lunch boxes, and clean up common areas before bed. This allows you to have a fresh start with your family in the morning and will even make mornings easier.
4. Make Time for Yourself
Add “Time For Me” to your daily nighttime routine, mama, because you deserve it! Once your kids are asleep, try to spend at least 15 minutes doing something for you. This can be reading, exercising, or just relaxing while watching your favorite TV show. Since you have created a great bedtime routine for your kids (the earlier the better!) you will have plenty of time at night to do something you truly love.

Other Helpful Daily Routines For Stay At Home Moms
Of course there is more to your day than just meal times, mornings, and evenings! Below are a few more routine ideas to help you through other parts of your day. Try adding these unique routines into your day slowly. Even if you just have 10 minutes, I’m sure you’ll be able to fit them into your day!
1. Self-Care Routine
Taking care of yourself is key to taking care of your family. And my self care ideas may be a bit controversial, but making sure you’re taking care of your basic needs is 100% self care. So, with that being said, make sure you schedule 5 to 10 minutes for yourself daily. It is SO doable when you realize that taking a morning shower is self care. Do something that makes you feel good every single day, whether it’s a quick skincare routine, journaling, or eating a hot breakfast, I promise a routine can help you fit it in!
2. Outdoor/Playtime Routine
Going outside is beneficial for you and your kids mental health. Add getting outside daily into your routine. Even if you just go for a short walk, it helps reset everyone’s mood and burns energy for those active kiddos. Scheduling in different types of play for your kids is also a great idea. You can make time for independent play, structured play, or a craft if that’s your jive too.

3. Quiet Time Routine
Quiet time is a great option for kids who are no longer napping. Especially those toddlers who are transition from nap to no nap, because they most likely still need a little rest in the middle of the day in order to make it through dinner time. Add quiet time to your after-lunch routine and for a nice mid-day rest for your kids so they (and you) can have a breather! They can play or read books in their own room, even if it’s just for 20 to 30 minutes, and you’ll both get a necessary break. You might find, as long as you stick to this routine, that the rest time gets a little bit longer each day.

4. Evening Reset Routine
An evening reset routine goes hand-in-hand with prepping for the next time. After dinner, do a quick tidy-up (ask your kids for help!) and this will keep things from piling up the next day. This can also be your time to clean up the kitchen after dinner, maybe your husband plays with your kids during this time, and pack up lunches/backpacks for the next day. I’m not sure about you, but when my kids were a bit younger, I truly enjoyed the time after dinner when my husband hung out with our kids after he was done work and I got to clean up the kitchen without any distractions.
Final Thoughts
I hope you found this routines for stay at home moms really helpful and it also made you realize that routines don’t have to be boring or intense. Having simple routines in place definitely doesn’t mean every day will go perfectly, because, let’s be real, life with kids is unpredictable! But when you have some basic structure in your day-to-day life, it becomes easier to handle the chaos and pivot when needed. The biggest takeaway from this you should remember is, start small! It’s ok to tweak routines to fit your family’s needs, and also always remember that flexibility is key. A well-thought-out routine isn’t about perfection and being strict on times, it’s about making your days smoother and more manageable so you can enjoy motherhood more.
I love hearing from you so let me know what routines have made the biggest difference in your life? Share them in the comments section below. If you think there’s anything else I should add to this blog, let me know below too.
Schedule for a Stay At Home Mom
Here’s that freebie I was talking about! Opt in for a free schedule template to help you on your road to the routine life, plus join a community of mamas just like you. Sign up below!
Use the image below to save these routines for stay at home moms to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to it later!

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