A Pretty Handprint Flower Craft for Mother’s Day

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Hey there dads, caregivers, teachers…Mother’s Day is May 8th! It’s coming up very fast and if you’re like me you probably have not gotten any mother in your life a gift yet. Seriously, I’m the worst procrastinator. So if you’re like me, I’m sharing with you a fast and easy handprint flower craft for Mother’s Day that you can do right now, stress free. Win-win, right?

This extremely easy handprint flower craft is great for any child to create, no matter what age they are (have you seen little baby handprints? They’re adorable! This is also perfect for any mother in your life. (Cough, cough – Grandma – cough.)

I love this handprint craft for Mother’s Day because it’s sentimental, it’s super cute, and it’s springy. What more could any mom want? Oh and for you, it’s simple– which is my ongoing theme here. 😉

Handprint Flower Craft For Mother’s Day

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Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Construction paper
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Crayons (Or you don’t need crayons, just use more paint.)
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I used blue construction paper to represent outside/the sky. You can use any paint color your heart desires. Paint your child’s hand and stamp it on the paper. Then with green paint or a green crayon, (I used crayon) draw a stem, leaves, and some grass. If you want to get fancy you can make a whole scene (sun, clouds, etc.) or even some more flowers!

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I then wrote Happy Mother’s Day at the top. If your child can write, then have them do it, it will add a nice personal touch! Above all, have fun with this craft! That’s what it’s all about anyway. Happy Mother’s Day!!

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