Tips for New Moms: 10 Must-Read Secrets I Wish I Knew Sooner

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Being a new mom is so special. In this blog I’m diving into some tips for new moms that I wish someone told me when I became a mom for the first time.
I know everyone has tips for new moms up their sleeves. Some are totally unsolicited but some things we want to learn. I’m guessing since you stumbled across this blog, you’re looking for some legit tips. As a mom of three kids, I’ve had my share of those newborn days and the feisty toddler years. So I’m sharing my best, must-read tips for new moms so you can feel prepared and ready to take on new motherhood!
*I am not a doctor and no tips in this blog are meant to be medical advice.*

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Must-Read Tips for New Moms
Here are my best tips for new moms that I wish someone told me when I was a first time mom! Let’s get real and honest so you can be on your way to enjoying the fulfilling, yet challenging role of being a mom.
Tips for New Moms #1: Don’t worry about creating bad habits
This is my top tip! And I’m sharing it first because if you don’t read the rest of this blog, this is the one thing I want you to know. Do not ever worry about creating bad habits with your baby. You can nurse your baby to sleep or rock them to sleep as long as you want! They won’t need you to do that forever. You can hold your baby often, they NEED it. Binkies, bottles, breastmilk, rocking, etc. are not bad habits. And I wish someone told me that when I was a new mom. You hold your baby as often as you both need it, mama!

Tips for New Moms #2: Listen to your gut
If you feel like you need to do something or something is wrong, you are probably right. In fact, nothing is probably more right than a mother’s intuition. So trust yourself and remember that you know best!
Tips for New Moms #3: You probably won’t sleep when the baby sleeps
I honestly think some of the worst advice is “sleep when your baby sleeps.” This is because babies either A. Sleep at the most inopportune moments, or B. You probably have something else you need to do when your baby is sleeping. So either way, you do what you need to do. Of course, please get some rest, but don’t stress yourself out over sleeping when your baby is. You’re going to be tired, but you’ll be ok.
Tips for New Moms #4: If you are set on breastfeeding, try your best to see it through
I am all for “fed is best.” As a mom who has formula fed and breastfed, I know there are a million reasons why mother’s choose one or the other. But, I also know with my first baby I wanted to breastfeed SO badly and I struggled with it and I should’ve gotten help. But I was young and embarrassed, so I didn’t. To this day (almost 8 years later) I still regret it. I switched to both formula and breastmilk by the time my son was one month old and by 3 months he was on formula only.
So what I’m saying is…If you REALLY want to breastfeed, please try your best to see it through and go as long as you can. Get the help you need (yes you will need it!) And don’t be embarrassed if you do need the help. Breastfeeding is not easy and doesn’t come naturally for most women.

Tips for New Moms #5: Breastfeeding or formula feeding are both great options
And back to this…which ever way you chose to feed your baby is totally your choice and both options are great! How wonderful it is to live in a world where we have the choice to feed our baby formula if breastfeeding doesn’t work for us. Also, don’t let anyone try to sway your choice or make you feel bad about the choice you made. This is your life and your baby and you need to do what works best for you! Like I said in tip 4, I used both formula and breastmilk and all 3 of my babies are happy, well adjusted tiny humans who love me.
Tips for New Moms #6: Holding your baby won’t spoil him/her
This one speaks for itself. Holding your baby will never spoil him/her! Period. Don’t let Granny Jane tell you to “put that baby down” or your mother-in-law tell you “that baby will never walk on her own if you keep holding her.” It’s simply not true and there have been plenty of studies that show babies need to be held. They feel safe when they are held, especially in their mama’s arms. Your baby was just inside of you for 9 months, they want and need to be close to you still! You are all they know. Also, know that if your baby does want to be held all the time, it’s totally normal!
Tips for New Moms #7: Co-sleeping is ok when done safely
First off let me state that this is not medical advice! For me, co-sleeping was scary and I didn’t want to do it, especially with my first baby. But there are safe ways to go about it and I didn’t learn this until later. If you find yourself getting more sleep when your baby is with you, that’s normal too. Here is a great blog from La Leche League about safe sleep guidelines.

Tips for New Moms #8: Baby carriers are your friend
I highly suggest finding a baby carrier (or 2 or 3) that you really love and that are comfortable. They are the easiest way to hold your baby and still have free hands to do things around the house. They are also great when you are out and about. There’s something about having a baby in a carrier that helps people stay away if it’s “germ season” or you just get skeeved out by strangers touching your baby’s face! My favorite baby carrier was this Baby K’tan carrier because it was like a wrap, but you didn’t actually have to figure out how to wrap it. It was easy and comfortable! Plus their website has lots of video tutorials to help you out.
Tips for New Moms #9: You don’t have to let other people hold your baby
If you don’t want anyone to hold your baby, you don’t have to! Plain and simple, mama. You also don’t need a reason why and you don’t have to feel bad about it. You’re not alone in feeling those “mama bear” instincts and feeling protective over your baby. Once again, a baby carrier is a great way to passive aggressively hold your baby and make it less likely that people will ask to hold your baby.

Tip #10: You’re doing great
This might seem impersonal over a blog, but you really are doing great, mama! No matter what you think. We all need the reminder here and there, so if you got this far, yay! You’re a great mom and make sure you remind your own mama friends about that too. In a world where we need to create our own mom village, it’s important to remind each other of these things. You’re not alone, you’re doing great, you’ve got this!
Final Thoughts
That is my top, best, must-have advice for new mamas! As a mom of 3 kids, I truly wish I learned these things sooner because I think it would have made being a first time mom that much less overwhelming. I tried doing everything “by the book” and it just wasn’t the way I felt like it should be. So go with your gut, mama!
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Related Blogs:
- To My Third Baby: You Didn’t Get All of Me, But You Got the Best of Me
- Hospital Bag Checklist
- 10 Items You Don’t Need for Your Baby
- Items Every Breastfeeding Mom Actually Needs
- Stay at Home Mom Schedule
- What To Bring A New Mom
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