Stay At Home Mom Life: The Beautiful, Messy, & Unexpected

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This one is for the mamas experiencing the trenches of stay at home mom life. Keep reading for an honest account of the beautiful, the messy, and the unexpected parts of motherhood.

Being a stay at home mom is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles we could ever embark on. Everyday is a rollercoaster of emotions for us and our children. One moment is filled with pure joy, while the next moment can feel completely exhausting or overwhelmed. There are always a few surprised along the way, too. If you’re deep in the trenches of stay at home mom life, you know it’s never just one thing. It’s a mix of the beautiful, the messy, and the completely unexpected! In this quick chat blog, I’m getting honest about each part of stay at home mom life so you feel less alone, more seen, and above all, NORMAL!

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stay at home mom life

Stay At Home Mom Life

Here are just a few of the things that make stay at home mom life beautiful, messy, and unexpected. I hope you find this relatable and even a bit humorous. I hope this makes you feel seen and appreciated. Because you are not alone in your motherhood journey.

The Beautiful

Being a stay at home mom is so insanely beautiful and amazing! There’s nothing quite like the bond between a mother and her children. And being home with them means you get to witness all the little and big moments. Such as, first rolls, first words, first steps, and all the tiny, magical things that might otherwise be missed.

Let’s not forget the slow mornings that allow you lots of snuggles before the day gets chaotic. Or the pride in your child’s eyes when they accomplish something new. The laughter-filled dance parties in the living room and the endless “I love you, Mama” moments that make your heart melt.

Despite the exhaustion, there’s a deep sense of fulfillment in knowing you’re their safe place, their comfort, and their world. These moments are what make all the hard days worth it, right?!

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The Messy

And then, there’s the messy side. Of course, we gotta keep it real too! Being a stay at home home can be really tough and overwhelming! The never-ending dishes, the mountains of laundry, and the crumbs in places they shouldn’t be. The daily messes that keep accumulating after you have cleaned up can make even a saint go bizerk! Honestly, most days stay at home mom life is anything but glamorous.

You clean one room while your kids destroy another. You reheat your coffee three times and probably still forget to drink it. Don’t forget the toddler tantrums, potty training mishaps, and fights over snack choices are daily occurrences. Also, did you peel the banana the right way or will your toddler want the blue cup or the green cup today? You never know. The overstimulation is real and some days, the noise and demands feel like too much to handle.

Yes, motherhood is beautiful, but it’s also chaotic. The mental load can get heavy, and the days can feel like they are dragging on and on. The reality is, it’s not all Pinterest-worthy moments (so don’t compare yourself to others) because real stay at home mom life is messy, exhausting, and sometimes, just plain hard!

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The Unexpected

No one can fully prepare you for what stay at home mom life is really like either. Plus, every mom’s experience is so different! There are things that take you by surprise and things you wish you had known sooner.

Things like the isolation it causes. You might feel lonelier than you expected, and you might be craving adult interaction and conversation beyond, “Do you want the blue cup or the red cup?” Being home most of the day only talking to a baby or toddler is hard!

Then there’s the identity shifts. I know you love being a mom, but you probably sometimes wonder, “Who am I outside of motherhood?” You might even wish for your old life back sometimes, and don’t worry you’re not alone!

There is joy in the mundane thought. You’ll realize how special the simple moments are, like watching your kids play, their excitement over the smallest things, and the quiet snuggles at the end of the day. Motherhood can feel monotonous, but you might find you enjoy it too!

Everyone tells you how fast it all goes, but you don’t understand it until you go through it. The days feel SO long, but the years fly right on by. One day, you’re drowning in diapers and sleepless nights and the next you’re sending your first child off to kindergarten. I know it’s cliche, but you will blink and the years will flash before you!

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Embracing It All

Stay at home mom life is anything but perfect, but that’s what makes it rea! There will be days when you feel like you’re thriving and you’ll be like, “I’m going to make everyday like this, I’m amazing!” And there will also be days when you count down the minutes until bedtime and you can’t stand anyone. But guess what? That’s ok, that’s what makes you human, that’s what makes you a great mama! Everyday will be different and that’s freakin’ normal.

Through all the beauty, the mess, and the unexpected, one thing remains true though: YOU are doing important, meaningful work. You are shaping little lives, and even on the hardest days, you are exactly the mom your kids need. So take a deep breath, embrace the chaos, and know that you are not alone in this journey. Stay at home mom life is a wild ride, girl, but it’s one you’ll never regret taking! Let me know in the comment section below your thoughts on this blog!

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