Stay At Home Mom Advice For When You’re Struggling

Being a stay at home mom can be very trying. In this blog I’m sharing my best stay at home mom advice for any struggling mother, from a stay at home mom of 3.
Being a stay at home mom (SAHM) is one of the best most rewarding jobs in the world! But I also have to keep it real and remind you that it can also be one of the hardest jobs. The long days, the never-ending to-do lists, the constant demands from little ones, and the feeling of being “on” 24/7 can make even the most patient mom feel like she’s drowning. If you’re struggling right now and need some stay at home mom advice, you’re in the right place. And I first off want you to know that you’re not alone. Every mom has those moments, or even seasons, where they feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and unsure if they’re doing enough.
The good news is, there are ways to make this journey feel a little lighter. While stay at home mom advice is plentiful on the internet, I’m glad you’ve found your way to this space! I’m a stay at home mom of 3 kids, I’ve been a SAHM for almost 10 years and here’s my real, honest advice to help you when you’re struggling. Plus, keep reading to grab my Motherhood Burnout Guide at the end of this blog!
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Stay At Home Mom Advice
Every mother struggles from time to time. Motherhood is an extremely demanding job that overwhelms us and consumes us. If you are at a point in your stay at home mom life that is making you question all your choices or wondering if you can handle this role, you’re not alone! In this blog I’m sharing my best stay at home mom advice for the struggling mama.
1. Stop Holding Yourself To Unrealistic Standards
Social media, family expectations, and even your own mind can set impossible standards for what being a “good mom” looks like. But the real truth is, there is no perfect mom, just a loving, present one. It’s impossible to be perfect! If you’re comparing yourself to the Pinterest-perfect crafty moms or the Instagram mom with well-dressed kids and a spotless home, remind yourself that those are highlight reels. They are not real life.

2. Lower The Bar Where It Makes Sense
Again, stop holding yourself to high and unrealistic standards and lower the bar. Not every meal has to be home-cooked, not every toy has to be picked up, and not every moment has to be a teaching opportunity. These things are just taking more of your energy and making motherhood less fun. If something is making your life harder and it doesn’t truly matter, let it go. Cereal for dinner? Fine. Screen time while you get a break? Also fine. Give yourself permission to make things easier when you need to!
3. Take A Break (Yes, You’re Allowed To!)
Allowing yourself to take a break makes you a better mom. You are not a machine, you are human. Moms who rest are moms who last! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to breathe. Step outside, put on a favorite song, lock yourself in the bathroom for five minutes, honestly whatever it takes to feel better in a hard moment. And when possible, carve out real time for yourself. Whether that’s getting out of the house alone or setting up quiet time so you can have a moment of peace to do a hobby, you deserve time for you.

4. Create Small Wins In Your Day
Some days are extra hard. When you’re in survival mode, big tasks can feel impossible. Instead of trying to tackle everything, take a step back and focus on small wins. Get dressed in the morning. Make your bed. Drink a full glass of water. Completing even the simplest things can give you a sense of accomplishment and momentum for the rest of the day. So write down these small wins and celebrate a little it, because it’s the little things that make the big things better!
5. Find A Simple Routine That Works For YOU
Routines and rhythms are so helpful and can make motherhood feel simpler. You don’t need an elaborate color-coded schedule either. Having some kind of daily rhythms throughout the can can make life feel more manageable. This could be as simple as morning, afternoon, and bedtime anchors. For example, starting the day with coffee, a short walk, or quiet playtime for the kids while you get ready can start you day on the right foot. Find what helps your day feel smoother and stick with it!

6. Lean On Your Support System
You were never meant to do this whole motherhood thing alone. Talking to your husband is a great first step, but sometimes talking to another mom is really helpful. If you’re feeling isolated, step out of your comfort zone and reach out to a friend, a family member, or even an online mom group. You might even find a local mom meetup is fun and supportize! Sometimes, just venting to someone who is in the same boat as you and “gets it” can make all the difference in your motherhood journey. If you don’t have a strong support system, now is a great time to start building one.
7. Prioritize Sleep However You Can
It may be tempting to stay up really late after your kids are in bed for me-time, but sleep deprivation really makes everything harder. And I’m willing to bet it makes you 100% more irritable. While you might be in a stage that doesn’t allow you to be able to get a full night’s sleep every night, try to sneak in rest where you can. Try to go to bed earlier if possible, nap when your kids nap (yes, really!), and let go of unnecessary tasks if they’re keeping you from much-needed rest. Sometimes just sitting on the couch to watch some tv with your child can rejuvenate you a bit!
8. Remember That This Season Won’t Last Forever
Seasons of motherhood are fleeting. It definitely feels never-ending, especially in the harder moments, I get it, but every tough season in motherhood eventually passes. The sleepless nights, the tantrums, the potty training, and attitudes will one day, be fond memories. There is a light at the end of the tunnel! I know that doesn’t mean it’s easy right now, and I’m not going to tell you to enjoy every minute, but keeping the big picture in mind can help you push through the hard days.

Final Thoughts
I hope you have found this stay at home mom advice helpful. Remember, if you’re struggling as a stay at home mom, that never means you are failing! Struggling makes you fuman. Caring enough to feel like you’re failing means you’re actually a really good mom! Motherhood is a tough, exhausting, beautiful, messy journey, and trust me, no one has it all figured out. It’s important to give yourself grace, take things one step at a time, and know that you are doing an incredible job. Even on the hard days, your kids don’t need a perfect mom. They just need you!

More Stay At Home Mom Advice….

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