Quick Self Care Tips For Moms Who Are Struggling

Here are some quick self care tips for moms who are struggling or don’t have much outside support. Keep reading to start feeling better!
These quick self care tips for moms who are struggling are the perfect addition to your day. Real quick, I just want to say that self care doesn’t have to be anything fancy or extreme! Self care has been made out to be these extravagant things that are just unattainable for so many moms. So whether you need quick and easy self care tips because you lack outside support or you don’t have the extra money, this blog is for you! Remember, self care is anything you want it to be, it’s about taking care of yourself and doing things that make you feel good. Don’t let anyone tell you what is and isn’t self care! In this blog I’m sharing some very simple self care tips that will help you feel better starting today!
Self Care Tips for Moms
I truly believe when you let self care be exactly what it is (taking care of yourself) then you can become the mom and woman you desire to be. So take these tips and add them into your daily or weekly life and watch yourself transform into a happier, better version of you!
1. Take a Shower
So many people on the internet say taking shower isn’t self care. Then please tell me what it is? Taking the time each morning (or night if that’s your jam) is taking care of yourself, I don’t care if it’s a basic need. A shower can change your mood and help you feel more human, especially in the early days of motherhood. So make time for yourself and take a shower each day and call it self care because my guess it, it helps you feel better!

2. Paint Your Nails
You don’t have to go to a fancy salon and pay crap tons of money to get your nails done (unless you want to, which is totally cool.) But sitting at home and painting your nails, apply fake nails, or those nail polish strips is a way to help you feel put together.
3. Eat a Meal
Eat a real meal in the morning. Oh and at lunch and dinner time. 😉 Stop eating your kids left over food and calling it a meal, that is no way to take care of yourself or teach your kids that that’s how you care for yourself. Take the time to sit down and eat a healthy, well-balanced, hot meal and enjoy it. It’s ok to tell your children to wait for 5 minutes while you eat. Trust me, setting those boundaries is healthy for everyone!

4. Drink Water
Along with a real meal, also make sure you’re drinking enough water each day. I don’t know about you, but there have been days where by 2:00 I’m feeling so sluggish and snappy and realize I had a small sip of water at 7 AM while I took my vitamin. Yikes! Get a water bottle you like (I suggest a big one so you don’t have to keep refilling it) and drink that water mama! It’s amazing how much it can change your mood.
5. Get Outside
Get outside everyday, even if it’s in your own backyard and even if your kids are with you. Getting some fresh air and sunshine is great for your entire family and can truly help change everyone’s attitude! You can play outside, sit outside, take a walk, whatever it may be…just enjoy it!
6. Do Something You Love
Do something every single day that you LOVE. Even if you can only squeeze it in for 5 minutes of your day. You deserve to do things that bring you joy (that’s self care) and it’s a great thing to teach your children. So maybe it’s reading, journaling, exercising, or listening to music, just take some time to do that one thing each day!
7. Socialize
Our culture loves to poke fun around not wanting to talk to people or make new friends while also telling moms they need a village and friends.🥴 But ultimately, you need connection and socialization with other moms! So call a friend or your sister, call your mom, find a mom’s group, whatever it may be…get out and find some adult interactions so you don’t go completely crazy!

8. Bedtime Routine
Create a really amazing bedtime routine. I suggest a really great daily schedule too, but if you create any kind of structure, the most important one I think, is a solid bedtime routine for your kids. Get them to bed early, trust my it’s easier to put kids down at 7:00 than 8 or 9:00! And an earlier bedtime allows you some extra time at the end of the day for yourself. Plus a solid bedtime routine that you commit to every single day will become so easy, it won’t take an hour to get your kids to sleep. It will take minutes!
Why These Self Care Tips for Moms Are So Important
Taking care of yourself when you’re a mom is so crucial simply because you matter too! And I know it’s so cliche, but you really cannot pour from an empty cup. If you are lacking support and forgetting to take care of yourself you are going to lose yourself in motherhood and become burnt out. And that’s just not good for anyone! So let go of the mom guilt that suffocates you when you even think of taking care of yourself. Take small daily steps and make self care easy and attainable so you actually do it!
Taking care of yourself IS taking care of your family! So stop making it so difficult and do these simple and quick self care tips so you can be the mama you always want to be.
Final Thoughts
Now that you know self care doesn’t need to be so hard and you can stop listening to all the noise telling you that showers and eating are not self care, which will you do first?? Get up and get ready for the day than try and of these 8 self care tips for moms to start feeling more like you.
- Take a shower
- Paint your nails
- Eat a meal
- Drink enough water
- Get outside
- Do something you love
- Socialize
- Bedtime routine
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Related Blogs:
- Why Is Self Care Important for Struggling Stay At Home Moms
- Vitaclean Honest Review: At Home Self Care for SAHMs
- 3 Inexpensive Self Care Ideas for Moms
- Mindful Motherhood: Balancing Self-Care and Parenting
- How To Get A Break When You’re A Stay At Home Mom
- The Essential Stay at Home Mom Guide for Happiness & Confidence
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