32 Reminders For Stay At Home Moms Who Are Losing It

If you’re feeling on edge lately, this blog is for you, mama! Here are some sweet reminders for stay at home moms who are feeling burnt out and just “over it.”
Positive reminders for stay at home moms are needed way more often than they are given, I think! We all need to be reminded that the hard stages won’t last forever and our threenager’s sass will lessen (eventually.) When stay at home moms are stuck in these negative thoughts that things won’t get easier and they must always be on and perfect, it can be wearing. All the crazy expectations put on moms these days can lead right to burn out, too! Let’s dive quickly into what mom burnout is and if you’re experiencing any of these symtoms.
Signs You’re Experiencing Mom Burn Out
You might be down the road to mommy burnout is you’re feeling any or all of these things:
- Exhaustion, even when you’re getting sleep
- Resentment towards your kids (or even your husband)
- Low energy
- You’re snappy/irritable
- Emotionally depleted
- Trouble concentrating/you can’t remember anything
If you have any of these mom burnout signs, you are not alone and there are a bunch of ways you can fix it. You do not need to feel this way all the time, mama, I promise! Motherhood is not meant to be insanely overwhelming all the time. If you’re really struggling you can check out my Mommy Burnout Guide for even more tips. But for now, I’m sharing some sweet reminders for you, because we all need to know that we’re doing great once in a while, so keep reading!
Amazing Reminders for Stay At Home Moms
This positive affirmations will be just what you need to get through the challenging days of mom life!
You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be present.
You are always enough
It’s ok to prioritize yourself, you matter!
It’s ok to say “no” to things you don’t want to do.
Self care is so important for your well-being.
Motherhood is a practice.
It’s ok to take a break during the day
Don’t sweat the small stuff
You will come out of the “fog”
Don’t wear your pajamas all day.
Admit that you’re a good freakin’ mom!!
You’re doing a great job, this work is important too!
You are allowed to have an identity outside of motherhood
Everything you do is always enough
Don’t talk negatively about yourself.
There are no bad habits
Holding your baby won’t spoil them
Surround yourself with joy and you will be a joyful mother
Don’t take life so seriously
Learn to let things go
Set boundaries
Get yourself ready for the day
Don’t forget to have fun with your kids! Sometimes it has to be intentional and that’s ok.
Don’t compare yourself to other moms
You don’t have to do everything, it’s ok to ask for help!
Let go of the mom guilt!
Stop trying to be perfect.
You are the best mom for your kids. Period.
It’s ok to have a bad day, you’re only human.
Spending time with your kids doesn’t need to be elaborate or fancy.
Your kids love you beyond measure
Remember it’s never too late to be the mama you want to be!
Final thoughts
I hope you loved these reminders for stay at home moms! If you did, I’d love if you shared them with your SAHM bestie. Just always remember to be kind to other moms, because you never know what season of motherhood they are in! Let’s lift each other up, be a positive light and change the narrative around being a stay at home mom. Yes, it’s challenging, but it doesn’t need to feel hard all the time. You shouldn’t feel like you’re drowning every day. There are ways to enjoy motherhood!
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Use this image to share these reminders for stay at home moms to Pinterest so you can come back to this blog later when you’re needing a little pick-me-up!

Related Blogs:
- 4 Things A New Stay At Home Mom Should Never Do
- The Ultimate Stay At Home Mom Guide You Need To Overcome Mom Burnout
- 50 Positive Affirmations for Moms Who Feel Burnt Out
- Positive Encouragement For Stay At Home Moms Who Are Having A Bad Day
- Stay At Home Mom Goals For 2024 To Help You Thrive
- 6 Good Habits For Stay At Home Moms Who Want To Be More Happy
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