4 Things A New Stay At Home Mom Should Never Do

If you’re a new stay at home mom you might be wondering how to handle each day. Well you came to the right place, in this blog I’m sharing 4 things you should never do so you can be a successful SAHM!
Hey, mama! First on, congratulations on your new job as a stay at home mom. You have chosen to do one of the most selfless jobs in the world by staying home with your baby (or babies!) Whether you’re just becoming a stay at home mom with a new baby or you’re staying home now that baby number 2 is here, this blog is for you! Keep reading for my best tips and for even more resources for stay at home moms at the end of this blog article!
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I’m Alessandra and I’ve been a stay at home mom for 7 years now with little babes. When I first became a stay at home mom it was a learning curve. But there were a few things I make sure to do each day to help me a feel a little more “normal” and ready for each day. In this blog I’m sharing things you should never do when you’re a stay at home mom. And this is because I want you to be the happy and productive mama you always wanted to be when you dreamed about being a SAHM! Don’t make the same mistakes I did that resulted in severe mom burn out!
But before we dive in, check out my free download for SAHMs to help you shift your mindset and have the best day ever! Click the button below to grab it now and be part of a community of other normal mamas just like YOU!

4 Things A New Stay At Home Mom Just Shouldn’t Do
When I first became a stay at home mom I didn’t do these things and it resulted in mommy burnout. I was snappy, unhappy, and worst of all I resented my kids and husband. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you! Even though burnout can happy despite all these things, avoiding these 4 things will definitely help keep the mom burnout at bay. And if you’re already feeling burnt out, you’re not alone! This blog is meant to help you overcome these hard moments in motherhood. You can do it!

1. A new stay at home mom should never stay in pajamas all day
If you’re a new stay at home mom, I highly suggest getting dressed every single day! It doesn’t have to be fancy — leggings and a sweatshirt works just fine — you just want to get out of your pajamas. This will help you feel motivated and ready to take on the day! It’s a solid mindset to set yourself up for success. When you look better, you feel better, so you do better! Don’t let this one fall through the cracks.
2. Stay home all day
You should never sit at home all day (unless you truly need to.) It is crucial that you get out of the house every day! This is important for you and your kids. Even if you just get outside to play in your backyard, that counts. You should definitely try to get out and get some adult interaction too at least once or twice a week. Local libraries are a great place to hang out for free while also meeting other kids and stay at home moms! You can look around for other local mom groups too. But either way, getting out of the house is good for your mental health. Because “cabin fever” is real.

3. Forgets to take care of herself
Listen up, mama, you matter too! You cannot give and give to your children and never take time for you. Selfcare is a huge part of being a happy and successful stay at home mom. Don’t ever let mom guilt or anyone else tell you it’s selfish to take care of yourself, because that’s just crazy talk! When I was a new stay at home mom, I very rarely took time for myself and I found myself so snappy with my kids, resentful towards my husband, and just overall burnt out. It was not a good time for me! Something as simple as a walk alone is helpful. But try to get out of the house on your own. You’re allowed to be your own person.
4. Lets her kids go to bed late
You spend all day with your kids. And I know you love them more than anything in the entire world, you don’t have to defend yourself. But your children need a set bedtime. Don’t let them go to bed late! My kids all go to bed at 7:00 PM! You can read more about our night time routine here. When your kids have a set bedtime routine, they will have an easier time going to bed, and bedtime will be altogether easier for everyone. And you need your kids to go to bed so you can have me-time at the end of the day to recharge, prep for tomorrow, and finish up all the chores you didn’t get around to during the day.
In fact, I believe so deeply in routines and structure for young kids, I’m giving you my foolproof daily schedule along with a blank one for you to fill out! Get it when you sign up for my email list below.
Final Thoughts
Now that you know what to avoid, let’s go over that real quick. Make a promise to yourself and from now on you will:
- Get dressed everyday (at least get out of your pajamas.)
- Get out of the house every single day.
- Take care of yourself – selfcare is not selfish, it’s necessary to be a good mom!
- Have a great bedtime routine that allows you some time to yourself at night

By doing these 4 simple things, I promise you will notice a huge difference in your daily well-being and motivation. Be the best mom you can be by making these 4 rules part of your daily life and thrive as a stay at home mom. Let me know in the comments below what you think of these and if you’re going to try them out!
Use this image to save to Pinterest so you can come back to these rules later!

Related Blogs:
- How To Make Bedtime Easier With Kids Using This Simple Technique
- The Best Stay At Home Mom Schedule You’ll Actually Enjoy
- Tips For Stay At Home Moms To Thrive & Enjoy Mom Life
- Advice for Stay At Home Moms: Tips To Becoming A Happier Mom
- How To Get A Break When You’re A Stay At Home Mom
- The Essential Stay at Home Mom Guide for Happiness & Confidence
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