How To Help A First Time Mom So She’ll Feel Truly Supported

help a first time mom

There are lots of ways people THINK they are helping a first time mom out. But in this blog I’m sharing ways you can actually, truly, really help a first time mom out in some amazing ways so she feels special!

When a woman has a new baby everyone wants to go see that baby, of course. We know babies are precious, innocent, and wondrous little humans. There is something so alluring about a baby, it makes sense everyone wants to hold and coddle them. But visiting a first time mom with hopes to only hold her baby is not always helpful. Keep reading to learn how you can actually help a first time mom out when she comes home from the hospital.

Let’s start with things that are NOT helpful for a first time mom:

  • Showing up unannounced – this is a HUGE “no-no.”
  • Wanting to only hold the baby
  • Giving mom a hard time about how she’s doing things
  • Offering unsolicited advice
  • Visiting while you’re sick

Now I’m going to share some way better advice. Below are 10 ways you can truly help a new mom out when she has a baby. This is tried and true advice from a mom of 3 (hey, it’s me!) and it will help the new mama to feel special, supported, and less anxious! Because that’s what it’s about: SUPPORTING a new mom, not just coming to give googly eyes to the baby. Most likely, the new mom wants to hold and be with her baby. She doesn’t want or have the time and energy to do all the other things that need to be done.

7 Ways To Truly Help A First Time Mom

mom and baby

1. Bring food

One of the greatest ways you can help and support a new mom is to bring her a meal! Anything is helpful since it can be hard to cook anything in the first few weeks home with a baby. My husband’s signature move is bringing a huge chicken finger platter to friends. When I had my first baby, I remember getting a huge platter of homemade chicken breast and that was the best because you could add it to anything. Sandwiches, salads, pasta, it was a great way to add protein to meals without the hassle.

2. Clean up

Help a new mom by cleaning up and doing light chores around the house. Just tidying up, vacuuming, or washing the dishes can be super helpful. A first time mom most likely wants to hold her baby and not have to worry about the chores for a little while. So pitching in can help her feel less stress about those chores and happier that she can bond with her baby. She will appreciate the help too!

3. Do some laundry

Doing a load of laundry, (babies create A LOT of laundry) can be super helpful for a new mom. Or even just folding a load of laundry can be beneficial. Most likely mom doesn’t want or have time to do these minimal things, so this can help her feel supported and loved!

help a first time mom

4. Pick up some groceries

Going out with a new baby can be challenging and scary for a first time mom! Especially within that first month. You can help out by picking up some groceries for her. Pick up healthy options, like fruit and veggies, and make sure to grab her favorite snack! A little treat won’t hurt either. But you know the first time mom best, so grab anything that will help her get through a few days of meals!

5. Bring a box of diapers

We all know babies go through insanes amount of diapers! One day you think you have a box, the next day you’re on your last diaper and need to run to the store. Which isn’t super convenient for a tired and overwhelmed new mom. So make sure to bring over some diapers so she’s not scrambling for one in the middle of the night. It’s a gift that’s often overlooked but can make a huge difference.

baby diapers

6. Offer to watch the baby so mom can shower

Now, I know I said earlier that a new mom probably wants to be holding her new baby. And she definitely does! (It can be hard for some moms to let another person hold her new baby, so be gentle.) But new moms are often un-showered. So offering to watch the baby so she can shower can be super helpful and needed.

7. Listen to her

This is another overlooked “gift.” But just sitting and talking with a new mom who is on maternity leave can help her feel seen and supported. She probably wants to talk about her birthing experience and work through it. Maybe she wants to talk about her time as a first time mom. She might even want to talk about the challenges of it all and ask for some advice. Just offering a listening ear can be a great gift for especially if her husband/spouse is back to work and she has no adult interactions during the day.

help a first time mom

Final thoughts

Here’s another tip for you too: Don’t ask her what you can do. Just do it! She probably won’t tell you what she wants help with because she doesn’t want to burden you. But she also doesn’t want to feel like she needs to host guests either. So just let her know you are going to help her do a few light chores and I’m sure she won’t try and stop you. She will be grateful for the help and support.

Now you know HOW to help out a new mom, check out Baby Chicks blog to learn some things you should never SAY to a new mom.

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