How To Make Bedtime Easier For Kids Using A Simple Technique

Wondering how to make bedtime easier? Chances are you stumbled across this blog because you’ll do anything to keep your kids in bed after you put them to bed. I’ve got the perfect bedtime routine for you, mama!
You’ve had a long day. One of those “bedtime can’t come fast enough” type of days. It’s finally 6:00 and you’re ready to get PJs on your kids and get them in bed. Only, once they are in bed and the lights are off, they get out of bed a hundred times. Now you’re at your wits end, just wishing you could sit on the couch for an hour alone. If this sounds familiar, then keep reading!

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What if I told you bedtime could be easier?
This was me. Kids were in bed by 7:00 but then they came out of their room every 5 minutes needing something or wanting to ask me a question. It drove me insane. There was yelling, snapping, and not so proud moments. Then I learned about the “Fading Bedtime Routine.”
And after ONE day everything changed. Bedtime was easier. There was less yelling and my kids weren’t coming out of their room every second. It was a true game changer! Is every night perfect? Of course not, but it beats all those other nights in the past! This technique can work quickly, but it will take some work from you. It’s worth it though!

*I learned this technique from a fellow mommy blogger/Instagrammer. Check her out HER BLOG for lots of positive parenting tips and resources!

What is the Fading Technique?
It’s simple really. Instead of your kids coming out of their room (to check on you) YOU are going into their room to check on them. This lets them know they are not alone or forgotten. It helps them learn that you are right outside their room and they are safe.
This is a detailed night in our house, every night. You can change this up to work for you, but right now this makes bedtime so insanely simple for our family. Read on, mama!
Side-note: My two older kids who we use this routine on are 7 and 5 years old.
Ultimate Bedtime Routine for Kids
We start showers/baths, get pajamas on, have snacks, and all the jazz at 6:00, and we are in their room by 7:00. Together, we read some books, I sing them their lullabies and I let them play in their room for 5 minutes with the lights ON.
After 5 minutes (I won’t lie, sometimes this ends up being 7 or 10 minutes) I go into their room, turn the light off and they are allowed to play quietly, look at books, or whatever, while they are in bed. I then tell them what I AM going to do. Something like this, “I’m turning the lights off now. I’m going to fold some laundry and I’ll be back in to check on you after I’m done.”
I go do my thing, and 10-15 minutes later I check on them in their room. Then I do this one more time and check back in 15-20 minutes. If they are still awake I cover them up in bed, say goodnight and I’ll see you in the morning. The key is the conversation. I tell them what I am doing and when I will be in next. I let them know I am in the living room and they are safe in their beds.

Final Thoughts on How To Make Bedtime Easier
And that’s it! Yes, I have to go into their room often, but it beats them coming out into the living room constantly. Do they come out of their room sometimes? Yes, but it’s typically to use the bathroom or grab their water bottle or a stuffed animal they forgot to get. This has really changed bed time for the better! There are less battles and less yelling and tears. It has really made for a less overwhelming bed time too. And for that, I’m grateful!

If you have younger kids who are new to being in a big kid bed, you might have to use shorter increments of time to check on them. Test it out and see what works for you. Do you have questions about this technique? Shoot me an email, I’d love to help: [email protected]
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