How To Be A Productive Stay At Home Mom: 50 Things To Do

So you want to be a more productive stay at home mom? In this blog I’m sharing 50 things you can do right now to get started.
Being a productive stay at home mom does not need to be hard! In fact, you’re probably already way more productive than you realize. The little things you do all day long are productive, like picking up your kids from school, washing the dishes, and cooking meals! But, if you’re feeling a little stuck and need a little help, then you’ve come to the right place!
I’m going to share 50 little things you can do to start feeling more productive, get organized at home and ultimately help you be a happier mom! Before we dive in, sign up for my newsletter and get a free download to help you be the mama you always wanted to be!
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I’m going to divide this blog up into a few different sections:
1. Chores you can do right now that each only take 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Chores you can do for yourself because yes, taking care of you is productive!
3. Chores to do this week – Making a chore schedule/chart can help you stay on track.
4. Chores to do with your kids because what’s the point if we are not teaching them how to do chores as well!? They should learn how much effort it takes to maintain a home and the importance of it!
5. Chores to do this month to keep up with your productivity because consistency is key.

50 Ways To Be A Productive Stay At Home Mom
Let’s get started with the first group of productivity tips for stay at home moms! Keep up with all these things and you will feel accomplished and ready to take on each day! When you feel accomplished, you feel happier and motivated and you’ll keep going.
10 Chores To Do Right Now To Be A Productive Stay At Home Mom
1. Wash the dishes
2. Sweep the floor
3. Vacuum
4. Put in a load of laundry
5. Fold some laundry
6. Wipe down the kitchen counters
7. Tidy one room in your house
8. Put all shoes away
9. Fluff the pillows
10. Wipe down all doorknobs in your home

Bam, are you feeling productive already? You could honestly get all those things done in about 30 minutes, which is no time really, and you’ll be good with chores for the day. One of my rules for myself is to do one or 2 big chores each day. That way I stay on top of it all. Getting chores done in smaller chunks makes them more attainable and less overwhelming. And when we get things done and check off our to-do list, it tricks our brain into doing more because we feel so accomplished!

10 Things To Do For Yourself to Boost Productivity
Don’t forget to take care of you. When you take steps towards self-care it helps you feel better overall. Try these 10 things for yourself today and remember that taking care of you is productive.
11. Take a shower
12. Exercise
13. Put on some makeup
14. Write a to-do list
15. Meditate
16. Read a chapter of a book
17. Drink water
18. Go for a walk
19. Journal
20. Make your bed
I always recommend you take at least 5 minutes to yourself each day. Even if it’s 5 minutes to lay in bed and take a breath. Being a stay at home mom of young kids is tough!! You deserve and truly need 5 minutes at the least. Try to aim for 15 though, if possible.

10 Things To Do This Week To Be A Productive Stay At Home Mom
Starting a chore list can help you maintain your home and feel less overwhelmed. Break up everything into small chunks so it feels less daunting. When there’s less to do, you’re more likely to get it all done! Here are 10 things you can start this week to help boost productivity.
21. Do one load of laundry per day
22. Clean the bathrooms
23. Wash the windows and mirrors
24. Clean up the playroom
25. Wash out toy bins and shelves
26. Dust the baseboards
27. Vacuum the couch
28. Mow the lawn
29. Wash bedding/blankets
30. Mop the floors
I’ve recently thought of picking one room each day to tackle and clean instead of picking one or 2 chores. I haven’t fully done it or figured it all out, but it’s definitely an option and might be a better way to stay cleaned up for some people! If you like the idea and give it a try, let me know how it goes. You can comment below or email me at [email protected]! I love hearing from my readers.🤍
Are you having lots of light bulbs going off now, mama? I hope that just reading this is making you feel more productive already because its making me want to get things done by writing it, haha! Let’s move on…

10 Things To Do With Your Kids to Feel More Productive
31. Cook a meal together
32. Do a puzzle
33. Read books together
34. Go through old clothes to donate
35. Get outside together
36. Teach your kids how to make their bed
37. Organize your kids’ bedroom closet
38. Wash the car together
39. Go through toys to donate
40. Play a board game
Like I said earlier, spending time together as a family is productive. I don’t care what anyone else says. It’s time stay at home moms stop thinking they’re not doing enough, when all day long they are doing all the things and more importantly, they’re keeping little humans alive!

10 Things To Do This Month To Continue Your Productivity Spree
41. Organize all closets
42. Go through your closet and pick old clothes to donate or sell on Poshmark.
43. Get a haircut
44. Wash the curtains
45. Dust the ceiling fans
46. Organize all seasonal decorations
47. Clean out the refrigerator and wash it down
48. Hang up the frames/wall art you haven’t gotten around to
49. Finish the home projects you left unfinished months ago (we all do it!)
50. Have a dance party because you’ve cleaned and organized your whole house!

Final Thoughts
When we break things up into smaller tasks, we get more done! Keep this up each month because the only way you’re going to get things done is to be CONSISTENT. That is truly the key word here. Be consistent, do smaller chores throughout the week, and ultimately you will keep up with all the demands on maintaining a home! You can do it mama. Get help from your husband and kids too. After one day you will start to feel so productive, that you will continue this day after day and month after month!
Share this image to Pinterest so you can come back to these productivity tips for stay at home moms later!

Related Blogs:
- The Best Stay At Home Mom Schedule
- How To Be A Happier Mom
- You Can Thrive As A Stay At Home Mom
- Activity Packs for Kids
- How To Keep Up With Laundry
- Stay At Home Mom Goals For 2025 To Help You Thrive

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