Mommy Wine Culture Isn’t Cool, It’s Harmful

mommy wine culture-feature

Sorry, not sorry, but mommy wine culture isn’t cool. In this quick chat blog I’ll explain why I feel this way and what you can do instead!

I know this post about mommy wine culture is probably going to ruffle some feathers, but please hear me out with an open mind as you read this. There is this running joke in mom circles and on social media that the only way to survive motherhood is with a glass (or bottle) of wine in hand. You’ve probably seen the memes with similar quotes like, “Mommy needs wine” or “Rosé all day,” and I admit I’m guilty of sharing or wearing quotes like this myself. It’s meant to be a funny or lighthearted way to cope with the chaos of raising kids, and I get that truly. But behind the humor, mommy wine culture sends a dangerous message: that alcohol is the answer to the stresses of motherhood.

Let’s dive into this Quick Chat blog, which is a little heavier than my past ones, but keep an open mind and continue reading.

*Welcome to my “Quick Chat” blogs, where I write a short essay about an unpopular opinion that I can’t stop thinking about! This is a new series I’m starting in 2025, so if you’re enjoying it make sure to like this blog, comment below your opinion (be nice please!) and sign up for my email list.*

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2 glasses of wine

What Is Mommy Wine Culture?

First, let’s discuss what mommy wine culture really means. Mommy wine culture is the normalization of drinking as a necessary coping mechanism for motherhood. It seems to be everywhere we look too. On t-shirts, coffee mugs, memes, and even in school pick-up line jokes. The idea is that parenting is so overwhelming and stressful, that wine is the only way to get through it. And let me state too, that enjoying a drink is not inherently bad, the problem lies in the way this culture promotes alcohol as the default solution to stress, exhaustion, and burnout.

Why It’s Harmful

Like I said, enjoying a drink sometimes with your husband or out with friends is not a bad thing. It’s that, at its core, mommy wine culture downplays the struggles of motherhood and offers an unhealthy escape instead of real solutions. Think about the message it sends to your children, teenagers, or women on the internet who are hoping to become a mom soon! Here’s why I think it’s a problem:

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1. It minimizes mental health struggles

If moms feel like drinking is their only outlet, they may ignore deeper issues like anxiety, depression, or burnout. You wouldn’t tell a mom who truly has postpartum anxiety or depression to just drink away her problems, right? Then why are so many moms showcasing the fact that they “need” a glass of wine at the end of the day to unwind?

2. It normalizes dependency

While an occasional drink is one thing, relying on alcohol to “survive” motherhood can lead to unhealthy habits. If you are counting down the minutes until your child’s bedtime just so you can have that glass of wine you’ve been thinking about all day, I strongly suggest you do some inward work as to why you think you need that wine.

3. It sets the wrong example

It sets the wrong example for many people, your children especially. Kids pick up on everything! If they see wine being treated as a survival tool, they may develop unhealthy associations with alcohol. Or they may think, “wow I make my mom drink wine.” I’m 99% positive no mom wants their child to feel that way. It also sets a bad example for new moms who might think they “need” wine too.

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What Moms Can Do Instead

Instead of reaching for a glass of wine after a long day, try healthier ways to unwind. I’m sharing a few ideas below, but I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below!

1. Find a real support system

If you are truly and really struggling in motherhood, you are definitely not alone! But wine isn’t the answer (at least not every night.) Lean on friends, family, or find a mom group that encourages healthy coping mechanisms. Text a friend, chat with your husband at the end of the day, or call your mom! Or maybe you reach out to a therapist. You are not meant to do motherhood alone, so don’t think you have to suffer alone!

2. Prioritize self-care

It is one thousand percent ok to take breaks throughout the day. While your kids are napping, relax on the couch with a book. If your kids are being extra one day, strap them in a stroller and go for a walk. If you can’t go outside and you’re feeling stressed, let your kids watch some TV while you sit in a dark room for 5 minutes and breathe. Also, just make sure you’re taking care of yourself throughout the day doing normal things like drinking water, eating real meals, and taking a shower. You matter too, and you don’t need to wait until the end of the day to take care of yourself.

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3. Address stress head-on

Realistically, our culture kind of tells us that alcohol is a great way to deal with stress, but deep down we know it’s not. Identify what’s causing you overwhelm and stress (hint: it’s not your kids) and find practical ways to manage it. This can be through simple routines, therapy, exercise, or delegating tasks. You don’t need to feel stressed out all the time.


4. Redefine “mom fun”

Being a fun mom or having fun when you’re a mom doesn’t have to mean you drink wine daily. Plan coffee dates with other mom friends, have game nights with your favorite couple, or go to workout classes with other moms. The point is, not all activities have to center around alcohol. There are plenty of other ways to have fun! Plus, this is a great example to set for your children too.

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Final Thoughts

I understand that motherhood can get really hard and stressful sometimes! It is insanely demanding quite often. And almost all moms experience difficulties at one point. But, I promise wine isn’t the answer. Oh and a quick side note: It’s not the answer for dads either! I believe it’s time to ditch the toxic messaging that tells moms they need alcohol to cope with motherhood and start normalizing real support, rest, and balance instead. You deserve more than a temporary escape, mama, you deserve to actually enjoy motherhood.

Let me know what you think about this blog in the comment section below. I know this is a hot topic and it’s a bit of a sensitive topic too, so be nice please!

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