Mom Rut: 5 Joyful Ways To Break Through It & Feel Inspired

mom rut - feature

Being a mom is not about surviving at the bare minimum!! In this blog I’m sharing 5 ways to break out of your mom rut so you become inspired, motivated, and THRIVE!

We all can get stuck in a rut once in a while. Even a mom rut. It’s totally normal! Motherhood is hard. We cannot be “on” all the time. There are going to be tougher seasons and sometimes we just might have to survive to get through. But it shouldn’t be that way all the time. You should not feel like you are “drowning in motherhood” more often than not. That is NOT why you chose to become a mom.

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Even though I’m totally realistic and get that you’re a human and you’ll have bad day. I’m also realistically positive (seriously, one of my Instagram followers dubbed me with that name💁🏼‍♀️.) I truly believe that when you change your mindset and think more positively, you can be a better human and mother.

What is a mom rut?

A mom rut is when you’re totally bored with mom life or you’re just completely burnt out. You might feel tired, snappy, or annoyed with life and your kids. It can happen to the best of us, so don’t worry! You’re definitely not alone. I’m going to help you out, mama, so keep reading.

mom rut

5 Ways To Break Through A Mom Rut

So let’s get right to it. Let’s break through that mom rut with some positive vibes, girlfriend! If you’re feeling really stuck, here’s what I recommend.

1. Get out of the house

There’s not better way to feel better than getting some fresh air. Go for a walk, sit in the sun in your backyard, or even go for a drive. Getting out of the house is great for everyone’s mental health, even your kids! Cabin fever is real. So next time you feel like you’re going to lose it, get outside and have some fun!

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2. Get yourself ready for the day

I can’t stress this one enough! Get yourself ready every single day. Take a shower, get out of your pajamas and put something cute on. Then put on a little makeup and take your hair out of a mom bun. You will be amazed how much better you feel! You will feel more motivated, happier, you’ll be more productive, and you will notice yourself be a better mom. I swear by it! Don’t let this one get swept under the rug. Just do it and feel the transformation!

mom getting ready

3. Ask for help

I know this is super hard for so many women, moms, stay at home moms, etc. But once you realize you can’t do everything on your own and you just ask for the help, you will feel the weight of the world lift of your shoulders. Even if you’re just asking your husband for help (sometimes they need a little direction) it will make all the difference. So swallow your pride, lose some of that control (I get it!) and ask for a little bit of help.

4. Create a great morning routine

There’s nothing like creating an amazing morning routine to start the day off on the right foot. My morning routine is insanely simple and I don’t even wake up before my kids! But, I do the same things every morning, and it sets me up for a successful day of stay at home mom life.

sahm eating breakfast

5. Get together with mom friends

Last, but definitely not least, get together with your mama friends! Set up some playdates, have the kids play, and chat with a human adult!!! I know sometimes getting out is a lot and having to see people seems blah, but you’ll be glad you did it. Motherhood was not meant to be done alone. We need people. We need stay at home mom friends. Moms who “get it” will make this wild motherhood journey SO much better! So be the mama who reaches out to other SAHMs and set up a get together. Even finding a moms group to go to can be helpful! Just get out and be around other mamas.

Save this image below to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to it if you’re in a mom rut again!

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Final thoughts:

Being a stay at home mom is tough, we all know that. And we all can get stuck in that mom rut and the mundane of everyday life and routines. But you deserve to be the best version of you and not live in that mom rut all the time! So break through the rut by:

  • Getting out of the house
  • Getting yourself ready every single day
  • Asking for help
  • Having a great morning routine
  • Getting together with your mama friends

The Motherhood Burnout Guide

If you’re still feeling stuck and ready to make serious changes to your life starting now, then grab my guide for burnt out stay at home moms below and start feeling like the mama you always wanted to be! Click the image to get started.

stay at home mom guide

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Always remember that you’ve got this!! You’re the best mom for your kids and you’re doing great. If you want more mom motivation and encouragement like this then follow me on Instagram and join my community of mamas below:

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