A Summer Bucket List To Make Your Summer Unforgettable

Summer Bucket List-feature

Summer is coming! Check out this fun summer bucket list for ideas that you and your family can add to your own list!

Summer is finally here! Although the weather has not been consistently warm and sunny here it does finally feel like summer. I’ve rounded up a summer bucket list of super fun things to do with your kids this summer to make it unforgettable!

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What Is A Summer Bucket List?

I’m glad you asked! A bucket list is a list of all the things you want to do in a certain time frame. So a summer bucket list is all the things you and your kids want to do before summer is over! You can all come up with ideas together.

16 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Families

  1. Go to a park you’ve never been to
  2. Go strawberry/blueberry picking
  3. Make a sand castle at the beach
  4. Take swimming lessons
  5. Go to a theme park
  6. Hike a mountain
  7. Have a water gun fight
  8. Camp in your backyard
  9. Make smores by a fire
  10. Go to a petting zoo
  11. Play at the arcade
  12. Make an obstacle course
  13. Watch the sunrise or the moon rise!
  14. Go to a baseball game
  15. Play in the sprinkler
  16. Learn to ride a 2 wheeler bike
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Final Thoughts

Having a summer bucket list is a great way to bond with your family and spend more intentional time together! It’s a win-win in my book. It can also get you out of your comfort zone and doing things you wouldn’t usually do. Get creative and spend more time together!! I hope you love some of these ideas! My favorite part is, almost every idea can be done as a family or can be a date night with your spouse! Let me know what you want to do and if it will be a family event or a special night out!

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