Routines for Kids: Why They Are Important & How To Start Them

I’m sure you’ve heard before how important routines for kids are. But do you know why? In this blog I’m sharing why you need routines and how to get started!
Routines for kids are crucial for development in so many ways! And you probably stumbled across this blog because you are ready to give your child some kind of routine and structure. Let me give you a quick back story as to why I chose to start routines early when I became a mom myself.
When I worked in daycare we did the same thing everyday. We kept the same predictable schedule for all the kids daily. It didn’t matter if they were 3 months of 3 years. Often, parents wondered why their child(ren) were better behaved at school. I always knew it was because of our routine. That’s why I swore I would do the same once I had my own kids!
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Aren’t Routines Boring?
It can seem boring and mundane to do the same things each day, I get it. But think of it this way: Humans are creatures of habit. We all crave routine and sameness to a degree. We love vacation, but once we are gone for a week, we can’t wait to get back home to our comfort zone and our ROUTINES. It is just human nature. So now that you have thought about how much you do love your routine, think about your child’s sense of time and how great a routine could be for them.

The Importance of Daily Routines For Kids
Let’s dive into the importance of daily routines and why your kids will thrive once you put them in place!
1. Routines Help Children Feel Safe & Secure
When children know what to expect every day they feel a sense of calm and security in their life. Kids can’t tell time like we can, so they can’t plan their day around that. They need a more tangible sense of what it going on around them, to feel in control of their environment. When they know they will wake up, have breakfast, get a new diaper, and put warm clothes on, they feel safe at home.

2. Routines for Kids Build Confidence
This goes hand-in-hand with tip number 1. When kids feel in control of their environment and safe at home they feel more confident. Simple routines can help build your child’s self-esteem by just having the security and happiness at home knowing what comes next in their day. We all want our kids to feel confident throughout life, so why not get them started at a young age with simple daily structure?

3. They Foster Independence
When your child knows what to expect, they begin to learn independence. Picture this, you have a 6 month old baby and you start a great morning routine with her. She wakes up, you nurse her, you change her diaper, you feed her breakfast, clean her up, then get her dressed. She knows and expects these things each morning.
Now fast forward to when your 6 month old is a 2 year old. She knows when she wakes up her diaper will be changed, she will eat breakfast, but now she will tell you what she wants to eat and she might even want to help make it. Then she will know it’s time to wash her hands and get dressed. When she gets dressed, she will begin to do it on her own as best she can. Then fast forward to when your child is 4 or 5 and she is doing all these things completely on her own when she wakes up!
4. Less Battles/Tantrums
Umm who doesn’t want to lessen the toddler temper tantrums?! When your toddler knows what is happening each day, they are less likely to battle you when you ask them to do something. For example, they will quickly learn that they’re not allowed to watch TV until they eat breakfast and get dressed. They might not always feel happy about it — which is ok — but they are less likely to throw an entire fit about it when this is their norm.
5. Kids Feel In Control
Kids want to be in control of their life. They are told what to do all day long and I’m not sure about you, but that would drive me nuts! When our children have routines and structure throughout their day, they know what is coming and they feel like they are able to take control of their own lives. Like they can take charge and be ahead of the game! They will begin to make their own breakfast as they get older and dress themselves without being told. Routines ultimately gives them the chance to make healthy choices each day.
6. Build Lifelong Healthy Habits
We all want our kids to grow up into healthy, competent adults who can take on the world and thrive, right? Well, another reason routines are so important is just this. You have the ability to “teach your kids young” to put their laundry in the hamper, to put dirty dishes in the sink, to shower regularly, brush their teeth day and night. And then in turn, they watch YOU in your own routines like, washing the laundry and putting it away, keeping your home clean and things picked up and put away. They will learn these routines by doing what they need to do in an age appropriate way but also by watching you and learning what they need to do as they get older.

What If We Don’t Have Daily Routines For Kids?
Kids without routines tend to have more tantrums and will battle you more often. If bedtime one night is at 6:30, then the next night it’s at 8, then the next night it’s at 7:15, your child is going to get confused and they might act out. Or one night they might be allowed to watch TV after dinner but the next night they aren’t. This can get frustrating for our children if they don’t know what to expect and they could start arguing with you or throwing a fit because they are feeling confused, out of control, and maybe even unsafe.
What happens if we miss a day or we go on vacation?
Having a set schedule makes the days when you do fall out of that routine, much easier to get back into. Of course there are going to be days when you have something planned or you go away on vacation. Everything will be thrown off and it might be a little tough, but once you get back home you’ll find that you get back into the swing of things quickly.
Are there exceptions to the rule?
New babies are different and are definitely an exception to stricter routines. But you can start to build routines with them early! For the most part, I suggest feeding your baby when they ask to be fed and letting them sleep when they need to. Babies less than 3 months will sleep and eat a lot! I do not recommend trying to get a baby on a feeding schedule.
The best routine to start with babies is this: night time is for sleep. A bedtime routine will always be helpful in teaching your baby to begin to learn that sleepy time is at night! But newborn babies will sleep, eat, poop, etc, whenever they want. You need to just go with the flow at that point. If your baby is around 3 months, check out my daily schedule for 3-6 month olds.
I want to get started but I’m not sure how…
To get started with a routine you need to do just that: start. Come up with a plan that works for everyone and write it down. Then be consistent each day. Keep being consistent until these routines become a habit and you just do it without thinking. I truly think you’ll begin to see the moods in your home shift. Everyone will feel happier and ready to take on the day.
If you need a little more help, grab my daily schedule below that I use everyday to help keep control of my day. Plus get a blank template you can use for yourself! Just enter your email below and you’ll get it for free, right to your inbox!
Final Thoughts
So, now that you know how important routines and structure can be for your kids, will you start one? Let me know in the comments below! The best thing to remember about routines is you get to make one that works for your family. And if something isn’t working anymore, you can change it! Routines and schedules will always be shifting because life happens and kids change so much in short periods of time. But there’s one thing that won’t change: kids will always thrive in a structured environment.

Remember these daily routines for kids by saving this image to your favorite Pinterest board!

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