The Perfect Spring Coffee Filter Butterfly Craft For Kids

In this blog I’m sharing instructions for a cute coffee filter butterfly craft! Plus keep reading to get a freebie!
I’ve been hyping up this coffee filter butterfly craft on my Instagram for a couple weeks, so hopefully everyone loves it! This cute and easy craft is so picture perfect for spring time. If you’re a teacher, your classroom will look bright and cheery with these hanging from the ceilings! If you’re doing these with your kids at home, they’ll look pretty hanging in a big window!
The best part about this craft is it’s great for toddlers all the way up to kindergartners.
Here’s what you’ll need for your coffee filter butterfly craft:
- Round coffee filters
- Markers/sharpie
- Clothespins
- Spray bottle
- Pipe cleaners (or “fuzzy sticks” as they’re now called….)

How to make your coffee filter butterfly craft:
First, have your child color the coffee filter any way they want with markers! You cannot use crayons for this. When they’re done coloring, spray the coffee filter with water. This will help blend the colors and give it that tie-dyed look.

Then you can either wait for it to dry (they dry fairly quick) or use a hairdryer to dry it in seconds. Once the coffee filter is dry, pinch it in the middle and clip it into the clothes pin. We used a sharpie to add a little face on the clothespin.
Lastly, add some antennae. I twisted the pipe cleaner around the clothespin. You can also cut it and clip it into the clothes pin with the coffee filter. Either way can work.

Here’s the coffee filter butterflies my kids made. And I can’t help but notice the color difference between my son and daughter’s butterflies!

Related Blogs:
- 20 Things To Do At Home During Quarantine
- 8 Mess Free Crafts for Kids
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- Activity Packs
Follow me on Instagram for more craft ideas and real life motherhood! @justabasicmama
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