Strategies For Decluttering Your Home After The Holiday Season

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When you have kids, the holidays mean getting A LOT of stuff. In this blog I’m sharing my best strategies for decluttering your home after the holidays are over with a fun 7 day challenge!

When you’re a mom, the holidays are a seriously magical time. But once they’re over, moms are often left with the aftermath. You know, piles of decorations, an influx of new toys, and general household clutter. Extreme household clutter, especially if you have a few kids. It’s easy to see why you might feel overwhelmed when your once-festive home turns into a chaotic mess. If this sounds like you, I’m glad you’re here because I’m going to share some strategies for decluttering after the holidays.

In this blog I’m sharing a Post-Holiday Declutter Challenge! This 7-day challenge is designed to help you tackle different areas of your home in manageable steps, so you can start the new year feeling refreshed and in control. Keep reading to start this challenge and refresh your home over the next week.

strategies for decluttering

Strategies For Decluttering

First things first, decluttering is more than just tidying up. Decluttering is about creating a peaceful environment that allows you to function better in your daily life. Studies show that clutter can contribute to stress and anxiety, making it harder to focus and relax. It’s why I have always worked on decluttering throughout the year instead of just after Christmas. While I’m no “decluttering or organization expert,” it is something I keep up with in my own life and swear by! I truly think by systematically decluttering your home, you’ll create a more organized, calming space for yourself and your family. And that’s a win for everyone, so let’s get started.

Day 1: Take Down and Organize Holiday Decorations

It’s time to pack away the holiday cheer! Instead of shoving everything into random bins, be intentional and organize it. It might seem daunting now, but you’ll thank yourself next year when you pull everything out again and it’s in order. Here are a few tips to help you:

  • Use labeled storage bins for ornaments, lights, and decor.
  • Wrap delicate items in tissue paper or bubble wrap.
  • Declutter decorations you no longer love or use and donate them.
woman with box

Day 2: Declutter Kids’ Toys

With new gifts coming in, now is the perfect time to go through your kids’ toys. I do this before Christmas too, so make note for next year. When you donate toys before Christmas, you give thrifters a chance to get toys for their kids for Christmas. Here are a few ways to know you need to get rid of toys:

  • Set aside broken or missing-piece toys to toss.
  • Donate gently used toys that your kids have outgrown.
  • Begin a toy rotation to reduce clutter and keep things fresh.


Day 3: Clear Out the Kitchen & Pantry

The holiday season often leaves behind an excess of snacks, ingredients, and leftovers. Also, your kitchen is probably your most used room so it’s extra important to keep it cleared and decluttered. Here are a few things you can do today to declutter it quickly:

  • Toss expired or stale food.
  • Organize your pantry and donate unopened, non-perishable food items you won’t eat.
  • Take inventory of baking supplies and get rid of anything unnecessary.
  • Throw out or repurpose old, ratty dish towels.

Day 4: Reset Your Living Spaces

Now that you have taken down the holiday decor and put it in the attic, it’s time to refresh your main living areas! Make a sweep of your living room/den/family room/etc. and do these things below:

  • Declutter surfaces like coffee tables, side tables, and counters.
  • Fluff pillows, wash throw blankets, and vacuum furniture.
  • Reintroduce calming decor to create a cozy, clutter-free vibe.
  • Make space for new toys to be put away.
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Day 5: Purge Unneeded Clothes & Accessories

Today it’s time to go through everyone’s closets! The holiday outfits, winter gear, and gifts have probably (definitely) added to your wardrobe clutter. Here are a few things to get rid of right now to help you get started on the purge:

  • Donate clothes you didn’t wear this season and last season.
  • Sort through your kids’ clothes for anything they’ve outgrown and store it for a younger child or donate it.
  • Toss or repurpose worn-out items and/or jewelry and accessories you no longer use.

Day 6: Tidy Up Bathrooms & Linen Closets

Today, lets focus on these often-overlooked spaces like bathroom drawers and linen closets. It’s time to freshen up these spaces! Here are a few things you can do to get started on this decluttering:

  • Toss expired medications, skincare, and makeup.
  • Organize linens and donate extras to shelters.
  • Wipe down surfaces and deep clean if needed.
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Day 7: Organize Holiday Cards, Gifts & Returns

For day 7, the last day, wrap up the decluttering process by dealing with the final post-holiday remnants. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Store sentimental holiday cards or recycle them.
  • Return or exchange unwanted gifts.
  • Find a place for new gifts so they don’t become clutter.

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    Final Thoughts

    That’s a wrap! Decluttering after the holidays doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By tackling one area at a time and moving at a slower pace, you’ll reclaim your home and start the year with a clean slate. A clutter-free space can improve your mood, boost productivity, and create a more peaceful home environment for you and your family. Plus, letting go of excess items can help you appreciate what truly matters, making your home feel lighter and more intentional.

    Also remember that decluttering is a process, not a one-time event. It’s okay to go at your own pace and adjust this challenge to fit your lifestyle. It’s way easier to tackle one room at a time than your entire house! That’s just daunting and overwhelming which will end up causing you to not declutter at all. The key is consistency! Small, intentional steps will lead to long-lasting changes. So, grab a donation box, set a timer if needed, and enjoy the feeling of reclaiming your home, one space at a time.

    What do you think of these strategies for decluttering your home? Let me know in the comments section below.

    Use the image below to share these strategies for decluttering to your favorite Pinterest board!

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    decluttering your home after christmas challenge


    • These decluttering tips are just what I needed after the holidays! My house feels so cluttered with decorations and new toys, and this 7-day challenge sounds manageable and refreshing. I’m excited to try it out and start the year with a clean and organized space. Maybe I’ll get professional carpet cleaning done once everything is tidy to start the year off fresh!

      • Hey Eliza! I’m so glad you found these tips helpful. Let me know how it goes after you’re done the challenge! 🙂 Carpet cleaning sounds like a great idea too! Happy New Year!


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