Stay At Home Mom: An Honest Look Into The Life of A SAHM

If you’re a stay at home mom you get it. If you’re not it might be hard to truly understand this lifestyle choice. Either way, here’s a real life look into the daily life of a SAHM.
Being a stay at home mom (SAHM) is often romanticized or misunderstood by society. While some view it as a “break” from the workforce, the reality is far more complex and fulfilling. Stay at home moms juggle endless responsibilities, from caring for their children and managing the household to navigating a variety of emotions that come with dedicating their days to their families. In this post, we’ll take an honest look into the life of a SAHM, exploring what it truly means to fill this role, a day in the life, and some hard truths that don’t often make it into social media posts. If you’re considering becoming a stay at home mom or are already one, this post will give you a candid insight into the rewards, challenges, and daily rhythms of this unique lifestyle.
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What is a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM)?
A stay at home mom, or SAHM to abbreviate it, is a mother who chooses to remain at home full-time to care for her children and manage her family’s household, instead of working outside the home. Let’s be real clear up front, being a SAHM is work, it’s just a different type of work. The decision to become a SAHM is often very thought out. It comes with sacrifices, as many women leave established careers or put professional ambitions on hold. This role involves being the primary caregiver and homemaker, often managing the family’s schedule, running errands, cooking meals, and tackling countless other tasks that keep the household running smoothly. Being a SAHM can be incredibly rewarding but also comes with challenges as it requires juggling diverse responsibilities and the demands of young children.
A Day in the Life of a Stay At Home Mom
Life as a stay at home mom is filled with routines and flexibility all at once. While every SAHM’s day can look different, here’s a snapshot of a typical day with a humorous twist:

6:30 AM – Morning Wake-Up Call
The day often starts early. After a quick morning routine, many SAHMs take a few minutes to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee before the kids wake up. This is often the calm before the storm. But let’s face it, your kids are probably already awake the second you attempt to sit and enjoy that cup of coffee.
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM – Getting Kids Ready
Mornings can get busy with making breakfast and getting the kids dressed and ready for the day. Depending on their ages, this may also involve helping with teeth brushing, hair combing, and last-minute diaper changes. It can also mean getting kids to school and/or on the bus.

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Activities and Errands
After breakfast, SAHMs often take their kids on outings, whether it’s to the playground, a playdate, or running errands like grocery shopping. This time can also include doctor’s appointments or other scheduled activities.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – Lunch and Clean-Up
Lunchtime is another whirlwind, with feeding hungry kids and managing messes. After making a lunch that your kids said they wanted but didn’t actually eat, there’s usually a quick cleanup (who are we kidding – there are always messes to clean up!) to prepare for the afternoon.

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM – Nap/Quiet Time and Household Tasks
If the children are young enough, this is nap time, the one quiet moment you get for the day. For older kids, this might be designated as quiet time with books or crafts. This block of time is often the SAHM’s chance to tackle chores, meal prep for dinner, or even get a moment to herself. But you probably won’t actually know what to do with yourself, so you’ll sit on the couch and scroll your phone instead.
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Afternoon Play and Learning
In the afternoon, SAHMs might engage in activities with their children, like crafts, games, reading, or getting outside. Independent play is also a great afternoon activity! It’s also common to prepare snacks (more snacks because snack time is endless) and possibly even tackle some pre-dinner cleanup.
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM – Dinner and Evening/Bedtime Routine
This time of day is also known as the “witching hour.” It usually includes dinner prep and attempting to sit together as a family to eat your meal, but someone is usually crying. After dinner, the never-ending bedtime routine begins and includes everything from cleanup to baths, bedtime stories, and finally putting the kids to bed. Plus getting them water, scaring away monsters, laying down with your kids, singing 17 lullabies, and getting called into their room a few more times.

8:00 PM Onwards – Mom Time or Catch-Up
Once the kids are in bed, SAHMs might take time to catch up on household tasks, connect with their partner, or enjoy some much-needed relaxation, including reading or binge watching Netflix until 1 AM. 🙂
A Great Daily Schedule for a SAHM
In all honesty and seriousness, a daily schedule can be extremely helpful for a stay at home mom! Here’s just a quick sample schedule to help SAHMs create a balanced routine:
- 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM: Wake up and have some quiet time for self-care (meditate, journal, exercise).
- 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM: Morning routine with the kids (breakfast, getting ready).
- 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: Quick house tidy and prep for the day’s activities.
- 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Outing or errands.
- 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch with the kids.
- 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Nap/quiet time and household chores.
- 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Independant play or outdoor time.
- 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Prepare and enjoy dinner.
- 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Evening routine with baths, storytime, and bedtime.
- 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Wind down for the night with a book, a show, or a chat with a friend.
5 Honest Truths About Being a SAHM
#1. It’s Exhausting and Rewarding in Equal Measure
Being a SAHM requires endless energy, patience, and multitasking, that you often feel like you don’t have. That’s because being a mom is hard work. But the daily rewards, like watching those first steps, the unexpected hugs, or hearing “I love you, make it all worthwhile!
#2. You Will Likely Feel Isolated at Times
It can get lonely being a stay at home mom. Without regular adult interaction, it’s easy to feel isolated. Building a support network of other moms can help combat feelings of loneliness and I highly suggest you find at least one SAHM friend who you can talk to about anything and hang out with on a whim.

#3. Self Care Often Takes a Backseat
Many SAHMs find it difficult to prioritize self-care, as the needs of her family come first. But you must remember that you matter too! It’s essential to carve out time for yourself, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day. Also remember that caring for yourself is the smallest of things too, like getting dressed in the morning, drinking enough water, and eating a real meal – not your kids leftover lunches!
#4. You’ll Wear Many Hats
From chef to chauffeur, counselor to teacher, a SAHM’s job description is endless. This can be fulfilling but certainly overwhelming! That’s why taking a few minutes throughout the day to take a breather is so important.
#5. You May Question Your Identity and Career Choices
Some days, you might miss the workforce or wonder what life would have been like if you’d made different choices. It’s normal to reflect on these things; it doesn’t mean you’re ungrateful or unhappy. It just means your normal. Many stay at home moms struggle with finding their new identity once starting this new lifestyle.

Final Thoughts
First off, thank for reading this blog and I hope you enjoyed the satirical parts of being a SAHM! Being a stay at home mom is a journey filled with incredible moments, tough days, and a deep sense of purpose. While it comes with sacrifices, many mothers find profound joy and fulfillment in watching their children grow and being present for many of the sweet, little moments. Whether you’re thinking about becoming a SAHM or are already on this journey, remember that your role is vital and valuable! By embracing the ups and downs and finding your own rhythm, you can create a fulfilling life for both yourself and your family. Remember, you’re doing one of the most important jobs out there, and that is truly something to be proud of.
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- 17 Quotes For Stay At Home Moms Who Need A Boost
- Stay At Home Mom Tips: 27 Habits To Make Life Easier
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- Stay At Home Mom Goals To Help You Thrive
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