3 Self Care Ideas for Moms That Are Inexpensive

Need some quick and inexpensive self care ideas, mama? You’ve come to the right place! I know as stay at home moms we like to save money when we can, but we still deserve some “me-time!” In this blog I’m sharing 3 inexpensive self care ideas for moms that you can do right now!
Self care ideas for moms is a hot topic right now! I know we hear it all the time, “Self-care is so important.” And it’s true. You can’t pour from an empty cup (yes I’m using this cliche) because as a stay at home mom, self care is a necessity. Because we have never-ending to-do lists….school stuff, family affairs, errands, special events, and more, you must remember to take time for yourself often!
While it may seem almost impossible to get away from your kids, I’m challenging you to give it a shot…for your sanity. Even if it’s for just 20 minutes, get some alone time, mama! Ask for help with your kiddos so you can have time to re-energize. Keep reading for 3 easy self care ideas for moms.
Before we dive into these inexpensive self care ideas for moms, make sure to sign up for my email list for my FREE download. Get the Mama Mindset Makeover you didn’t know you needed and start being the mama you always dreamed you’d be!
Self Care Ideas for Moms That Won’t Break the Bank
Alright, let’s dive in to 3 super inexpensive ways you can talk care of yourself when you’re a stay at home mom.
1. Go Get a Manicure and/or Pedicure
If you can find a nail salon close to you, this will only take an hour. You can even go during nap time if it makes you feel better. But a nice foot massage and some cute nails will make you feel so much better. This is one of my favorite things to do and I make sure I go at least once a month. The SNS dip usually lasts a good 3-4 weeks and something about new nails makes me feel WAY better!

2. Go Shopping
I’m going to guess that you make sure to buy your kids all the up-to-date trendy clothes, but have barely bought yourself a new sweatshirt in 10 years. If that hurt a little, it’s time to do a little shopping, mama! You don’t have to spend a fortune either. Try TJ Maxx, Target, or even Walmart if those are easiest to get to. Or you can check out a local thrift shop for the best deals. Here’s the thing though, you must go by yourself, find some clothes and TRY THEM ON. Trying on is key, because I know from experience it’s almost impossible to do this if you’re out shopping with your kids in tow. So, put all self-scrutiny aside and enjoy yourself! Try on a cute new dress for the holidays, or those new boots you’ve been eyeing.
3. Go for a Walk
Taking a walk is good if you’re short on time. Whether it’s a walk around your neighborhood or you drive to a local park, get out of the house alone. Even if exercise isn’t your thing, you will feel so much better just getting out by yourself, getting some fresh air, and clearing your head.
Final Thoughts
So there you have it, 3 simple ideas to get you out of the house for a little self care. Enjoy some free time and don’t worry about the kids (they’ll be fine, I promise). It’s not good for only your well-being, but everyone in your household’s well-being, too. That’s because, self care is not selfish! It’s necessary. But also, don’t let anyone tell you what is and isn’t self care! If it’s something you need and it’s something that makes you feel good/better, then that is considered self care in my opinion. Happy mama, happy kids, right?!
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- How To Be the Best Stay At Home Mom
- Advice For Stay At Home Moms: How To Be A Happier Mom
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- Stay At Home Mom Goals For 2024 To Help You Thrive
- Prevent Mom Burnout: 7 Quick Ways to Take A Break & Recharge
What’s your favorite thing to do for yourself when you’re needing some alone time? Leave us some more ideas in the comments!
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Oh some alone shopping time sounds marvelous!! Will have to talk hubby into that one.
right?! It’s well deserved!