9 Qualities All Less Overwhelmed Moms Have

You don’t have to live in survival mode everyday! In this blog I share 9 qualities less overwhelmed moms have so you can start thriving on your motherhood journey.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed in motherhood? That’s a trick question! Because, chances are you have from time to time, and guess what? It’s totally normal and most of us do. Motherhood is hard! The weight of the world usually falls on our shoulders. We need to keep track of all appointments, our kid’s activities, school events, grocery shopping, laundry, and more. But all that aside, there are certain qualities all less overwhelmed moms have. Keep reading, mama to learn what they are!
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Less overwhelmed moms practice certain things each day to feel overall less stressed and more calm and confident. Yes it’s possible! How do I know? Because I was in your shoes. I felt the stress of never asking for help because only I could do it the right way (and it’s easier to just do it myself.) I have felt the pressure of caring for 2 children while breastfeeding a newborn. And I have felt the complete overwhelm of having a million things to do. If you have ever felt so overwhelmed, like you couldn’t breathe or you wanted to just run away, then you’re in the right place.
In this blog I’m sharing 9 qualities moms who are less overwhelmed all have in common. It doesn’t always have to feel like the world is spinning out of control. You can take that control back! You can feel cool and confident every day. It’s as simple as following these 9 things and reminding yourself that you’re an awesome and capable mama! Keep reading to learn how you can feel less overwhelmed in your daily life more often!

1. Less overwhelmed moms have great daily routines
I can’t stress this enough. Moms who have a great daily routine/schedule are less overwhelmed. This is because they have the day planned and everything can go according to plan. When your children know what is going to happen each day, they are less stressed too! They know what to expect, tantrums lessen, transitions are easier, and everyone feels more in control. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. And though it can sound mundane to do the same thing each day (for the most part) it truly helps days become easier and more enjoyable! If you need help getting into a routine I have a few options for you. Check out these blogs below that correspond to your life at the moment:
2. They clean up as they go
Cleaning and keeping a tidy house is huge to feel less overwhelmed as a stay-at-home-mom. I don’t know about you, but I feel better when the house is cleaned up and I actually get more done. Once my house gets too cluttered, I’m overwhelmed and anxious, and I tend to just do nothing instead of clean up! This is why it’s best to just clean as you go. Done eating breakfast? Wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen. Same goes for every meal. Is the carpet covered in dirt from when everyone just walked in the house? Then put coats, shoes, and bags away (have a designated spot for these things!) and then vacuum. Keep up with cleaning and tidying on the daily and feel less overwhelmed and anxious!

3. They do one load of laundry everyday
Do one load of laundry every single day. This means, put it in the washer in the morning, switch it to the dryer in the afternoon, fold it and put it away after the kids are in bed. I have a whole blog dedicated to helping overwhelmed moms keep up with their laundry. I swear it works. And once you have less laundry laying around and you’re keeping up with it, you will be amazed how much better you feel! It’s not hard once you get motivated and just do it. Check out my laundry checklist below to help you organize and stay on top of your family’s laundry situation.
4. Less overwhelmed moms let go of the mom guilt
Just say goodbye. No more mom guilt! Stop feeling guilty for not playing with your kids. And stop feeling guilty for going out with your friends. Stop feeling guilty for feeding your child(ren) McDonalds for dinner. It’s unnecessary. Change your perspective and think about all the positive things instead. You didn’t play make believe with your kids (because it’s legit the worst) but you took a walk together, you snuggled on the couch, and/or you read bedtime stories together. Those are important moments too.
You went out with your friends to recharge and take a break. We all need to fill our cup! So whether you left the kids with your husband or a babysitter to have some alone time, it’s ok, your kids will be ok. In fact, they will be better for it, everyone will be! You deserve to get out and do what you love.
5. They practice gentle/positive parenting
I know mindful mothering and gentle parenting is a hot, trendy topic these days. You probably find a lot of moms kind of poking fun at it and talking about how difficult it is. But it’s worth it because it teaches you how to set boundaries. And as I said in the heading, it’s a PRACTICE. I don’t know why it’s so hard…maybe because our kids know how to push every single one of our buttons, but it takes time to learn and unlearn.
There are so many resources out there to help guide you along this parenting journey.
Here’s some of my favorite resources: The Mindful Motherhood Blog and Big Little Feelings. This practice is not only great for your kids, but it’s great for moms too. It will help you to take a step back, take a breath and stay calm. Not everyday will be perfect, no one is, but there are so many great techniques for you to learn and to teach your children.
6. They do 1 to 2 chores each day
Do at least one big chore a day. This can be vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the bathroom, dusting, etc. Pick one thing (or two if you’re up to it) for each day of the week. This will help you keep up with all the chores. Write down what chore you will do each day on your calendar to help you stay accountable.
7. They take time everyday to do something they love
Since we can’t get out of the house every single day, do something you love right at home. Even if it’s 5 minutes each day, take that time for you. It could be a 5 minute meditation, sitting in your room to watch a TV show by yourself, doing yoga or working out! Find something you LOVE and take time to do it for a few minutes every day. Tell me in the comments what you love and let’s help other overwhelmed moms get ideas if they’re not sure of a hobby. We can all lose ourself a little in motherhood, so it’s always great to support each other!
8. They put the kids to bed by 7 PM
Or just have a regular bedtime. Right now my kids are 7 years old, 5 years old, and 21 months. My husband and I tackle bedtime early, so all kids are in bed by 7:15 most nights. This gives us a few HOURS to ourself at night. My husband gets to play some video games, I like to Netflix and chill, or blog, or sit in peace haha! It’s also my chance to do that one thing I love. Oh and my husband and I spend time together, too. I’m a night owl, so going to bed at 11 is typical for me.
9. Less overwhelmed moms have their kids help around the house
You know that saying “Start ’em young”? Start teaching your children how to help out around the house as young as possible. When my kids were around 18 months they started doing simple chores. These chores for kids included, putting their dirty laundry away, putting dirty dishes in the sink or the counter, and picking up their toys. Nothing too wild, just a way for them to help out around their home.
As your kids get older they can begin doing harder chores. My older 2 children now put their clean clothes away, help put dishes away, and keep their spaces clean. Having more than just you, or you and your husband, cleaning up makes a big difference. Something I had to learn to let go of was this: when my kids clean up it’s not exactly how I would clean up, but it gets done their way. So even if their clothes are put away in their drawers messy and unfolded, I remind myself it’s not my drawer and that they helped out, too!
Final Thoughts
Now that you have these qualities and tips of less overwhelmed moms, what will you do to be proactive now? How will you practice letting go and being less stressed? I’m sure if you slowly begin to incorporate these qualities into your daily life you will feel less overwhelmed over time. It’s all about baby steps and taking it one day at a time. You’ve got this, mama!
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Related Blogs For Overwhelmed Moms:
- Stay At Home Mom Goals For 2025 To Help You Thrive
- 5 Daily Habits for Stay At Home Moms to Help Maintain Your Sanity
- Stay At Home Mom Tips: 27 Habits To Make Life Easier
- Be A Happier SAHM: 10 Practical Habits to Boost Happiness
- Mindset for Moms: The Power of A Positive Mindset When You’re A SAHM
- Household Chores: 4 Helpful Tips To Get Them Done As A SAHM
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