Lessons Learned in Motherhood: 8 Valuable Tips for New Moms

This one is for the new moms. Today I’m sharing 8 lessons learned in motherhood that will help you feel more confident and secure in your own journey.
Lessons learned in motherhood are quite abundant! As mothers, we are always learning and evolving. It’s why I like to call motherhood a “practice.” We learn new things everyday to work at becoming even better! In this blog, I’m going to share 8 top lessons I have learned from being a mom for 9 years. While I’m not expert, these lessons are things I wish I knew sooner and sometimes wisdom from seasoned moms is exactly what we need to hear as new moms.
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Lessons Learned in Motherhood
Motherhood is a journey filled with surprises, joys, and challenges. For new moms, the transition can feel overwhelming as they navigate a very new chapter of their lives. In this blog post, I’m sharing eight valuable lessons I’ve learned in motherhood to help you feel more confident and secure in your own journey. These insights will reassure you that you’re not alone and that it’s okay to embrace the ups and downs of being a mom! So, let’s dive in and discover the wisdom that comes from experience.

1. Not Everything Will Go as Planned
Motherhood teaches you to embrace flexibility. Despite your best efforts to stick to a schedule or plan (ahem, it’s me!), babies and toddlers have their own unpredictable ways. Accepting this reality early on will save you a lot of stress. Stick to routines, but also learn to go with the flow and adapt to changes as they come. Remember, it’s the love and care you provide that truly matters, not the perfection of your plans.
2. It’s Ok to Have a Bad Day
Every mom has bad days, and it’s perfectly normal. You are only human and you cannot be “on” all the time! Motherhood is demanding, and there will be times when things don’t go smoothly or you might feel upset with how you handled a situation. Allow yourself to feel those emotions without guilt or shame. Remember, tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities to start fresh.

3. It’s Ok to Want/Ask for Help
We live in a society that makes asking for help feel hard or burdensome. But, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Whether it’s from your spouse/partner, family, friends, or a professional, seeking support is crucial for your well-being. You don’t have to do everything on your own, and sharing responsibilities can lighten your load. Accepting help also sets a positive example for your child about the importance of community and cooperation. I know it’s easier said than done sometimes, but it truly does takea a village to raise a child and asking for help is the first step towards creating that village.
4. You Will Come Out of the “Fog”
The early days and months of motherhood can feel like a foggy blur of sleepless nights, constant feedings, and overwhelming feelings. It’s important to know that this phase is temporary. As your baby grows and routines become more established, the fog will lift and you will feel like yourself again. You’ll find your rhythm and gain confidence in your abilities as a mom. Hold on to the knowledge that it does get easier with time, I promise!

5. Don’t Worry About Creating Bad Habits
There’s a lot of pressure to follow strict parenting rules to avoid creating “bad habits,” such as holding your baby too much or co-sleeping. However, every child and family is different, and what works for you may not work for someone else. Trust your instincts and do what feels right for your family. Comforting your baby, co-sleeping, or feeding on demand will not ruin them. In fact, I think those things are beneficial for you, your baby, and your family. At the end of the day, focus on what brings peace and happiness to you and your baby!

6. Mom Guilt Is a Choice
I hate to break it to you, but this is one of the best pieces of advice I’ve read on the internet. Mom guilt is a very common experience, but it’s also a choice! You can choose to let go of unrealistic expectations and comparisons. Embrace the fact that you are doing your best, and that’s enough. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. By practicing self-compassion, you’ll find more joy in your motherhood journey.

7. Listen to Your Gut
Your intuition is a powerful tool in motherhood. When it comes to your child’s needs and well-being, trust your gut feelings. You know your baby better than anyone else, so listen to that inner voice AND trust it. While advice from others can be helpful, you have the final say in what’s best for your family. Confidence in your instincts will grow as you continue to navigate motherhood.
8. You’re Doing a Great Job
Amidst the chaos and challenges, it’s so important to remind yourself that you’re doing a great job. Motherhood is not about perfection; it’s about the love, care, and dedication you give. Celebrate your own milestones the same you you celebrate your baby’s and acknowledge your efforts. Every single day you are making a positive impact on your child’s life. Believe in yourself and the incredible job you’re doing as a mom and in case no one has told you lately, I’m proud of you!

Final Thoughts
Motherhood is a continuous learning experience filled with highs and lows. Embrace these important lessons as reminders that you are not alone in your journey. By being kind to yourself and recognizing your strengths, you can navigate motherhood with greater confidence and joy. Remember, you are doing an amazing job, and your efforts are making a significant difference in your child’s life. Keep going, and know that you are a wonderful mom.
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