How To Improve Your Mood Quickly When You’re Feeling Grumpy

As moms, it’s hard to be “on” all the time. And honestly that’s perfectly normal! But having a bad day isn’t really fun either. In this blog learn how to improve your mood quickly for those inevitable grumpy days.
We all have “those days.” You know, the ones where everything feels like too much, the kids are extra demanding, and your patience is running on empty. The one’s where you’re wondering how to improve your mood so you can be a better mom. Every mom has been there! As a mom, you’re juggling a million things, and sometimes, all it takes is one spilled cup of milk or a tantrum at the wrong moment to push you into a bad mood. And trust me, I get it! You are not alone in those moments when you snap and are instantly put in a bad mood. You are only human, after all!
Here is the good news though, even if you’re feeling grumpy, you don’t have to stay there. There are simple, quick ways to turn your mood around so you can get back to feeling good again. If you’re wondering how to improve your mood today, you’re in the right place because I’m sharing 15 ways to boost your mood quickly! Let’s dive in.
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Why Do Moms Have Bad Days?
First off, let’s discuss why moms have bad days to begin with. Even though we love our kids so much and would do anything for them, motherhood comes with some stress, a bit of overwhelm and lot of exhaustion. And moms are only human! You cannot expect to be in a great mood and regulate perfectly every single day. Here are a few common reasons moms experience bad days:
1. Lack of sleep
Whether you’re exhausted because you have a newborn waking up at night or you stayed up for some “me-time,” poor sleep affects your mood. So sometimes we do it to ourselves and other times it’s just part of mom life.
2. Mental overload
Moms have a lot to keep track of, especially if you’re the default parent. Keeping track of everyone’s needs, schedules, and responsibilities can be overwhelming. And I swear mental exhaustion is harder to manage than physical exhaustion.

3. Constant interruptions
From having no privacy when trying to go to the bathroom to barely finishing a sentence without being whined at, moms rarely get a moment to themselves. This can obviously lead to frustration and overstimulation.
4. Unmet needs
Moms tend to put themselves last or forget to take care of themselves at all. When you’re always taking care of others but neglecting your own needs, resentment can build up, leading to mom burnout.
5. External stressors
There could be things that don’t even have to do with motherhood stressing you out. Finances, relationships, and household responsibilities can pile up, making everything feel heavier.

6. Lack of support
Not having a great support group can make motherhood more challenging. Feeling like you’re doing it all alone can make even minor struggles feel unbearable, and therefore a bad day can become inevitable.

Why Am I In a Bad Mood?
Whether it’s just a bad day or a bad mood, you are not a bad mom! Sometimes, a bad mood sneaks up on you, and you’re not even sure why. Here are a few possible reasons you might be in a bad mood. This is always a great way to start to try and figure out why you’re moody so you can make changes to fix it!
1. Hunger or dehydration
If you’re like me and somehow forget to eat because all you do is drink coffee all morning, I get it. But, hunger, low blood sugar, or dehydration can make you irritable! And that’s not fun for you or anyone, so if you’re feeling grumpy, think about the last time your ate something.
2. Hormonal shifts
Something completely out of our hands is PMS, postpartum, or general hormonal changes that can impact our mood. To be blunt here, it’s sucks! The best thing you can do is roll with the punches during these times, get rest, and go easy on yourself.

3. Sensory overload
I bet when you became a mom you didn’t think you would become overstimulated by things the same way your kids do! Too much noise, mess, or stimulation can make you feel on edge. And we all have triggers too that can set us right over the edge, don’t worry you’re not alone!
4. Negative thought patterns
Your mindset matters, one hundred percent! Dwelling on the bad parts of your day and everything you think you did wrong can make things feel worse than they are. Turn your mindset around!

How To Improve Your Mood
Now that you know what might be causing your bad mood, let’s fix it! Even though it’s ok to have many emotions throughout the day, no one wants to stay in a bad mood. If you’re wondering how to improve your mood quickly, here are 15 things that can help!
1. Take Deep Breaths
I know it sounds cliche, but taking a few deep breaths can be really helpful to improve your mood. Try inhaling deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for four, and then exhale for four counts. Repeat this a few times to reset your nervous system. This is such a quick and simple way to reset!

2. Drink Water
Did you know that dehydration can make you feel sluggish and irritable? Stay hydrated, mama! A cold glass of water can work wonders to keep your mood boosted.
3. Step Outside
Get outside for some fresh air and sunlight. This can instantly lift your mood when you’re feeling overstimulated. Even if you can only get outside for just for a few minutes, it’s a great way to reset.
4. Move Your Body
Moving your body helps to release endorphins, which in turn can uplift your mood. Try to stretch a bit, have a dance party, or take a short walk to improve your mood. The best part is, these things can be done with your kids in tow, which can help everyone feel better.

5. Eat a Healthy Snack
Raise your hand if you’re guilty for skipping meals!🙋🏼♀️ I’m guilty too, and I also know this is no way to feel better. If you haven’t eaten much, try to eat a healthy snack like a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, or a smoothie to give you a quick energy and mood boost.
6. Take A Drive & Listen To Music
Music has a powerful effect on emotions. Taking a ride in the car when your kids are strapped in and no one can touch you is a great mood booster! So, get everyone in the car, blast a feel-good song and sing along! This is one of my favorite ways to boost my own mood. Boost it a little more by grabbing yourself a coffee or little treat! 🙂
7. Laugh
Yes, it can be as simple as laughing! Watch a funny video, read a joke, or think of a hilarious moment to break the tension. My kids love watching America’s Funniest Home Videos, so if you’re having a tough day with your kids, give this show a try. You can also ask Alexa to tell you a joke, and it will probably be so foolish you’ll laugh.

8. Declutter One Spot
If you’re like me, cleaning up can actually make you feel good! Plus, a messy space in your home can make you feel more chaotic. Tidy up a small area of your home and this will help you to feel more in control. You might be surprised at how much better you feel once that junk pile you’ve been meaning to get to is all cleaned up!
9. Use Essential Oils
If you have essential oils or even candles, citrus or lavender scents can be uplifting and calming. Diffuse these scents if you have them, or light a calming scented candle to put out good vibes into your home. It amazes me how scents can make such a difference in your mood!
10. Text a Friend
Being a mom is not something we should be doing alone! A quick check-in with someone who gets you can provide comfort and connection. We all need that mom to text and say “I’m going to lose it!” And she will reply back that she totally understands. We are all pretty much living the same life as moms haha!

11. Change Your Clothes
This is another one of my favorite mood boosting tips! If you’ve been in your pajamas all day, put on something fresh to reset your mindset. Pajamas tell your brain it’s time to relax and go to sleep. Putting on real clothes (even if it’s leggings) can tell your brain it’s time to start the day and be productive! So basically, just make sure you get dressed everyday.
12. Give Yourself a Pep Talk
We could all use a pep talk now and then. Take the time to remind yourself, “This is just a moment, not my whole day.” A bad moment or a bad day does not make you a bad mom, it makes you human. Pep talk your kids too if they’re driving you mad! This can give everyone a chance to reset and start over to make the remainder of the day a better one.
13. Hug Someone
This one is so insanely easy you can do it right now! We are humans and we all need physical touch. A hug, whether from your child, husband/partner, or even a pet, can help release oxytocin and improve mood. So, go hug your babies!

14. Do Something for Yourself
A five minute self-care act can make a huge difference in your mood and we all have 5 minutes! Try painting your nails, reading a chapter of a book, or sipping a cup of tea to shift your mood instantly.
15. Take A Shower
Just like water can help reset your baby or toddler’s grumpy mood, it can help you too! Let your kids watch TV, or during their nap time, take a quick shower to relax and reenergize!
Final Thoughts on How To Improve Your Mood
Bad moods happen to the best of us, but they don’t have to control your entire day. By recognizing your triggers and having a few quick fixes on hand, you can shift your energy and feel better in no time. Motherhood is really challenging and oftentimes leads us feeling on wits end, but you deserve to feel good while navigating it too! Next time you’re feeling grumpy, try one (or a few) of these tips and see how quickly your mood can turn around! Let me know in the comments section below which tip for how to improve your mood was your favorite.
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- Have A Bad Mom Day? Here’s How To Fix It
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