How To Be A Stay At Home Mom: What You Need To Know First

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Have you caught yourself saying “I just want to be a stay at home mom” in the past? Maybe you are pregnant and know you want to be a SAHM or maybe you’ve been a mom for a while and you’re wondering how to be a stay at home mom now. Whatever the case, in this blog I’m sharing everything you need to know before becoming a stay at home mom!

Becoming a stay at home mom was honestly the best decision I ever made. I knew it’s what I always wanted to do. And I know I’m very lucky to have a husband who agreed it was best for our family and was able to make it happen and support me. Being a stay at home mom is definitely a preference and it’s unique to every family’s situation. But if you really want to be a stay at home mom, then I really think you can make it happen!

Keep reading for my top tips to becoming a stay at home mom. In this blog I’ll discuss what you need to prepare for, what you can expect, and everything else you need to know. Read until the end for even more resources and a freebie!

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How To Be A Stay At Home Mom

So, you are ready to be a stay at home mom but you want to prepare yourself a bit. Before we dive in, let. me remind you that this is a role that requires patience and resilience! Not everyday will be perfect, but that’s ok. In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know to navigate the journey of stay at home motherhood with confidence and grace.

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Preparing To Be A Stay At Home Mom

Transitioning to life as a stay at home mom (SAHM) involves careful preparation and planning. Here are some essential steps to help you prepare for this fulfilling yet demanding role:

1. Budgeting & Getting Finances in Order

Of course this sounds pretty obvious. But you’ll now be living off one income and while I think it makes way more sense than paying for childcare, it’s not always easy. You and your husband need to be on the same page when it comes to finances. Plan how bills will be paid, budget your expenses, and make sure you have some wiggle room as well. Identify areas where you can cut expenses if necessary and create a financial plan!

You could even explore opportunities for generating additional income from home, such as freelancing, remote work, or starting a home-based business, if that is something you’re interested in! There are lots of opportunities like this in this age of technology, so it might be worth it to take advantage!

Also remember, you deserve to spend some money on yourself once in a while! I struggled with this most when becoming a stay at home mom. I felt terrible spending “my husband’s money on myself.” Even though he never made me feel bad about it! I had to be reminded over and over again that it is “our money” and it’s ok to spend some on myself sometimes.

woman budgeting

2. Establish Routines

You will want to make sure you set up a daily routine that balances motherhood responsibilities with personal time and household chores. There’s a lot to get done when you’re a SAHM and it will feel never-ending if you’re not keeping up. Yes, you get to spend this precious time with your child, but don’t get too far behind on all the other work or you’ll end up overwhelmed and burnt out.

Also, creating a schedule for meal preparation, cleaning, playtime, and nap times to maintain structure and consistency for both you and your children is super important! Keep reading and I’ll share my best schedule with you. Learn more in this blog about why schedules are so important for kids.

Don’t forget to prioritize self care, too mama! This is SO important. Allocate time each day for activities that rejuvenate and recharge you, whether it’s exercise, reading, or pursuing a hobby. Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day to do something for yourself, you’ll need it! And you deserve to take that time to fill up your cup.

3. Becoming a stay at home mom means you must find your tribe!

A support network is crucial when you’re a stay at home mom. You need to find stay at home mom friends!! Even if you just have one stay at home mom friend, it will make all the difference for your journey. Reach out to other stay at home moms in your community for advice, encouragement, and camaraderie. I know it can seem daunting to find new mom friends, especially if you’re an introvert but it’s possible. A few places to meet other SAHMs are:

  • The library – Go to story times specific to your child’s age
  • Mom groups
  • Your local FB pages – If you don’t have a local mom’s FB page, then you make one!

Also, consider joining parenting groups, playdates, or mommy and me classes to connect with other moms and provide socialization opportunities for your children AND yourself! You will get bored and lonely if you are staying at home all day. A SAHM needs daily socialization with another adult, so take the time to reach out. You won’t regret it!

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What To Expect When Becoming A Stay At Home Mom

Being a stay at home mom is a multifaceted role that encompasses various responsibilities and experiences. Some are good, other’s might not be so good. Here’s what you can expect as you embark on this amazing journey:

1. Fulfillment and Joy

Despite the challenges, being a stay at home mom offers unparalleled opportunities to witness your child’s milestones, nurture their growth, and create lasting memories together. There is truly nothing better than being your child’s go-to person and having the time to bond with your new baby. Cherish the special moments spent with your children, whether it’s cuddling during storytime, exploring nature at the park, or sharing laughter over silly games.

2. Time Management

Balancing childcare duties, household chores, and personal pursuits requires effective time management skills. So, you’ll have to learn to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Don’t hesitate to delegate responsibilities or ask for help when needed! Embrace flexibility and be prepared to adapt your schedule as circumstances change or unexpected events arise.

Quick side note: You will definitely need to ask for help at some point, even if it’s just from your husband/spouse. Please don’t ever feel like you’re a bad mom or you’re weak if you need help! Asking for help has such a stigma around it, but I really believe that it means you’re a stronger mom when you realize you need help and are brave enough to ask for it.

3. Isolation and Loneliness

I told you, it’s not always going to feel like butterflies and rainbows when you become a SAHM. You will not enjoy every moment, no matter what anyone says. And that’s ok, it’s normal. The transition to stay at home motherhood can sometimes feel isolating, especially if you’re accustomed to the social interactions of a workplace environment.

Combat feelings of loneliness by actively seeking out opportunities for socialization, whether it’s attending mom meetups, joining online communities, or scheduling regular outings with friends and family. Prioritize your mental health by staying connected with loved ones, practicing self care, and seeking professional support if needed.

how to be a stay at home mom

Tips for How To Be A Successful Stay At Home Mom

You don’t just want to “survive” being a SAHM. You want to THRIVE! So, to thrive as a stay at home mom, consider implementing the following tips into your daily routine:

1. Maintain a Positive Mindset

Having a healthy and positive mindset is EVERYTHING! Embrace the challenges of motherhood with optimism and resilience, knowing that each obstacle is an opportunity for growth and learning. Focus on the joys and blessings of being a stay at home mom, and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.

If you get stuck in a negative spiral, motherhood is going to feel harder. You can talk about your feelings and the challenges of being a SAHM and feel validated for that, without drowning in negative thoughts. Talk about any difficulties you’re having with someone you trust and then figure out how to move forward. You have that choice and that is pretty amazing if you ask me!

2. Embrace Imperfections

Let go of the pressure to be a perfect parent and accept that there will be days when things don’t go as planned. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward with grace and compassion. No one on this Earth is perfect and the sooner you realize that, the easier motherhood will feel. Making mistakes is normal and it’s a great teaching opportunity for your kids when they see you mess up, apologize, and move on.

imperfect motherhood

3. Prioritize Self Care

I know I sound like a broken record, but if you want to know how to be a stay at home mom and be good at it, you must take care of yourself and you can’t feel guilty about it. So, make self care a non-negotiable part of your routine. It can be anything from drinking enough water and eating a real meal to taking a relaxing bath or practicing mindfulness meditation. Add it into your routine and remember that taking care of yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential for your well-being. Taking care of yourself IS taking care of your family!

4. Seek Support

This one is so important! Don’t hesitate to reach out for support from friends, family, or professional resources when you need assistance or guidance. Surround yourself with a supportive network of fellow moms who can offer empathy, advice, and encouragement during challenging times.

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    Final Thoughts on How To Be A Stay At Home Mom

    Being a stay at home mom is a fulfilling and rewarding journey that comes with its unique set of joys and challenges. By preparing yourself for the role, knowing what to expect, and implementing practical tips for success, you can navigate the ups and downs of motherhood with confidence and grace. Remember to cherish the precious moments spent with your children, prioritize your well-being, and lean on your support network when needed. You’ve got this!

    If you are seeking more support in your role, my course might just be what you need! Check out Thriving Beyond Motherhood: A Journey to Become A Happier and More Purposeful Stay at Home Mom. Click that link to learn more.

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