Finding Your Identity Once You’re A Mom In 6 Easy Steps

Have you ever heard the phrase “You might lose yourself in motherhood” (or something along those lines?) It happens to the best of us, but there’s nothing wrong with it! Keep reading to find out why and learn how finding your identity again in motherhood is possible.
Finding your identity once you’ve become a mom is possible! In this blog I’m going to share 6 things you can do starting today to start feeling like yourself again. Let’s make this year YOUR year! Because even though you’re a mom now, that doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice yourself.
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Becoming a mom is a life-changing experience, obviously! It’s one that fills your days with love, laughter, joy, smiles, and excitement. It also comes with endless responsibilities. And amidst the joys of motherhood, many moms find themselves struggling to maintain a sense of self. It’s common to feel like you’ve lost a part of your identity in the midst of caring for your little ones. So if you have felt that way lately, you are definitely not alone.
Fear not, reclaiming and finding your identity is not only possible but essential for your well-being! I truly don’t think you lose yourself in motherhood, I think motherhood makes you a new person. Rediscovering a new you and finding new joys, hobbies, and friends is part of life once becoming a mom. And with that being said, if you haven’t felt so much like you these days, you can find yourself again. Keep reading!

6 Ways to Finding Your Identity & Feeling More Like You
Here are six things you can do this year to feel more like yourself again. Try each of these, (I’m saving the best for last) and start feeling more like you!
1. Prioritize Self Care
As a mom, it’s easy to put your needs on the back burner while attending to everyone else’s. However, self care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for your mental, emotional, and physical health. You don’t need to make this hard either. Prioritizing yourself can be taking a shower everyday, drinking enough water, or eating a hot meal. And it can be a date night, a massage, or getting your hair done. But, whether it’s taking a long bath, going for a walk alone, or indulging in your favorite hobby, make self care a priority in your daily routine!
Related: Vitaclean Honest Review: At Home Self Care for SAHMs
2. Update Your Wardrobe
I know you have probably not bought one single piece of clothing for yourself in years. I know that because I’m still wearing some clothes form 2012 and that embarasses me to say! haha! But anyway, the past 6 months or so, I have made it a priority to buy myself some new clothes and update my closet because it not only makes me feel better, but it helps when finding your identity too. Styles have changed, your bras are probably coming apart, and some clothes don’t fit right. So jump on Pinterest and search some trendy clothing items and buy yourself a new outfit, mama!
I’ve also been completely inspired to update my closet by this amazing and fellow Insta/Blogger mom, Cassie. She has been doing a series on her Instagram called “Rediscovering My Style” where she’s finding a bunch of new, trendy clothes and it has really inspired me to update my own wardrobe! Check out her Instagram here. Check out her blog here.

3. Rediscover Your Hobbies and Passions
Before motherhood, you likely had hobbies and interests that brought you joy and fulfillment. Take some time to reconnect with those passions. Whether it’s painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument, engaging in activities you love will help you reconnect with your pre-mom self. If those old hobbies don’t interest you anymore, find a new one! That’s ok too, it’s all part of finding your new identity. It’s ok to change over the years and have interest in different things. Find something you love to do and try to take 10 minutes each day to do it!
Related: 12 Easy Hobbies for Stay At Home Moms Going Through An Identity Crisis
4. Make Time for Friends
Socializing often takes a backseat after having children, but maintaining friendships is crucial for your well-being. Schedule regular outings or virtual hangouts with friends who understand and support you. Having a strong support network outside of your family can provide much-needed encouragement, perspective, and laughter. Having at least one really great friend is all you need!

5. Set Personal Goals
Motherhood doesn’t mean putting your dreams and aspirations on hold indefinitely. Set aside some time to identify your personal goals and ambitions, whether they’re related to your career, education, or personal growth. Breaking down your goals into manageable steps will make them feel more attainable, even with a busy schedule. Keep aspiring to be better. Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean life stops, you can set new goals and start new things whenever you freakin’ want to!
6. Invest in Yourself
I told you I saved the best for last! That’s because you should always feel good enough to invest in yourself. You matter just like your kids. So take that class you’ve been meaning to take, start that blog you’ve been too scared to actually start, or check out an online course to continue learning and growing. Self-improvement is a hot topic right now and it’s a great way to get your started on finding your identity!
And my online course might be just what you’re looking for! Thriving Beyond Motherhood is a course designed especially for burnt out and overwhelmed stay at home moms who want to find their purpose, their identity, and feel more joy in motherhood. If this sound like you, then learn more at Thriving Beyond Motherhood Course!
Finding Your Identity has never been easier! Introducing my new online course to help you thrive!
Stop feeling like you’re “just surviving” and start thriving in motherhood! Be joyful again, stop feeling guilty all the time, and truly find your purpose in your role as a stay at home mom. Learn more here.

Final thoughts
Becoming a mom is a beautiful journey, but it’s also one that can leave you feeling lost in the shuffle. Between changing diapers, breastfeeding or bottles, bedtime routines, and so on, the everyday mundanity of motherhood can be consuming. It’s really no wonder so many moms feel like they have “lost themselves” in motherhood.
However, finding your identity and reclaiming yourself is possible! By prioritizing self care, updating your wardrobe, reconnecting with your passions, nurturing your relationships, and investing in yourself, you can rediscover your identity and feel more like yourself again! Remember, you are more than just a mom; you are a multifaceted woman with dreams, passions, and goals worthy of pursuit. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and reclaim the essence of who you are.
Related Blogs:
- Empowering Stay At Home Moms To Thrive In Their Motherhood Journey
- 5 Joyful Ways To Break Through A Mom Rut And Become Inspired
- 10 Motivational Quotes for Stay At Home Moms To Find Strength & Inspiration
- How To Be A Happier Mom With These 5 Habit Changes
- Mindset for Moms: The Power of A Positive Mindset When You’re A SAHM
- Stay At Home Mom Goals For 2025 To Help You Thrive
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