Finding Purpose As A Stay At Home Mom

There are so many benefits of being a stay at home mom, but that doesn’t mean it won’t feel isolating at times. Finding purpose as a stay at home mom is completely possible and extremely important. Keep reading to find out why!
The transition to being a full time mom is a huge life change that comes with many challenges, worries, and unknowns. It’s hard and lonely sometimes and that’s why it’s so important to find your purpose. You don’t have to lose yourself in motherhood, you can find a new version of yourself instead. An even better you than you ever imagined! In this blog, I’m going to help you with finding purpose as a stay at home mom because it’s necessary to be the best mom you can be!
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How Can A Stay At Home Mom Live A Fulfilling Life?
Stay at home moms can enjoy life just as anyone else! You have to find the joys in your everyday and remember why you started. Why did you want to be a stay at home mom? Think about it and write it down. Then start shifting your mindset and perspectives about how you feel about being a SAHM and what our society thinks you should feel.
It’s ok to enjoy being a mom (despite what social media says) and it’s ok to change the narrative. Challenge yourself to rise above the chatter about mom life being so difficult and overwhelming. Stop teasing your kids and treating them like a burden. Change yourself.

Benefits of Being a Stay At Home Mom
There are literally a million benefits of being a stay at home mom. From saving a ton of money in childcare, to having children that are less stressed and do better in school for years to come. Being a stay at home mom is an amazing choice. In my opinion (and I know this doesn’t work for everyone) but I didn’t have kids to then give them to someone else to raise. You get to be with your child all the time, watch them reach every milestone, be their rock, and spend time with them (which we all know is fleeting.)
The pros of being a stay at home mom far outweigh the cons. And you’ll witness that year after year while watching your child(ren) grow.

Finding Purpose As A Stay At Home Mom
So, even though your days may be spent wiping boogers, cleaning dirty diapers, getting drooly kisses, and constantly cleaning up messes, there are still ways to find your purpose. Think about all the good things you get to do all day too! Below are some ways you can find your purpose as a SAHM.
1. Take care of yourself
Remember that you still matter and you can’t be the best mom possible, if you’re not taking care of yourself. Taking care of you can be things as little as eating a nutritious meal, taking a shower, and drinking enough water each day. Or it can be as big as exercising for 30 minutes everyday, getting your nails done regularly, and going out with friends. Just make sure you take 5 to 10 minutes to do something you love everyday!
2. Find Stay At Home Mom Friends
Find your village of SAHMs who you can spend time with! This can be hard for an introvert (I get it) but there are easy ways to find your people. Check out a mom’s group or your local library. You can even go to a local park and just start talking. Other moms want to chat, so put yourself out there and make some new friends!

3. Get a hobby
Find something you enjoy doing and make time for it at least weekly. For me, I love reading. I make sure I have time at the end of the day to read a book. And it isn’t luck that I’ve been able to read 18 books already in May! I schedule and carve out the time for me. Maybe you love to craft or exercise, journal or hike. Whatever it is, find a hobby and then make time for it!
If you need a little help getting started on a schedule then you gotta opt into my email list! You’ll get a free schedule (mine as an example) and a blank one for you to fill out. Writing things down helps you get it done!
4. Remember your why
Remind yourself often why you are doing this. Why did you want to be a stay at home mom? I named my “why” above, I didn’t have kids to pass them off to someone else. I wanted to be with my kids every day. Tell me your why in the comments, I’d love to hear it!

Final Thoughts to Find Your Purpose
Finding purpose as a stay at home mom is so important. You give all of yourself to your kids, so it’s important to make yourself a priority too! You need to fill your cup in order to be the best mom possible. So to recap:
- Take care of yourself
- Find SAHM friends
- Get a hobby
- Remember your WHY!
Always remember, you’re doing great! Everything you do is enough. And you matter.

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Related To Finding Purpose As A Stay At Home Mom:
- Day In The Life of A Stay At Home Mom: How To Create A Great Schedule
- 4 Things A New Stay At Home Mom Should Never Do
- Tips For Stay At Home Moms To Thrive & Enjoy Mom Life
- Insanely Simple Morning Routine For Stay At Home Moms
- Stay At Home Mom Goals To Help You Thrive
- Prevent Mom Burnout: 7 Quick Ways to Take A Break & Recharge

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