12 Easy Hobbies for Stay At Home Moms Going Through An Identity Crisis

Lots of women find they lose themselves in motherhood. One way to keep yourself grounded is to have a hobby. In this blog I’m sharing easy hobbies for stay at home moms you can pick up on quickly!
Everyone needs some easy hobbies and stay at home moms are no different. In any season of motherhood it’s very easy to forget who we are and to take care of ourselves. And as a stay at home mom of 3 kids, I know how important it truly is TO take care of yourself! You are a mother but you are also your own women outside of that. You need to have an identity outside of motherhood in order to thrive as a stay at home mom. Taking care of you is also taking care of your family!
In this blog, I’m sharing easy hobbies for stay at home moms because I know how hard it can be to find time for yourself. These hobbies will give you that alone time you desperately need without any of the headaches of finding a babysitter. Plus, keep reading for a freebie that will help you schedule in your hobby time to your busy mom life!
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Easy Hobbies for Stay At Home Moms
Check out these hobbies below to help build your confidence and create your identity outside of motherhood. Once you’ve read them all, let me know in the comments which ones you will try!
1. Easy Hobbies for Stay At Home Moms: Reading
Reading is probably the easiest hobby you can find. It has become my favorite hobby since last summer. I picked up a Colleen Hoover book and I couldn’t stop. Literally! But before that, I hadn’t read in years, honestly. Everytime I even tried to pick up a book my mind would go to a million other places and I just couldn’t focus. Or I would be so tired I would fall asleep. The trick is to find a book or author you really like and then schedule in the time to read, even if it’s just a chapter a day.

2. Yoga
Yoga is a great exercise for anyone, whether you’re new to yoga or experienced. There are many apps you can use to learn yoga flows and poses too so you can do it right at home! Yoga is something that I have made time for at night after my kids go to bed and the strength and confidence I’ve gained from it has been great! I love the Fabletics app because they are always adding new workouts to it so you never get bored with the same exercises over and over again.

3. Coloring
Adult coloring books are super trendy right now. And coloring has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. So, go to Walmart and grab a new coloring book that resonates with you and some new markers or colored pencils. I don’t care how old we get, new writing utensils will always be amazing!
4. Blogging
If you like to write then blogging is a great hobby to pick up! You don’t have to make your blog public either if you don’t want to. You can have it for you just to get down all the things you feeling about your being a stay at home mom. It’s a great way to to just brain dump everything on your mind. You can also make it public to share your mom stories with other mamas to help them feel less alone!

5. Cooking
We all have to eat, therefore we all cook anyway! So why not make it a hobby of yours. If it’s something you enjoy you can start cooking up fancy meals or find new recipes to make for dinner. If your kids are in the picky stage of life, then wait until they go to bed and make a yummy dinner for you and your husband!
6. Crocheting/Knitting
I honestly don’t know the first thing about crocheting or knitting, but I know it’s something you can do right at home! You could find YouTube videos to learn how to make easy items and start practicing. Who knows, if you end up loving it you could start your own Etsy shop and sell your works of art!
7. Photography
Amp up your photography skills! There are so many online courses you can take to learn how to master the art of photography. This is another hobby you could even use as a side hustle! People are always looking for local photographers. So if it’s something you love, learn the ins and outs of it and make it a true hobby.

8. Easy Hobbies for Stay At Home Moms: Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaw puzzles are a great way to stay busy for a few days or weeks at a time. Get a 1000+ piece puzzle and you’ll have something to do at night when the kids are in bed for a while. I don’t know about you, but I always feel better doing something like this at night rather than watching TV. It just makes me feel so much more productive and smarter haha!

9. Arts & Crafts
There are a million things you can do with arts and crafts! If it’s something you’re into already then find one thing in particular you really like and work at that. You can make signs, paint on canvas, get into pottery, create murals, design t-shirts or invitations. The list is literally endless.
10. Calligraphy
Calligraphy is almost a lost art. Again, search YouTube videos or maybe even find a class to learn how to create calligraphy. It’s something not a lot of people can do, so that’s pretty cool in itself!

11. Gardening
Start a garden! It could be flowers, herbs, or fruits/vegetables. This one is great because it gets you outside with is great for your well being. It can be a great thing to teach your kids about too as they get older.
12. Running
A healthy hobby is a great hobby! Running is a great mental hobby. When you’re having a tough day, running will get you out of the house and away from your kids (we all need that sometimes!) If you’re like “yeah right I’m not a runner, I could never” I know what you mean. I was never athletic either, then I found the CouchTo5K app and it changed my life. Within 2 months I was running 3 miles no problem and actually considered myself a runner. I enjoyed the time out in nature too. So if exercising is something on your mind but you don’t want to pay for a gym membership, running is a completely free hobby!
Final Thoughts on Easy Hobbies for Stay At Home Moms
That’s 12 easy hobbies for stay at home moms and a lot of them are free! If not free, it might be a small amount of money for some classes or supplies. But you deserve this hobby and this time to yourself, mama! Don’t feel guilty about spending time away from your kids, I always say in order to be a good mom and take care of your kids, you need to take care of yourself first! You can’t pour from an empty cup. So find a hobby you LOVE and stick to it. Tell me in the comments below which hobby you’re going to try!
And now for how to fit this hobby into your life…First off YOU CAN. You make time for the things you want to do. But sometimes we need a little help or a visual. So check out my free daily schedule! In this freebie, you get my daily schedule that I use every single day to set my day up to be productive and successful! Plus you get a blank schedule that you can fill in, so YOU can make time for your hobby. When it’s written down for you, you will be more apt to actually do it. So sign up below and get yours right to your inbox now!
Save this image to Pinterest so you can come back to these easy hobbies for stay at home moms later!

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