Easy Chores for Toddlers That Encourage Independence

chores for toddlers

Your toddler probably loves helping you out around the house! Let’s encourage them with these 3 easy chores for toddlers that encourage independence.

Is your toddler ready for chores? Well, since you stumbled across this blog, chances are, YOU are ready to give chores to your toddler, mama! And I think that’s great. If you have an older toddler, around 16 months, they are probably ready to start doing easy chores to help out around the house! Most toddlers love to help out in their own way, so encourage them with some simple chores.

In this blog I’m going to share some easy chores for toddlers you can start doing today. Starting these simple chores is a great way to build healthy habits and teach your child independence and responsibility. And I think almost every child wants to feel the accomplishments of chores and pretend to be a grown up. Keep reading to learn more!

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    Why should toddlers do chores?

    It’s simple: to teach responsibility. Teaching your toddler to begin taking care of himself is a great gift to give him! The question should be why SHOULDN’T toddlers do chores? Kids love to feel like grown ups. They want to copy the adults in their lives. They yearn to be independent and in control. Giving them chores that are age appropriate is the perfect way to do that for them. You might find that starting chores is actually easy. Which brings me to the next question…

    How do I start giving my toddler chores?

    You can start with a visual chart! Amazon usually has great ones. When your child has a visual checklist they will get excited about what they need to do. Show them one chore at a time and work up to the next ones. The goal is to start small and encourage these chores each day. The goal is to start small, be consistent, and encourage these chores each day by making it fun!

    Completing the Puzzle

    3 Easy Chores For Toddlers To Introduce Today

    Cleaning up their toys/bedroom – Help them begin to put their toys away. When they play with something, it gets put back where it belongs. They will need your help to start, but will get the hang of it soon enough!

    Putting their clothes away – Have your child put their dirty clothes into the laundry hamper. At the end of the day when you get into pajamas, have your child put the dirty clothes in the hamper. When they are a little bit older (4+) you can begin having them put their clean clothes away in their drawers and closet.

    Put dishes away in the sink/counter – After your child eats their meals or snacks, tell them to put their dirty dishes on the counter or, if they are tall enough, they can throw those dishes right into the sink!

    Final Thoughts

    That’s 3 easy chores your toddler can start doing today! As they get older, you can add on harder chores or more of them. You can also let them help you with chores when they are interested. Chores you toddler might want to help with are: wiping down tables/counters, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, etc. Let them take the lead!

    So, if you start with 1 chore or start all 3 right away, I think you’re being an awesome mom! Teaching our kids responsibility isn’t easy, but it sure is important.

    Save these chores for later to your favorite Pinterest board! Here’s an image you can use:

    simple chores for toddlers

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