Be The Best Stay At Home Mom in 4 Simple Steps

Are you ready to rock your job and be the best stay at home mom? In this blog I’m sharing some secrets to being the absolute best mom you can be….and guess what? It’s easier than you think!
Being a stay at home mom is the best gig, in my opinion! As a woman who has been a stay at home mom for 6 years with 3 children, I’ve learned some secrets to making this hard and under-looked job easier, so keep on reading.
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Be The Best Stay At Home Mom
People often think stay at home moms just sit around all day and play with the kids. Or they believe we have all the time in the world to do anything and everything. I think people forget how demanding children can be. Especially a breastfeeding baby and/or an extremely clingy toddler. Many days it’s overwhelming and tiring to say the least. But I’ve come up with some ways to make being a stay at home mom fun and easy. These tips might surprise you, but if you’re ready to feel less overwhelmed in your motherhood journey, then this blog is for you! Keep reading for more! And make sure to save the image below to your Pinterest board so you can come back and look at this later!

Be the BEST Stay At Home Mom and Feel Happier and More Confident!
1. Get into a routine & create structure
This one seems like a boring one. But getting into routines with your little one will help everyone in your home feel less overwhelmed and more in control! Did you know routines help babies have a less stressful day and might even help them sleep better? When babies have a great routine they begin to understand what to expect. When you do the same thing everyday, especially when it comes to nap and bedtime routines, they realize it’s time to sleep and sleep better!
This goes for toddlers too. When they know what is happening each day, they feel more in control, confident, and SAFE. This in turn leads to less tantrums, easier transition periods, and overall a happier toddler. Which means mama will be happier, too!
Routines can sometimes feel mundane and boring, but once you get into the swing of things — and you find what works for your family — you will most likely come to love your routine. I have LOTS of blogs on routines and they totally depend on the ages of your child, so just search “Routine” in the search bar in the corner to find what you need. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please email me at [email protected]! I’d love to help you out.

2. Don’t try so hard
I know this sounds so funny, right? But you really don’t have to overdo it as a stay at home mom. Do what feels right for your and your kids. If you’re someone who loves going out and having a full schedule and things to do, GREAT! If you’re someone who looks to stay home more often and only have a few things to do or maybe nothing at all to do, that’s great too!
The best thing about being a stay at home mom is you can make things work the way you want them to. And no matter what you do, your kids will be just fine! Just being with you helps them become well-adjusted, sociable, happy little people! Doing nothing is completely acceptable. You don’t have to be hard on yourself or feel guilty about every little thing. Hey…that leads me to next tip!
3. The BEST stay at home mom kisses Mom Guilt GOODBYE!
See ya later mom guilt!! It’s time to say buh-bye to all mom guilt once and for all. Its unneeded and unnecessary and all other words that start with “un.” 😉 But how do I do that, you ask? It’s really as simple and as difficult as just doing it. Grab THIS freebie to learn some more.
Basically, mama, you need to change your perspective about all the reasons you feel guilty. It’s ok to go out with your friends, it’s ok if you watched too much tv one day or didn’t spend a lot of time outside. And it’s ok if your house is a mess or the laundry didn’t get done. It’s ok if you didn’t get out of the house or you didn’t do a craft at home. You just need to let all these things go and realize you are a great mom despite all those things. Which brings me to my last tip…..This is what makes you the best stay at home mom:
You are a stay at home mom. If you ask me, thats the best job and it’s the best gift you can give your kids. Listen, all moms are the best, but as a stay at home mom you have given up a lot of your freedoms and a career (for the time being — that career can begin later on) and a multitude of other things to be able to stay at home with your children. You get to see every single milestone, you get to watch your kids grow up before your eyes. You get to pick them up at school every day. And you get to spend every single moment with your kids. That is the greatest gift of all, for BOTH of you.
Being a stay at home mom is not about all the activities you go to, it’s not about keeping constantly busy, always having something to do, or making sure you get to every social group there is. Being a stay at home mom is about being there for your children. Whether it’s on-the-go or sitting at home watching TV, you get to be their go-to person. That’s how you be the best stay at home mom….and that’s the best part of being a stay at home mom.

Final Thoughts
We can simplify motherhood if we aren’t so hard on ourselves all the time. When we remember that enough is good enough. That our kids don’t need all the extra toys, play dates, activities, social groups, and so on. A loving home is where it all begins!
Now that you have these insanely easy tips to put your mind at ease and remind you that being the best stay at home mom is actually pretty easy…go rock the job, mama! Feel more confident in that what you’re doing matters and you’re doing it right. You’ve got this!
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If you’re still feeling a little unsure of yourself, check out my free download, “Mama Mantras & Perspective Shifts.” Click the button below to start feeling more confident, happier, and more like the mom you always wanted to be! Plus be part of a community of normal mamas just like you!

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