7 Benefits Of Getting Ready Everyday When You’re A SAHM

If you’re a stay at home mom, one of the worst things you can do for yourself is sit in your pajamas all day. In this blog, learn the benefits of getting ready everyday and why you should start this new habit ASAP!
You might be thinking, why would I get ready for the day when I’m going to sit at home anyway? And I get it. I heart you! But I promise the benefits of getting ready for the day when you’re a stay at home mom far outweigh the bad things. You might surprised how beneficial it actually is. Which is why I’m writing this blog. Keep reading to learn 7 tops benefits of getting ready for the day, plus get a freebie that will actually help you create this amazing routine. Because it’s one thing to know how important this habit it, it’s another to put it into practice.
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7 Benefits of Getting Ready For The Day When You’re A Stay At Home Mom
Being a stay at home mom (SAHM) means you have the privilege of raising your kids and managing your household. But it can be easy to slip into a routine where taking care of yourself and getting ready for the day feels unnecessary. After all, who’s there to impress? No one is going to see you, right? I get it. But you’d be surprised how different you feel when you do get ready. Getting ready each morning goes far beyond appearances. It can truly set the tone for the day and bring out the best in both you and your family. Keep reading to learn why I think it matters.

1. It Boosts Your Confidence and Self-Worth
When you take the time to put yourself together in the morning, you’re reinforcing a message of self-respect and self-care. The simple habit of showering, getting dressed, and putting on some makeup can give you a huge confidence boost! You’ll feel more prepared to tackle whatever the day throws at you. It’s not just about looking good but feeling capable and confident in your role. You would get ready to leave your house for work, so why won’t you for your work in your home?
2. It Helps You Feel More Productive
Quick story: When I was growing up, my mother instilled in me the importance of getting ready. I was not allowed to wear pajamas to school ever. Something as simple as changing out of pajamas can make you feel more energized and ready to get things done! By setting a standard of getting ready, you’re more likely to feel a sense of accomplishment. This can help you stay motivated and productive throughout the entire day. Even if you have to clean up the toys a hundred times or fold 3 loads of laundry!

3. It Improves Your Mood
Did you know there’s a psychological link between getting dressed and feeling prepared? Even a quick skincare routine, brushing your hair, and putting on comfortable clothes can help you start the day on a more positive note. When you feel refreshed and ready, your whole mood improves, which can positively impact not only you, but your whole family as well.
4. It Sets a Positive Example for Your Kids
Our children often mirror what they see. So, by prioritizing getting ready each day, you’re teaching them that self-care is essential! Your kids will learn that it’s okay and it’s important to take time for themselves each day, even when they’re busy. Plus, it can be a great learning experience in independence. Let your kids pick out their own outfits and dress themselves (age dependent) while you get ready.

5. It Creates a Sense of Routine and Normalcy
Establishing a morning routine that includes getting ready helps create structure. With so much unpredictability in a mom’s day, this small act of consistency can help you feel grounded. It sets the tone for the day, making it feel like the beginning of something purposeful rather than just a continuation of yesterday’s tasks.
Think of how you felt when you first brought your baby home…You were most likely exhausted, wore the same clothes for a few days in a row, and didn’t have the energy to shower. Which is totally fine, by the way, birthing a baby is a huge deal and taking a couple weeks to settle in is normal. But now think about the first time you did get a chance to shower and put on a little make up. You probably felt more like “you” right? Getting ready in the morning can remind you of your purpose and feel more like you, which is important when you bring home a new baby!
6. It Supports Your Mental Health
When you put effort into your appearance, even if it’s just for you, it can make you feel mentally refreshed. This small self-investment can improve mental clarity, making you feel less stressed or “stuck” in the repetitive nature of daily mom life. It’s a quick way to prioritize yourself in a day that will likely revolve around others. Remember, “look good, feel good.” It truly makes a huge difference!

7. It Makes You More Likely to Engage Socially
Getting ready each day can also make it easier to connect with others or even inspire you to get out of the house. If you have to run errands, meet with friends, or do a school drop-off, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident. This can open up social opportunities. And I don’t have to remind you that staying connected to other moms is essential for a your emotional well-being.
Final Thoughts
Getting yourself ready each day doesn’t mean you have to spend hours primping. Obviously, as moms we don’t have time for that. But a quick morning routine tailored to your needs can do wonders for your mindset and self-confidence! If you don’t already, I urge you to take a few minutes each morning to refresh and prepare for the day and see how it feels. It’s a small act that can make a big difference in your day. Embrace it as a way to show up for yourself, just as you show up for your family. Let me know in the comments section below if you’re going to try this!
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