28 Reasons To Be A Stay At Home Mom When You’re Feeling Unsure

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If you’re on the fence about being a stay at home mom or going back to work, here are my top reasons you should choose to be a stay at home mom! Keep reading to learn the benefits of this lifestyle!

If you want to be a stay at home mom, you’re in the right place. Being a stay at home mom is a lifestyle in a sense. You might put your career on pause or give up some of your favorite hobbies for the time being. But ultimately, to be a stay at home mom is so beneficial for your children. I think our society sometimes makes it seem like the “easy way out” or like our job isn’t important but I truly believe being home with your kids is the most important thing. More important than a career, extra money, vacations, a big home, etc. It’s a job that is lost on society so in this blog I’m giving you my top 28 reasons why you should be a stay at home mom.

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Why I Wanted To Be A Stay At Home Mom

I’m a stay at home mom of 3 kids and let me tell you, it’s the best! There are challenging days, but this is something I always, always wanted to do. Growing up I knew I wanted to be a mom and I knew I wanted to be home with my kids. That to me felt the most important. I know I’m lucky to be able to stay home, but my job as a childcare provider just didn’t make sense for me to continue once having kids. That was the biggest aspect to the decision. I also shared with my husband why I thought it was important to stay home with our children and I’m thankful for his support and hard work for providing for our family.

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28 Reasons to Be A Stay At Home Mom

Being a SAHM is a journey filled with challenges, joys, and countless rewards. While it may not be the path for everyone, for many women, embracing the role of a stay at home mom brings fulfillment and purpose beyond measure. In this blog post, we’ll explore 28 amazing reasons why being a stay at home mom is not only a valid choice but also a remarkable one.

One more thing before we dive in…I want to remind you to never listen to the judgement or negativity that may come from family, friends, or our society about a SAHM. It doesn’t matter! And with that being said, make sure you read until number 28!

1. You get to witness every milestone first hand

As a stay at home mom, you have the privilege of witnessing your child’s first steps, first words, and countless other milestones firsthand. That alone is the best reason! When I heard other mom friends missed their baby crawl or walk for the first time because their baby was at daycare, my heart broke a little.

2. Build Strong Bonds

Spending quality time with your children allows you to build strong bonds that will last a lifetime. By spending quality time together as a family, you can strengthen the bonds that hold your family unit together, creating a sense of unity and belonging.

Be A Stay At Home Mom

3. Create Lasting Memories

From impromptu dance parties in the living room to picnics in the backyard, being a stay at home mom provides endless opportunities to create lasting memories with your children. Even if your child won’t remember these things, you will! And ultimately, your children will remember how they felt in these moments.

4. Shape Values

As the primary caregiver, you have a profound influence on shaping your child’s values and worldview. While I strongly believe in learning from other people throughout childhood, as well, I think being home is just as important.

5. More Flexible Schedules

Being a stay at home mom offers flexibility, allowing you to tailor your schedule to meet the needs of your family. You can go out and virtually do whatever you want, whenever you want. You can beat the crowds at museums, parks, and other events by having the ability to go during weekday hours.

6. Be More Present

Unlike parents who work outside the home and must juggle work and family responsibilities, stay at home moms have the luxury of being present for their children throughout the day without distractions from the outside world. I’m not saying you can’t be a present parent if you’re a working parent, but having that extra time with your kids is extremely meaningful.

7. Nurture Creativity

Whether it’s through arts and crafts or imaginative play, stay at home moms have the opportunity to nurture their children’s creativity on a daily basis. You get to help your child’s independent play as well right in your own home, while having the ability to limit screen time as much as you want!

toddlers playing at home

8. Instill Confidence

By providing unconditional love and support, stay at home moms play a crucial role in instilling confidence in their children. Children who have a stronger bond and spend more time with their mothers, are more likely to feel more confident as they grow older!

9. Teach Life Skills

From cooking and cleaning to problem-solving and conflict resolution, stay at home moms have the opportunity to teach their children valuable life skills every day. These are things your children will need when they’re adults, so don’t overlook the importance of chores when your kids are at home. I know some SAHMs feel guilty about doing chores when their kids are awake, but think of what they’re missing out on when you wait until nap time!

10. Help Foster Independence

While it’s natural to want to protect and nurture our children, being a stay at home mom also involves fostering independence and self-reliance. When children have a stronger bond and a solid attachment to their mom, they become more independent!

toddler playing independently

11. Be a Role Model

As a stay at home mom, you have the opportunity to be a positive role model for your children, demonstrating important values such as kindness, patience, and perseverance.

12. Prioritize Family

By choosing to prioritize your family, you demonstrate the importance of love and connection in a world that often values material possessions and lack of a family unit.

13. Embrace Simplicity & Slower Days

Being a stay at home mom encourages you to embrace simplicity and focus on what truly matters in life: love, family, and relationships.

14. Celebrate Everyday Moments

From bedtime stories to family meals, being a stay at home mom allows you to celebrate the beauty of everyday moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Be A Stay At Home Mom

15. Create a Safe Haven

Your home becomes a safe haven for your children, a place where they can be themselves without fear of judgment or criticism! I don’t know about you, but I want my kids to want to be home, even as they continue getting older. I don’t want them to always want to be with friends. When you’re a SAHM you can create that kind of environment for your children, you can create the “hang out” house!

16. Foster a Love of Learning

Whether it’s reading together or exploring nature, stay at home moms have the opportunity to foster a love of learning in their children from an early age. This in turn, can help them excel in school as they grow up!

17. Support Your Partner’s Career

By taking on the role of a stay at home mom, you provide invaluable support to your partner’s career, allowing them to focus on their professional goals. This also is another great form of role-modeling a healthy relationship for your children.

Be A Stay At Home Mom

18. Create a Strong Foundation

By providing a loving and supportive home environment, stay at home moms lay the foundation for their children’s future success and happiness.

19. Find Fulfillment

Despite the challenges and sacrifices, being a stay at home mom brings a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose that is unmatched by any other role. If you don’t feel that way, then my course Thriving Beyond Motherhood is perfect for you!

20. Embrace Motherhood

Being a stay at home mom allows you to fully embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood, savoring every precious moment with your children.

21. Be Part of a Community

Whether it’s through playgroups, mommy-and-me classes, or online forums, stay at home moms have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women and build a supportive community. If you are lacking a SAHM community, then get out there and build one yourself! It’s possible, and there are other (possibly introverted) stay at home moms like you, who need a friend!

22. Cultivate Patience

Parenthood in general requires patience in abundance, and being a stay at home mom provides ample opportunities to cultivate this invaluable virtue. It’s literally a practice though! Most of us millennial stay at home moms do not naturally have a lot of patience, so if you struggle some days you are not a bad mom! You’re normal.

mom and daughter

23. Enjoy Simple Pleasures

From cuddling on the couch to watching a sunset together, being a stay at home mom allows you to enjoy life’s simple pleasures to the fullest.

24. Make a Difference

While it may not always feel like it, being a stay at home mom makes a huge difference in the lives of your children every single day! You are shaping them into the kind, compassionate, and resilient individuals they are destined to become.

25. Embrace Flexibility

Life as a stay at home mom is anything but predictable, but it’s this very flexibility that allows you to adapt and thrive in the face of whatever challenges come your way.

26. Healthier Meals

Being a stay at home mom and having this flexibility of being in your home allows you to be able to cook healthier, homemade meals more often. You won’t be coming home in a rush from work and having to rely on freezer meals or take out all the time.

27. Save money

With the rising costs of child care, you are probably more likely to save money by staying home with your children. I actually worked in a daycare prior to having kids and my income for just one child in childcare would have all gone to the childcare center. It sucks, but it’s the way it is. That was the biggest detail when it came to deciding to stay home. It just made sense financially.

28. It’s IMPORTANT to be a stay at home mom!

Despite what anyone says, being a stay at home mom is important, valuable work. You are home and loving your family and making a difference in their lives everyday. And ultimately, your work is helping to create a bigger, brighter world in the future!

Be A Stay At Home Mom

So you want to be a stay at home mom?

Go for it! Ultimately, being a stay at home mom is about finding joy in the journey, embracing the ups and downs with grace and gratitude, and cherishing (almost) every precious moment with your children. It’s completely doable if you set your mind to it and it’s what you really want do. And I think it’s the most important work you’ll ever do.

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    Final Thoughts on “To Be A Stay At Home Mom”

    In conclusion, being a stay at home mom is a remarkable journey filled with countless blessings and rewards. From witnessing milestones firsthand to building strong bonds with your children, the joys of motherhood are truly unparalleled. While it may not always be easy, the love, laughter, and memories you create along the way make every sacrifice well worth it. So embrace your role as a SAHM with pride and confidence, knowing that you are shaping the future generation with love, wisdom, and grace!

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