7 Bad Habits Moms Need To Break in 2025

Ready to have the best year yet? In this blog, I’m discussing 7 bad habits moms need to break in order to THRIVE in 2025.
Want to learn some bad habits moms need to break in order to thrive in 2025? Well you came to the right place! Being a mom is a beautiful journey, filled with unforgettable moments of joy, love, and growth. But let’s face it, motherhood is also a role that comes with immense challenges. It’s easy to fall into habits that drain your energy, steal your joy, and hinder your ability to thrive. I want to put my foot down though!
As we step into 2025, I believe it’s the perfect time to hit reset, evaluate the behaviors holding you back, and embrace habits that empower you. Keep reading to learn how you can reassess, break some bad habits, and embrace a motherhood experience that uplifts both you AND your family! Here are seven habits to stop plus a healthier replacement you can work on starting today.
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7 Bad Habits Moms Need To Break
Before we dive into my list of bad habits, I want you to remember it’s important to recognize that habits aren’t formed overnight. And they won’t change overnight either. In order to break these bad habits you must take small, intentional steps that lead to meaningful improvements in your daily life. By focusing on letting go of what’s holding you back, you can create space for the habits and practices that truly enrich your motherhood experience. You can get started with a great morning routine!
1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Moms
I know it’s cliche but comparison is truly the thief of joy! The main culprit to comparison, I think, is social media. Social media and casual conversations often spark comparisons, leaving you feeling inadequate. But here’s the truth: no one has it all together, and every family dynamic is different. Social media is just a very small glimpse into someone’s life, it is not the whole picture. That’s something super important to always remember!
Good Habit: Practice gratitude for your unique motherhood journey! Instead of scrolling through highlight reels, focus on your own daily wins and write them down. Journal about things you’re grateful for or celebrate small victories with your kids.

2. Stop Saying Yes to Everything
Learn to say no a little more often because overcommitting leads to mommy burnout. Whether it’s volunteering for every school event or agreeing to social obligations, saying “yes” too often leaves little room for self care and rest. Saying no is completely fine and remember, you do not need an explanation for it. Do what works for you, mama, so you can stay sane and thrive!
Good Habit: Start setting boundaries! Learn to say “no” gracefully. Use phrases like, “I’d love to help, but I can’t this time,” to protect your time and energy.
3. Stop Neglecting Your Health
Moms often put their needs last, skipping meals, exercise, and regular health checkups. If this sounds like you then add this one to the top of your list of habits to break. This neglect and lack of self care (yes these things are considered self care) can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and even health issues.
Good Habit: Prioritize small but consistent health habits. Schedule time for movement, even if it’s a 10-minute walk. Prep simple, nutritious snacks ahead of time so you’re not crashing at 1 PM from fasting. And don’t skip those doctor’s appointments! Call right now to schedule one, actually. 🙂

4. Stop Multitasking Constantly
It’s tempting to juggle a million things, especially in a culture that glorifies doing everything. But multitasking often reduces efficiency and increases stress. Which can ultimately end in you doing nothing because you’re so overwhelmed with all that you need to do. It’s like a catch-22, but this is a good and pretty simple habit to break.
Good Habit: Try time blocking. Dedicate specific times for similar tasks like cleaning, running errands, and self care. Being fully present with one task at a time improves both productivity and peace of mind. And you’ll actually get the things done that you need to get done!
5. Stop Overloading Your Kids
Your kids don’t need to do every single sport and activity. Signing your kids up for every extracurricular activity can leave your entire family overwhelmed, stressed out to the max, and just utterly burnt out. Kids also need downtime to explore their interests and recharge. Kid still need time to be bored and play! Let them have a couple nights off and just enjoy being at home together.
Good Habit: Simplify everyone’s schedules this year. Choose one or two activities your kids genuinely enjoy and leave room for unstructured family time. As a mom of 3, I let my kids do one activity/sport at a time. It’s too much for everyone to be constantly driving around, missing family dinners every night, and going to bed late. Plus I can’t be in more than 1 place at a time.

6. Stop Letting Mom Guilt Run Your Life
I hate to break it to you, but I heard this once and I won’t forget it: Mom guilt is a CHOICE. And YOU have the choice to let it consume you or push it aside. Mom guilt always sneaks in when you’re not “doing enough,” or when you’ve “messed up” but the reality is, you’re doing your best every freaking day!
Good Habit: Mindset is everything, so make it a habit this year to reframe your mindset. Be more positive, again you have the choice and the power! Isn’t that so cool? Whenever guilt creeps in, ask yourself, “Is this true?” Often, the guilt stems from unrealistic expectations. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that a happy, healthy mom is the best gift to your kids. Grab my FREE Mama Mindset Makeover by clicking the image below, and get started on your positive mindset shifts going into 2025.

7. Stop Declining Help
If you do anything, make 2025 the year you start accepting help. Whether it’s accepting help from your husband, family, or friends, it’s truly important to try. When you try to do it all alone it doesn’t make you a stronger, braver, better mom. It just makes you more exhausted and stressed out. Declining help robs others of the chance to support you.
Good Habit: Accept help when it’s offered and seek help when you need it! It’s a sign of strength, honestly. Whether it’s asking your husband/partner to handle bedtime or asking a friend for carpool assistance, delegation lightens your load and strengthens relationships. That’s definitely a positive for going into 2025!

Final Thoughts
I’m so glad you’re making the conscious choice to work through some bad habits moms need to break this year so you can be the happy, thriving mom you deserve to be! It’s a big step to take, but I know you can do it. Remember that breaking bad habits isn’t about being perfect either! It’s about making intentional choices that improve your daily life. Taking baby steps day-by-day to break the old habits and start new habits is the way to go.
By letting go of these seven habits and embracing healthier alternatives, you’ll find more joy, balance, and productivity in 2025. Let this year be about choosing what serves you and your family best. And know that motherhood isn’t a competition, it’s truly a personal journey. Make yours one that uplifts and inspires!
Use the image below and save these bad habits moms need to break to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to this later.

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