Advice for Stay At Home Moms: 7 Ways To Become Happier

If you’re an overwhelmed stay at home mom who has been feeling less than productive lately, then you’ve come to the right place. Oh, and you’re not alone! I’ve been a stay at home mom for 7 years now and in this blog I’m sharing my best advice for stay at home moms to feel happier, confident, and truly thrive in motherhood!
Advice for stay at home moms is definitely abundant these days. How do you find the good stuff, the advice you actually want to hear? My name’s Alessandra and as a mom of 3, who has been a stay at home mom for 7 years, and prior to that worked as a daycare provider and doula, I’ve had my share of working with new moms!
I love helping new moms feel less alone and overwhelmed. We know motherhood is difficult, but gone are the days when we dwell in that toughness! Let’s thrive and be happy in motherhood. YOU deserve that, because you didn’t become a mom to feel burnt out and tired all the time. Let’s work on being the mama you always wanted to be.
Here are my top tips to becoming a happier mom! Make sure you read until the end for even more resources for stay at home moms!
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The Best Advice for Stay At Home Moms
Let’s dive in to the best advice you will get as a stay at home mom! Because being a happy and confident mom means you family is happy and confident as well!

1. Get ready for the day
You might be surprised how much this affects you in the best way possible. I always, always carve out 10 minutes (at the minimum) to get myself ready for the day. This means:
- Take a shower – even if it’s a quick 5 minutes
- Get dressed – NO PAJAMAS! Even if it’s leggings and a sweatshirt, that’s fine. Being comfortable is a must, but get out of the clothes you slept in. This is my number one rule!😉
- Next, put on a little makeup, even if it’s just mascara, and do your hair.
2. Get out of the house daily
This could be as simple as playing in the backyard or going for a walk around the block. Or it could be getting in the car to grab a coffee. Maybe you’re feeling really spicy, and ready to run to some errands or go to the park! Whatever you chose to do, getting out the house will make mom life feel less overwhelming and break up the day!

3. Take 5 minutes (at least) for yourself each day
Do something for YOU every single day. You have the time, I promise, you just need to make the time. Some days you might only be able to squeeze in a quick walk. Or maybe you just go watch TV in your room for 30 minutes when your husband gets home for work. Some days you will be able to go out for dinner with your friends or go to the gym. Every day will be different, but I swear if you take 5 minutes to fill your cup and recharge, you will be a happier mom.
Here are a few mom hobbies I have picked up recently and it’s helping my mindset and well-being a lot:
- Reading – I read 20 books from August to December 2022! I look forward to reading every night when my kids go to bed. It’s great!
- Yoga – There are apps you can find to learn and practice yoga right at home.
- Blogging – Getting your thoughts on paper (or a screen) is a great way to “mind dump.” It’s like a diary!

4. Do 1 load of laundry every day
Laundry is the bane of every mom’s existence it seems. But it doesn’t have to be! Do one load of laundry every single day, and watch the pressure of keeping laundry done fade away. You might even get a day or two that you don’t have to do it at all! Each morning, throw a load of laundry in the wash, midday put it in the dryer, then fold it at night when the kids are asleep! It’s easy as pie, and honestly takes all of 10 minutes to do. You just have to do it.
5. Clean as you go
Clean up your home throughout the day. It’s a whole lot easier to tackle a small mess than one big mess at the end of the day. When we wait to clean big messes it is overwhelming and stressful and then it just doesn’t get done. When you clean a small sink of dishes after each meal, it feels less daunting so you actually do it.
I typically clean up the kitchen a few times a day. This means washing dishes, wiping down the table, and putting clean dishes away. I save sweeping and wiping down the counters for the end of the day. Then I clean up small messes in the living room and bathroom throughout the day as well.

6. Don’t worry about watching too much TV
Some days you watch too much TV, other days you don’t watch any…it’s called balance.😉 And finding the balance in motherhood is what it’s all about. Don’t sweat the small stuff, mama. A little bit too much tv some days won’t hurt. I try my best to limit TV time in our house, but it’s definitely not under the 2 hours that’s recommended, and I don’t worry about it. Sometimes we are in survival mode and we gotta do what we gotta do!
7. Cook dinner 3 to 4 times a week only
I only cook 3 to 4 meals a week. The other nights we eat left overs or we get take out. I always cook easy meals too, because let’s face it, kids are picky! Pasta is a go-to meal for us, along with frozen pizza, chicken nuggets, and mac and cheese. I do the number one thing I said I would NEVER do before having kids and….I make a different meal for my husband and I a lot of the time. 🙃
Save this advice for stay at home moms to your favorite Pinterest board!

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Related Blogs:
- How To Rock Mom Life
- Goals for Stay at Home Moms
- Stay At Home Mom Schedule
- Self Care for Moms
- Activity Packs – Fun learning downloads for kids!
- The Ultimate Stay At Home Mom Guide You Need To Overcome Mom Burnout

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