I’m A 36 Year Old Stay At Home Mom And I’m Not Afraid To Admit…

There’s this mom trend going around social media, Instagram in particular, (that’s just where I hang) that goes something like: “I’m a specific age type mom and I’m not afraid to admit…” For me that goes, I’m a 36 year old stay at home mom of 3 kids and I’m not afraid to admit…And in this blog I’m going to share a bunch of random things that are also pretty normal mom things that I’m not afraid if you like or don’t like. Let’s go!
Hey! I’m Alessandra, a 36 year old stay at home mom of 3 wonderful children and I’m hopping on this “I’m not afraid to admit [xyz]” trend. One because it can offer some solidarity and help other stay at home moms feel less alone. Two because I’m hoping it can give you some laughs and appreciation towards what us as stay at home moms go through on a daily basis. This blog post is meant to be light-hearted and fun. I hope it makes you laugh, I hope it helps you feel a little less overwhelmed about your life, and I hope you above all else, it really makes you feel seen!
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I’m a 36 year old stay at home mom of 3 kids and I’m not afraid to admit…
1. That I lose it on my kids sometimes
I’m only human and sometimes I lose my sh*t and I yell at my kids. Why are moms told to be regulated at all times? We are emotional humans and motherhood gets overwhelming so it’s impossible to stay calm all the time and I think that’s ok. I apologize for these moments of weakness and we all move on. It’s life. Do I wonder if I’m ruining my kids? Every.Single.Day.
2. Going back to work scares the crap out of me
I’ve been a stay at home mom for almost 10 years! My youngest (and last) child is almost school aged. I’ve had to think about what I’m going to do when she does enter first grade and it’s freakin’ scary! I don’t want to go back to work, but I also know I don’t want to just be home doing “nothing” for the majority of the day. I put “nothing” in quotes, because realistically cleaning and laundry isn’t nothing but there would be no kids to care for during this time so cleaning would get done quick.

3. That I’m not scared of a little red-dye
There, I said it. If my kids have some red-dye it’s not the end of the world. In fact, when the whole red-dye news came about, I checked all the food labels in my kitchen cabinets and the only foods that contained red-dye was candy! So, my kids are not eating that everyday and when they do eat candy it’s in smaller amounts. Therefore, I’m just not that worried about it. Do I think it should be in food? No, probably not. But if my kids consume a little bit of it here and there oh well.

4. That my kids will not have phones or use social media
The studies consistently show that social media is harmful for children! There is literally no positive outcome for kids using social media. So why are parents still letting their teenagers scroll TikTok and Instagram? I don’t understand. But my two older children are about to enter this world of phones and some of their friends already have them and it’s scary! My kids will have a phone that has no access to internet and can only make phone calls. No social media will be allowed until they are 18 and I’m already starting the conversations with them about why I’m doing this. Will they feel left out? Maybe. But I’m pretty sure they will thank me someday.

5. I’m a 36 year old stay at home mom and I’m not afraid to admit…That my kids eat McDonalds sometimes
I am definitely not afraid to admit that my kids eat McDonalds. Or in fact, that my kids eat frozen chicken nuggets and pasta a lot of nights for dinner. They are picky eaters and at this point in my life I do not have the energy to attempt to make them try different things or listen to them whine about being hungry because I made something they don’t want to eat. Did I create this? Yea, probably, but I have made my bed and I will now lay in it.
6. I let my kids dress themselves
Since my children were toddlers and were able to dress themselves, I let them pick out their own clothes (weather appropriate of course) and get dressed in whatever their little heart desires. Again, I don’t have to the energy to force them to wear what I want them to wear. You pick your battles right? And this is a battle I’m not willing to fight because it’s hurting no one. My kid wants to wear green pants, a purple dress, pink crocs, and a tye-dye sweatshirt? GREAT! You do you, gain some independence, confidence, and have some joy.

7. That I don’t need wine at the end of the day to relax
Oooh, this one might ruffle some feathers but I think mommy wine culture is harmful and I don’t agree with it. I don’t really even enjoy wine, so regardless I do not “need” wine or any type of drink at the end of the day to relax. And I really don’t think it’s normal for a mom (or dad for that matter) to feel like they “need” a drink each night, or most nights. Having a drink or two out with your friends sometimes is totally different. But motherhood does not make me want to drink and I think that is a harmful lesson for our children as well.
8. That I hate pretend play
I do not like playing make believe with my kids. I never had, I never will. And honestly, I think that’s normal because I’m an adult, with an adult brain, that doesn’t like pretend play. It’s great for my children to play pretend, and I encourage them to play make believe every day! I just won’t be included in that play. There are a million other things we can do together instead, like cook, play a game, take a walk, etc. So if you’re a parent who also does not enjoy pretend play, you are not alone and it’s ok if you don’t engage in it with your kids.

9. I will never get botox
I will die on this hill, but I will never get botox or filler. Or change how I look. And I will also not attempt to stop the look of aging. Will I take care of my skin and try to ward off wrinkles and grey hair, yes because these things are not permanent. Aging gracefully is a gift and it’s a completely normal human phenomenon. I also think it sends a terrible message to my daughters. I want them to grow up with the confidence that their God-given face is beautiful and they don’t need to change it for anyone. And I also want my son to learn about real beauty as he grows up. If I get botox, what is that teaching them?
10. That I feel like I’m messing up everyday, but I also know I’m a good mom
At the end of everyday I often feel like I’m messing up and I wonder if my kids will remember me as a fun and loving mom or an overstimulated angry mom. I won’t know until they are older, so until then I try my best everyday and because I do that, I also know that I’m a pretty good mom. I know I show up everyday, I love my kids unconditionally, and I try my hardest, even if I fall short or lose my crap. And I think more moms need to be less afraid to admit they are good moms!
11. That my kids are awesome
Social media became a spot for moms to connect, which is great. But then somewhere along the line it became a place to share “relatable” motherhood content and with that, moms started to make weird things funny. Like making fun of their kids or sharing thoughts about how annoying their kids are. All of a sudden moms felt like it was ok to say out loud that their kids are annoying, they never leave them alone, or they are like a constant burden.
No mom ever says how awesome and amazing their kids are. Or how well-behaved they were in a certain situation or how good they are when her family goes out to eat. And isn’t that just sad? Maybe moms felt like they were gloating, but I don’t know… I’m not afraid to admit that my kids are freakin’ awesome, going out with them is pretty easy most of the time, and their teachers always tell me how wonderful they are in school!
12. I dream about going on a solo vacation and sleeping in a quiet hotel room
This one feels good to get off my chest. Yes my kids are awesome but I get overwhelmed too. Sometimes, when I’m so exhausted and my kids are fighting, or begging me for something, I quietly dream of taking a vacation byself. I daydream about what it would be like to stay in a hotel completely by myself.

13. I bribe my kids with snacks to get them to behave in public
One time I was at the library with my now 7 year old and I was trying to leave. I whispered to her, “I have cookies in the car, let’s go!” I didn’t think anyone heard me, but one mom giggled and said to me, “No judgement here!” And another mom said, “It’s not bribing, it’s called creative parenting.” So basically what I’m saying it’s I’m not afraid to admit that I have done this, clearly other moms do this as well, and lastly, we all could use support like this more often!
14. That I throw my kids school work away
You can’t save everything! And as much as I love the work my kids come home with, I only save a few things because there’s no where to put it all. And will my kids one day ask me to see all their old art work? Probably not haha! I’ve never asked my parents for stuff like that and if they didn’t save it, I really don’t care. I throw stuff away when they are at school and I quickly get rid of that trash bag to hide all evidence. If they ask about it later, which is rare, I tell them I put it in a safe place.
Final Thoughts
Motherhood comes with a lot of unspoken rules and expectations, doesn’t it? But honestly, I’m not afraid to admit that I don’t follow all of them and that I sometimes fall short. I do what works for me, even if it means letting my kids watch TV so I can drink my coffee hot or cooking frozen nuggets for dinner a couple times a week.
The truth is, we’re all just figuring this out as we go, and there’s no shame in embracing the little things that make mom life a little easier (or a lot funnier). So if you nodded along to any of these, welcome to the club! You’re not alone. Remember to make sure you celebrate the small wins, like surviving another day in the trenches of motherhood. Let me know if you’re a 36 year old stay at home mom and which ones you agree with in the comments below!
If you’re a 36 year old stay at home mom use the image below to save this to Pinterest so you can come back to it later!

Related Blogs:
- Pretend Play: Why I Don’t Like Playing Make Believe With My Kids
- The All Or Nothing Mentality In Motherhood Needs To Stop
- Stay At Home Mom Goals For 2025 To Help You Thrive
- Mindfulness Techniques for Overwhelmed Moms
- The Truth About Mommy Burnout & How To Deal With It
- Family Routine: How to Create a Flexible Daily Routine You’ll Love

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