How To Embrace Yourself As A Mom

In this blog learn how to embrace yourself as a mom so you can show up for your family the way you want to! Keep reading for 30 ways you can embrace yourself each day.
Motherhood is a true journey filled with highs and lows, joy and exhaustion, and moments of self-doubt mixed with deep love. If you feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster (especially after reading that last sentence) I can see why! Everyday is filled with so many different and wild emotions, it’s easy to feel lost in the chaos. And that can leave you questioning if you’re doing enough or being enough for your children and family. Well, you’re not alone. It’s so easy for moms to be so hard on themselves for some reason. But it’s equally important to embrace yourself as a mom! In this blog, let’s discuss how to embrace yourself so you can show up as the mom you want to be!
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What Does It Mean To Embrace Yourself As A Mom?
Before we dive into 30 ways you can embrace yourself as a mom, we should talk about what it actually means. Because I’ll be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure when I thought of this blog idea, but I knew it sounded important. And I knew it was something worth discussing with other moms. Here’s what I believe it means…Embracing yourself as a mom means accepting who are you as a woman and mother and finding confidence in the way you show up for your family every day. It is NOT about perfection. You are human, and you will never be perfect, which is totally ok! Again, it’s about accepting and standing firm in who you are. Here are 30 ways to embrace yourself as a mom in the 21st century!
How To Embrace Yourself As A Mom
Here are 30 ways you can start embracing yourself as a mom. Start small! Work on a few at a time. Pick the ones you need to work on the most first. It’s time to start living unapologetically as a mama and enjoy your children and family.

1. Let Go of Mom Guilt
Make this year the year you let go of mom guilt! You are doing your best, and that is enough. Give yourself some grace.
2. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Moms
It’s true when they say “comparison is the thief of joy.” No two motherhood journeys look the same so you must focus on what works for you and your family only!

3. Accept That Perfection Doesn’t Exist
“There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a really great one.” (Quote from Jill Churchill.) No one has it all together so embrace the imperfections, because that’s what makes you normal. Plus it’s a great lesson for your children.

4. Prioritize Your Own Needs
You matter too, mama! Taking care of yourself helps you take care of your family. It also teaches your children that it’s important to take care of themselves. Do something you love everyday, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.
5. Embrace the Chaos
Motherhood is chaotic and fun and mess and full of love! Messy house? Loud kids? That’s life. Find the joy in it all instead of stressing. I honestly hate when people watch my kids and they’re like “you can get some peace and quiet now.” I’m like, I don’t like peace and quiet! That’s why I have 3 kids haha!

6. Celebrate Small Wins
Focus on the small things because those are what matter most. Did you get through a particularly difficult day? That’s a victory. Did your kids try the new dinner you made? Win! Recognize and appreciate the little things because they are important.
7. Create Your Own Version of Motherhood
There’s so much information out there about what you should and shouldn’t be doing as a mom. And most of it conflicts with each other making it even more difficult to figure anything out these days. Look past it all and define what works best for you and your family. Create your own version of motherhood, not what society says is best!
8. Laugh More
I never thought motherhood would suck all the fun out of me, but it does at times. If that sounds like you, try to find humor in the hard moments, good moments, tiny moments, and big moments. Sometimes fun needs to be a little intentional and a little laughter goes a long way. So laugh!!

9. Ditch Unrealistic Expectations
Motherhood is full of unrealistic expectations set by our culture. But the thing is, you don’t have to do it all, because honestly it’s impossible. Release the pressure to be everything to everyone.
10. Ask for Help
I don’t know why asking for help is so difficult. I often hear my husband tell his coworkers that it’s a skill set in itself and it’s true! But asking for help doesn’t make you weak, it truly makes you wise. Accept support and ask for it when you need it!

11. Trust Your Instincts
Your gut instinct is usually correct. No one knows your child better than you do, so always trust yourself and follow your mom intuition in tough times and when making difficult decisions. You are always making the right choices for your family, I know it!
12. Take Breaks Without Guilt
Take the break when you need it, mama! You are allowed to rest. Taking time for yourself is necessary, not selfish. Also, again with the mom guilt…take the break without feeling guilty. This is another one that teaches our children something important. That taking a break is healthy and acceptable.

13. Surround Yourself With Encouraging People
They say that you are like the five people who spend the most time with. So make sure you’re spending time with friends who uplift you and make you feel good. Limit negativity and spend time with those who who make you happy!
14. Be Present in the Moment
Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but be in the moment! Put down your phone and soak up the little moments because they go so fast. If this is something you struggle with, have set times where you put your phone away for 15 to 20 minutes at a time and focus solely on your kids.
15. Don’t Let Social Media Define You
I really believe social media is our downfall. And I know it can be great for connection, but it’s also a really great place to compare and feel bad about yourself. Always remember that it’s a highlight reel, not reality. You are only seeing a mere few seconds into someone’s life online, not the whole picture. Your worth is not measured by likes and follows!
16. Find a Mom Community
Moms need friends! Having support from other moms makes the journey easier and way more enjoyable. Find a mom group or meetup near you and meet some new mom friends who are going through the same stage of motherhood as you. The connection will only be beneficial.

17. Give Yourself Permission to Feel
Being a mom is an emotional rollercoaster so feel all the feels! It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or exhausted. It’s also okay to feel excited, proud, and happy! Acknowledge your emotions. Admit when your kids are being difficult and don’t be afraid to admit when they’re totally awesome!
18. Keep a Gratitude Journal
Keeping a journal is a great way to stay positive and it’s also a great way to have something for yourself. Writing down what you’re grateful for helps shift your mindset too, which can help you feel more joyful as a mom and less defeated.
19. Practice Saying No
Repeat after me: It’s ok to say “no!” You don’t have to do everything for everyone. Protect your energy by allowing yourself to say no to doing things that you don’t want to do or that just don’t serve you in the moment. You can do this without explanation too, which can be very freeing!
20. Make Time for Hobbies You Love
There’s a lot of joking on social media about how moms don’t have hobbies, but motherhood doesn’t erase your passions. If you want to be the best mom you can be, keep doing what lights you up! It might look a little different now that you’re a mom, but you’re still allowed to do the things you enjoyed doing before you became a mom.

21. Apologize to Your Kids When Necessary
This can be really difficult for some parents, but make sure to apologize to your kids when you need to. Teaching them that mistakes happen and taking responsibility is so powerful! If I’m being honest myself, I apologize to my kids pretty often. We all lose our cool and snap sometimes, and I truly think that’s ok! We are humans and mothers and we have big emotions too! When they get the best of us, we can do our best by saying sorry to our kids and moving on.
22. Celebrate Your Body
Embrace yourself by embracing and celebrating your body. Again, it’s easy to compare this aspect of life, especially with fitness influencers all over Instagram and social media, but forget about them! Your body created life! Appreciate it for what it has done, not what it looks like. Your children, whether you have boys or girls, need to see you have healthy body positivity.
23. Turn ‘I Should’ into ‘I Get’
It might not be as simple as shifting these phrases, but it’s a start. Release all your guilt-driven thoughts and focus on what truly matters to you. Instead of saying things like “I should fold the laundry,” try “I get to fold the laundry.” It takes time, but these slow mindset shifts can help you view things in a more positive light.
24. Simplify Your Life
Motherhood doesn’t need to be so hard! You’re probably making it harder than it really needs to be. Try less clutter, fewer obligations, and saying no more this year! Simplifying motherhood can often bring you more peace.

25. Let Go of the Pressure to Entertain Your Kids 24/7
Kids do not need to be entertained every second of everyday! And you don’t have to entertain them every day either. They need independent play and boredom too. You don’t have to be ‘on’ all the time. That means you don’t have to set up crafts, activities, sensory bins, etc. if that is not your jam! Your kids will be just fine playing with toys and finding their own things to do.
26. Remind Yourself That Phases Are Temporary
If you’re in the middle of a hard phase or season, it won’t last forever. It will definitely feel that way when you’re in the middle of it, but if you give yourself patience and perspective, you’ll make it through to the other side. And you’ll realize it was only a few tough weeks.
27. Focus on Connection Over Productivity
Your worth is not based on your productivity. (This is something I’m still learning.) But if you’re the type who does need to clean up, set specific times of day to do just that. You don’t have to constantly be cleaning. Focusing on connection is way more important so try your best to focus on the moments that truly matter.

28. Keep a ‘Wins’ List
Keep a notebook at hand and jot down moments where you feel like a great mom. Because, why the heck not?! It’s a powerful confidence boost, especially since as moms, we tend to focus on everything we do wrong. Let a “Wins” list help you focus on everything you did RIGHT, because I’m sure you did way more good things each day than bad.
29. Model Self-Love for Your Kids
Your kids are your best reason to focus on self-love. The way you treat yourself teaches them how to treat themselves and that is seriously powerful. Show them self-acceptance, self-love, and self-care simply because it’s important. When they see you do these things, they will be more likely to focus on it too.
30. Remind Yourself Daily: You Are Enough
Every single day, you are enough. Write it on a sticky note, say it in the mirror, do whatever it takes to believe it! Not only because it’s true, but because it matters how you view yourself. And as long as you are caring for your little ones and loving them unconditionally, you are way more than enough. You’re a really great mom, and don’t ever think otherwise!

Final Thoughts
Now you know how to embrace yourself in 30 different ways! Embracing yourself as a mom means letting go of guilt, unrealistic expectations, and comparisons. It’s about choosing grace over pressure, confidence over self-doubt, and love over perfection. Motherhood is a wild journey, and you are already the perfect mom for your kids! Keep reminding yourself daily that you are doing an amazing job and you’ve got this. How will you work on embracing yourself? Let me know in the comment section below.
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