5 Mistakes Moms Make That Cause Overwhelm & Unhappiness

In this blog I’m sharing the mistakes you’re probably making that are causing you to be overwhelmed and unhappy more often than not. It might not be what you think either!
Moms make plenty of mistakes, that’s just life. But chances are you stumbled across this blog because you’re feeling extremely overwhelmed as a stay at home mom and you’re not sure why. In this blog I’m sharing 5 mistakes moms make that cause them to be more overwhelmed than other moms.
You’re here because you want to feel better and do better! First let me state, if you have a “bad day” here and there, then you’re a normal mom and human! It’s ok to not enjoy all aspects of motherhood and it’s normal to make mistakes like yelling or snapping at your kids, or not spend enough intentional time with them. But if you’re feeling mom burnout and overwhelmed more often than not, then it’s time to change something!
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Before we dive in, make sure to sign up for my email list and get a freebie to start your journey to being a happier mom! You didn’t become a mom to feel overwhelmed all the time. So why not join a community of mamas that will help you be the mama you always wanted to be!

5 Mistakes Moms Make That Cause Overwhelm
Let’s find out what you’re doing to cause the overwhelm and then fix it! In this blog I’ll share the mistakes moms make, then an actionable tip to fix that mistake!
1. You don’t have a daily schedule
Getting into great routines and having a good daily schedule is the first step to feeling less overwhelmed. Schedules are great for you and your kids equally. Kids want to know what to expect in their day-to-day life. It helps them feel safe, confident, and in control! If you start a structured daily schedule for your family, I bet you will start to see a huge shift in everyone’s mood and it will help you feel better!
How to fix it:
Getting started on your schedule is super easy! Come up with a plan together as a family, write it all down, and be consistent! That’s the key here, consistency. Just like anything in life, it needs to become a good habit and you need to do it everyday.

2. You’re not getting ready for the day
One of the biggest mistakes moms make is not getting ready for the day! Seriously! You might be thinking to yourself, “Alessandra, how does getting ready help me feel less overwhelmed?” And it’s a legit question. Here’s your answer: When you get ready for the day you LOOL better, therefore you FEEL better, and therefore you DO better! You’ll notice your mood and motivation improve too.
How to fix it:
Taking a shower and getting out of your pajamas is the first step to getting ready. If you can’t take a shower, just get dressed. Then maybe you put on some makeup and fix your hair. You can go as all out as you want, or go simple. Just get ready. Somedays for me, getting ready is jeans and a cute top, a full face of makeup, and I do my hair. Somedays its just leggings and mascara. Either way, get ready by at least getting out of your pajamas.

3. You’re not taking time for yourself
Hey mama, are you making this mistake? Probably. This is kind of self care…like the minimal self care you should be giving yourself, equivalent to drinking water. It’s something you should be doing everyday but you’re probably not getting enough. Being a mom IS overwhelming, there’s no doubt about that, but it shouldn’t be all the time. Just like our kids need a break or a “time out” (like the healthy, positive kind of time out) so do moms! Our days are overstimulating and just A LOT, we deserve a minute.
How to fix it:
Take at least 5 minutes to yourself each day. When your kids are watching TV, napping, or playing nicely, it’s ok to step away. Take 5 minutes to meditate, scroll Instagram, or just lay in your bed and take a few breaths. This is also helpful when your kids are driving you insane and you need to stop yourself from yelling or freaking out. Step away, take a breath, and come back after.

4. You’re not practicing self care
This is different than taking time to yourself. Self care is doing something for yourself that you LOVE. Something that makes you feel good and fills your cup. Oh and your kids can’t be involved in it either.😬 You deserve time to yourself though, your kids will be just fine without you! Trust me, I learned this hard way by not taking care of me and becoming completely depleted and resentful of my kids and husband. Take care of yourself often!
How to fix it:
Self care can be as major as going out for dinner and drinks with your friends or getting your nails done bi-weekly. Or it can be a walk alone when your husband gets home from work or walking the aisles of Target alone. Maybe it’s just doing a face mask when your kids are in bed or organizing your closet on the weekend. It can really be anything you want, don’t let anyone tell you what is and isn’t self care! If it makes you happy, then that’s great.
I know it can also be hard sometimes to do something without your kids. But say exercising is important to you, that’s still self care even if you have to do it with your kids in tow sometimes. Overall, what’ I’m saying is take care of yourself, mama!!

5. You’re behind on chores
Maintaining a home is a lot of work. Getting behind on chores is overwhelmed and frustrating. And then it seems once we are behind on those chores, we don’t do them at all because there’s too much to do and it’s just become a daunting task. It’s a vicious cycle!! But it doesn’t have to be that way.
How to fix it:
Start a chore chart. Pick the chores you need to do daily. Then pick 1 or 2 big chores to do everyday. This will help you stay on top of all the chores. For example, for me I tidy up each room, clean the kitchen, wash dishes, and do a load of laundry every day. Those are my must-dos. Then I pick 1 or 2 big chores that I do each day like vacuum, mop, or clean the bathrooms. This way I stay consistent with cleaning and breaking into smaller chunks helps it feel less daunting. You can break up your cleaning routine anyway you like, just stay consistent!

I hope you found this blog helpful and start you journey to becoming a happier mama! You don’t need to make these mistakes moms make anymore! You can change your daily life and start feeling less overwhelmed at happier with these tips to fix each mistake.
Use this image below to save these mistakes moms make to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to it later!

Related Blogs:
- 9 Qualities of Less Overwhelmed Moms
- Tips For SAHMs to Thrive & Find Joy In Motherhood
- Advice For Stay At Home Moms To Feel Happier
- Insanely Easy Morning Routine for SAHMs
- Activity Packs for Kids

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