Tips For Stay At Home Moms To Thrive & Enjoy Mom Life

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Looking for some awesome tips for stay at home moms? You’ve come to the right place. Motherhood is something to love and enjoy, and you deserve to be happy on your motherhood journey! In this blog I’m sharing some amazing tips to help you not just survive motherhood, but THRIVE!

Tips for stay at home moms are my jam, mama! You did not become a mom to feel overwhelmed and burnt out all the time, am I right? Of course I am.😉 As a stay at home mom of 3 kids, I love helping moms find themselves again and enjoy motherhood. Because that’s what it’s all about: Being happy and enjoying our children and our life with them.

Of course, is this achievable all the time? No…we’re not meant to be perfect or happy all the time. And that’s part of learning how to enjoy motherhood. Learning that it’s ok to have a bad day and you can do better tomorrow. It’s about learning that ‘good enough’ is literally perfect! In this blog I’m sharing my best stay at home mom tips so you can truly become the mama you always wanted to be!

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Tips for Stay At Home Moms

Before I share my secret tips for stay at home moms, be sure to join my email list! You won’t want to miss the updates, mom stories, and promos on products! Join below and even get a free daily schedule! You’ll get an example schedule like the one I use for my family, and one for you to fill out!

Alright, let’s dive in, mama, because I want you feel less overwhelmed and more like the mama you always wanted to be, ASAP!

1. Routines, Routines, Routines!

This is honestly my very best tip for stay at home moms! You must get into good routines. Ones that work for you and your family. Get into a great morning routine that makes you feel ready to start the day and rejuvenated.

Start a cleaning routine so you can stay on top of chores. This will help you keep your home tidy and you’ll feel way less overwhelmed!

Have good sleep routines for you and your kids. My kid’s bedtime routine is something that is a must in our home! We will not mess it up 99% of the time because it helps keep our sanity!

So, routines are a great way to keep everyone on track, knowing what to do, and simplifying life! I have lots of routine blogs, so make sure to search them and find one that works for you!

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2. Clean Up Smaller Messes

This kind of goes hand in hand with routines. But I suggest cleaning up as you go throughout your day. Cleaning up smaller messes two, three, or four times throughout your day is WAY easier and less daunting than cleaning one huge mess at the end of the day.

Here is an example of how I keep up with messes during the day:

  • I clean up the kitchen after each meal. This mean washing the dishes and wiping down the counter and table. I wait to sweep until the end of the day, unless the mess is huge.
  • The living room is cleaned up twice a day. Midday I clean up toys and ask my kids for help as well. Then at the end of the day I clean up the toys and tidy up again.
  • I do one load of laundry every day. Doing 1 small load helps me keep up with laundry so it actually gets done. Like I said before, smaller messes are less overwhelming to do which means you’ll do it!
  • Do 1 to 2 chores daily. Keep up with chores by doing a couple each day, make your own cleaning schedule so you know what to do each day!
tips for stay at home moms

3. Get Out of the House

Try to get out of the house daily, mama! Don’t skip it! It can be something as easy as playing in your back yard and getting fresh air. Or it can be a playdate, Target trip, library visit, or going the the playground! I’ve even seen some reels going around Instagram saying just going for a drive with a coffee in hand can be helpful! Do what you need to do, just get out of the house. It will help break up the day and keep you sane.

4. Let Go Of Mom Guilt

I know releasing mom guilt isn’t as easy as 1, 2, 3. You need to change your mindset to achieve happiness and this takes time and work! It’s time to start remembering that you are a woman outside of motherhood and you deserve happiness. It’s ok to spend time away from your kids. You will be a better mom for taking the time to fill your cup! Here are some positive affirmations for stay at home moms to say each day:

  • I am worthy of love
  • I am the best mom for my kids
  • My children love me unconditionally
  • I am enough
  • My needs are valid, I matter too
  • This too shall pass

Remember that happiness is a choice. You need to make an effort each day to work at finding the joy in the chaos that is our children, toddlers, and family! You’ve got this.

5. Take Time For Yourself

This tip is in addition to the last one. Think of it as a way to practice letting go of your mom guilt.🙃 Start taking some time to yourself each day. Even if you only have 5 minutes, it’s ok! When I start to feel overwhelmed with mom life and what’s going on around me, I like to take a mom time out! That means putting my kids in a safe space and taking 5 minutes in my room to take a breath and reset. It’s great for you AND your children! Not only will they not receive the wrath of you (🤪) because you’ve decided to take a minute. They will also learn how to walk away and regulate their own emotions when they are angry! So it’s a win-win if you ask me.

Other ways to take time for yourself that range from 5 minutes to an hour or so are:

  • Taking a walk
  • Reading a book
  • Watching a tv show alone when your husband gets home from work
  • Exercising
  • Going out with friends for coffee or drinks
  • Journaling/Blogging

Always, always remember that taking time for you is perfectly OK! You are not a bad mom spending time away from your kids. Please, stop thinking that you are not doing enough and think of all the little things you do all day long. You are doing exactly what you need to do!

6. Dance It Out

This is one of the best ones! When you are starting to feel your skin crawl and you’re feeling anxious, turn on some music! Dance around with your kids. It releases so much negative energy and can help you feel way less overwhelmed. Plus it’s fun for you and your kids! So next time you’re beginning to feel overstimulated, put on your favorite song and dance!

tips for stay at home moms

7. Get Yourself Ready for the Day

This is my very best and favorite tip for stay at home moms! Get yourself ready every single day. This means, take a shower, get dressed into anything as long as it’s not what you wore to bed. Put on some makeup, do your hair, and rock your day! You’ll notice by just getting dressed that you feel like a different person. You might even be surprised by how motivated you feel to start your to-do list once you get ready.

It’s another mindset shift when you get ready. You look better, so you feel better, and then you DO better! Yes, it can be as simple as taking 20 minutes to get ready and being a happier mama! You have to try it to believe it. But I promise you will feel your mood change and you’ll want to do better. Let me know in the comments if you try this and how it feels!

Final Thoughts

These are my best tips for stay at home moms to thrive and begin enjoying her role as a SAHM! Let me know what you think in the comments. You deserve to be happy, mama! Just remember it’s something you need to work on. But I have made it easier for you with these tips!😀

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tips for stay at home moms

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