The “Ber” Months: Embracing Seasonal Changes With Your Kids

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The “Ber” months are here and they seem to be everyone’s favorite! In this blog, we’ll discuss how you can embrace these beautiful months of change with your children.

It’s time to say goodbye to summer and welcome those “Ber” months, mama! As the calendar flips to September, we enter the beloved ‘Ber’ months, a period often associated with cooler weather, festive vibes, and the cozy atmosphere of fall and winter. For families, the ‘Ber’ months provide a wonderful opportunity to embrace seasonal changes, create cherished memories, and deepen connections with your kids.

In this post, we’ll explore fun ways to celebrate the seasonal shifts, meaningful traditions to start, and practical tips to help you embrace the colder months with joy and intention.

the "ber" months

What are the “Ber” Months?

If you’re reading this and thinking, “wait what the heck are “ber” months? Let me clarify for you. The Ber Months are SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, and DecemBER! And they are a time for big change and beauty. Keep reading to learn why.

How To Embrace the “Ber” Months With Your Family

1. Understanding Seasonal Changes

As summer transitions into fall and winter, nature undergoes dramatic changes that can captivate your child’s curiosity. The days grow shorter, the temperature drops, and vibrant autumn hues begin to appear. This is an excellent time to help your kids become more aware of nature’s rhythm. I’m not sure about you, but my kids always get confused with big temperature drops and less sunlight each day! Here are a few ways you can discuss and learn more about these changes.

  • Fall Exploration Walks: Take a nature walk to observe the changing leaves, cooler air, and animal behaviors. Bring along a basket to collect leaves, acorns, and pinecones for future crafts.
  • Learning About the Seasons: Teach your kids about why the seasons change and how different animals and plants adapt. Fun activities like making bird feeders or planting fall bulbs can give them a hands-on experience with nature.
the "ber" months

2. Welcoming September: Back-to-School and Fresh Starts

September often symbolizes fresh starts, particularly with back-to-school season. Whether your kids are heading to school or learning at home, the change in routine can be both exciting and challenging. For me, September always feels like a good time to make adjustments to our daily routines and begin anew! Here are a few ideas for how you can embrace back-to-school time.

  • Create a Back-to-School Ritual: Make the first day of school special by planning a fun breakfast, taking photos, and talking about new goals for the school year. This can set a positive tone for the rest of the year.
  • Organize a Seasonal Declutter: Just like a spring cleaning, fall is a great time to declutter your home and prepare for the cooler months. Involve your kids by sorting through toys and clothes they’ve outgrown and donating them to those in need.
back to school

3. October: Embracing Spooky Fun

October brings the excitement of Halloween and the beauty of autumn. It’s a time to enjoy outdoor activities, decorate the house, and indulge in all things spooky. Here are a few ways you can embrace October!

  • Decorate Together: Get your kids involved in decorating the house for Halloween and fall. From carving pumpkins to making paper ghosts, these activities foster creativity and provide bonding time.
  • Outdoor Adventures: The cooler weather is perfect for visiting pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and apple orchards. These outings not only provide fresh air and exercise but also allow your family to enjoy the beauty of autumn together.
  • Halloween Costumes: Let your kids’ imaginations run wild as they plan and create their Halloween costumes. Homemade costumes add a personal touch and encourage creative expression.

4. November: Gratitude and Togetherness

As we approach Thanksgiving in November, it’s a wonderful time to teach your kids about gratitude and the importance of family traditions. Here are some simple and great ways to practice gratitude right at home with your children.

  • Create a Gratitude Jar: Have your kids write down what they’re thankful for each day and place the notes in a jar. You can read them together on Thanksgiving, reminding everyone to appreciate the little things in life.
  • Family Cooking: Involve your kids in preparing the Thanksgiving meal. Even simple tasks like stirring or setting the table can make them feel included and teach valuable life skills.
  • Host a Fall Harvest Celebration: If Thanksgiving feels overwhelming, opt for a casual fall harvest gathering with close friends or neighbors. Your kids can help decorate the table with natural elements like pinecones and leaves.
the "ber" months

5. December: Cozy Time and Holiday Traditions

December is filled with magical moments, from festive lights to cozy family gatherings. As the year winds down, it’s the perfect time to focus on togetherness and reflection. Slow down this December and try some of these family activities:

  • Craft Homemade Decorations: Spend time making homemade ornaments, wreaths, and other holiday décor. These crafts can become treasured keepsakes, and the process allows for quality time spent together.
  • Holiday Storytime: Create a tradition of reading holiday-themed stories or singing seasonal songs each night. This can be a peaceful way to end the day and nurture a love of reading.
  • Acts of Kindness: Teach your kids the spirit of giving by encouraging them to perform small acts of kindness throughout the month. Whether it’s donating toys, baking cookies for neighbors, or volunteering, these activities cultivate empathy and generosity.
the "ber" months

Practical Tips for Embracing the ‘Ber’ Months

While the ‘Ber’ months can be magical, the colder weather and shorter days can also bring challenges, particularly with keeping kids active and engaged. Here are some practical tips to make the most of the season:

1. Dress for the Weather:

Make outdoor activities enjoyable by investing in warm, waterproof clothing. Layering is key to keeping your kids comfortable while playing outside.

2. Create a Seasonal Routine:

Embrace cozy routines like hot cocoa after outdoor play, warm baths, and storytime by the fire. These rituals make cold days feel special.

3. Stay Active Indoors:

On days when outdoor play isn’t possible, plan indoor activities like building forts, baking cookies, or having dance parties to keep your kids moving and entertained.

the "ber" months

Making Memories and Cherishing the Season

The ‘Ber’ months provide a rich tapestry of experiences for you and your children to share. From the simple joy of jumping in leaf piles to the magic of seeing the first snowflakes fall, these moments offer countless opportunities to bond, teach, and create lasting memories.

Embrace the seasonal changes with enthusiasm, encourage your children to notice and appreciate the beauty around them, and make space for traditions that will bring warmth and connection to your family year after year. By embracing the rhythm of the ‘Ber’ months, you’ll not only survive the colder season—you’ll thrive in it with your kids by your side.

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