3 Things You Think Will Make You Super Mom (But Actually Don’t)

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Want to be super mom? Here are 3 things to try that will actually make you feel like the best mom in the world! Hint: It’s not what you think either.

Being super mom these days can feel hard and overwhelming. There’s so much on the internet telling moms what they should and shouldn’t do. It can be confusing! If you’re struggling with thinking your a bad mom, you’re not alone. But the thing is…if you’re worried about being a good mom, you already are one! I good mom cares, she loves her kids endlessly, and she would do anything for them. In this blog I’m going to tell you things you probably think you need to do to be super mom that actually aren’t true. And keep reading to find out the things that are making you a good mom!

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This blog is for you if:

  1. You’re a mom of young kids
  2. You think you’re a bad mom
  3. You’re overwhelmed with motherhood
  4. You need a little encouragement

3 Things You *THINK* Make You Super Mom

Here are 3 things you might think you need to do in order to be the best mom ever. Chances are you’ve tried these things and they stressed you the heck out. But the thing is, these are all extras that you don’t really need to do to be awesome. (If you do these things, that’s cool too, no judgement!)

1. Being completely booked with all the activities

You don’t need to have a full schedule or planned activities one after the other. If that’s not your jam, that’s cool. Your kids don’t need to have jam-packed days to love you. In fact, my daughter often tells me her favorite days are the ones spent at home doing nothing. Don’t ever underestimate a lazy day at home!

While having things to do can be fun and it’s ok to have fun-filled days once in a while. It can become stressful for everyone. I try to limit my kids to one sport at a time so we’re not overbooked. And also, remember it’s ok to say “no” to things you don’t want to go to!

soccer mom

2. Making super over-done and cute lunches

Where did this come from? Pinterest maybe? Pinterest to me is a soul-crushing, comparison game. From picture perfect family photos to amazing birthday bashes, Pinterest is just pretty pictures! It’s not real life. So if you think you need to make your kids lunches look like smiling dinosaurs, you’re wrong. Your kids will be just fine with a square PB&J and an orange that doesn’t look like a snail! I’m here for normal food, so follow along if you are too.

3. Doing all the pinterest projects

Back to Pinterest. You don’t need to make fancy art projects that you see on Pinterest everyday either. If your kid is into art, that’s cool! They probably just want to color and create something fun on their own. They don’t want to be given art supplies and told how to make the perfect image. Is it fun to do sometimes? And maybe for a holiday? Sure. But don’t think you’re not super mom if you are saying no to Pinterest.

Completing the Puzzle

Here’s what will make you super mom:

One of my favorite quotes is, “There is no one way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a great one.” So here are a few simple ways you can be super mom (and guess what – you’re probably already doing these things!) Your kids don’t need a perfect mama, they need a happy one. Simplify motherhood for you and your kids and know that the most basic things you do daily are not only enough, but they are what make you super mom!

1. Being there for your kids

The truth is, mama, your kids don’t want a fancy, cool mom. You don’t need a Stanley water bottle, your nails done, and the latest Amazon trending outfit to be a good mom. Your kids want a present, happy mom. Someone who cuddles on the couch, shows up to their games, and takes them to the park to play. Someone who makes them lunch, colors with them, and reads stories. Being there for your kids is the most important part.

super mom

2. Loving your kids unconditionally

Your kids need someone to love them no matter what. And they need to know that you love them no matter what. When you give your kids all the hugs and kisses throughout the day, it does so much more for their confidence and psyche than you realize.

3. Having fun together

Sometimes fun needs to be intentional, I get it. Moms worry about everything and always have a millions things on her mind. It can be easy to forget to relax and have fun. If you want to be a super mom, set up a time during the day, write it down on your schedule if you have to, to have fun with your kids. Maybe ask them what they want to do (within reason) and spend 10 minutes having fun together.

super mom

4. Taking care of yourself

Last but not least, remember to take care of yourself!! This is the ultimate way to be super mom. You don’t need to spend every waking second with your kids, believe me, I use to think this and it lead me straight down a path to burn out. It’s ok to take time to prioritize yourself so you can fill your cup. And these can be little things, like drinking enough water, telling your kids to wait a minute while you eat a real meal, or taking time to exercise. You will become a much better mama if you are taking time for you.

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    Final thoughts on being a Super Mom

    Being a super mom isn’t about being a Pinterest mom. It’s quite literally the opposite. To be a super mom you just have to be you. Someone who takes care of herself and her kids. A mom who knows that the most basic things can make her kids happy. Like running through the sprinkler, having a tickle fight, or cuddling up to watch a movie. Being a great mom doesn’t have to be extravagant. You can simplify motherhood and you’ll might realize it will feel easier. Give it a try and let me know how it goes in the comments.

    Be a Super Mom and save this image below to your favorite Pinterest board for later!

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