Stress-Free After School Routine for Elementary Kids

after school routine ideas for kids

Hey Mama! An after school routine is a great way to help your child transition from school to home. In this blog we will tackle why routines are helpful and how to create one and stick to it. Keep reading to make your after school routine easier and less stressful for you and your child(ren)! I even have a downloadable routine chart at the end of this blog, so don’t miss it.

Having daily routines for children are a great way to help them take control of their day and know what to expect. It helps with transition times and can even lessen tantrums in younger kids! When I worked in daycare there was one thing parents were always saying to my co-workers and me: “My kids are so much better for you than they are at home!”

And while most kids are worse for their parents (it’s inevitable and actually a good thing!) I came to the conclusion that the reason kids were better at daycare than home was simple. Routine.

At daycare we did the same thing everyday. Their schedule was the same. We followed certain routines and we also kept boundaries. If you follow these same things as home, your children will thank you! Kids love routines because they make them feel in control and safe. When they know what to expect they build confidence and feel secure.

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This after school routine blog is for you if:

  • Your child is in elementary school
  • You’re looking for a simple after school routine
  • You need a visual routine (hint: keep reading!)

This blog is NOT for you if:

  • Your child is younger than kindergarten age
  • You have more of a go-with-the-flow attitude (which is totally cool, this just isn’t the blog for you)

Stress-Free After School Routine for Elementary School Kids

Last year my son was in first grade. It was his first time being in full day school and away from his family. It was pretty hard on him and we all struggled through most of the year. Here is the routine I used and will continue to use this school year to make life after school a little easier on all of us!

I sometimes struggle to be consistent because I’m only human, but when it comes to routines that’s the best way to keep it. My best back to school routine tips for parents is: Consistency. It’s the key to keep the routine and make it work. It might be hard at first but you will all get use to it eventually and it will come naturally. And it will be worth it!

1. Snack and Unpack

I can’t stress a snack as soon as your child gets home enough. They will be HANGRY. In order to maintain their rationality, they will need a nutritious snack as soon as possible. While they snack, help your child to unpack their backpack. Having a special place to backpacks, shoes, coats, etc. is a great way to keep everything tidy and stress-free too!

after school routine

2. Play Outside

Running around outside is a great way to decompress the stresses of the day. I’d try to get outside as long as the weather will allow you. Even on a cold day, 5 minutes of running around will be helpful.

3. Indoor Activity

Have a quick and easy indoor activity prepared. Try to stay away from TV — if you’re trying to watch less TV in the day, I have a blog here with simple tips to lessen screen time — because it can be overstimulating for their already stimulated day. Instead of TV try coloring, a sticker book, reading, Play-Doh, or an Activity Pack! I’m not sure about you, but I notice a huge change in my children’s behavior when we watch less TV.

after school routine

4. TV Show

Ok, now that your child has decompressed a bit, a 30 minute TV show isn’t going to hurt anyone. Especially when you’re trying to get dinner ready! So put on their favorite show and cook dinner in peace.πŸ˜‰

5. Dinner/Clean Up

Enjoy dinner together as a family. Use this time to talk to your child about his/her day. In our family we like to ask what everyones favorite and least favorite part of their day was. I think it’s important to talk about the not so good things that happened so we can work through them and learn from any mistakes. It also just helps to destress when we talk about the good and the bad, right? We all like to vent a little bit, it makes us feel better!

after school routine

6. Family Time

Studies have shown over and over again that spending time together as a family helps every member of the family build self-esteem, communication skills, confidence, and helps your family bond and connect. So at the end of each day, play a board game together, take a walk, or play in the backyard. Everyone will feel happier and more connected!

7. Begin Bedtime Routine

Now that you have done all the things for your after school routine, it’s time to start bedtime. Read more about a great bedtime routine for young kids HERE.

Completing the Puzzle

Pro-Tip: Here’s an extra tip, mama. As part of your daily routine after school, don’t bother asking your child how their day was.πŸ˜‚At least not right away! When they get home just say something like, “I missed you” or “I thought about you a lot today” and give a big hug. Ask questions about their day later on.

Now, onto the fun stuff! Get your after school routine checklist (below) directly to your email for FREE! Just enter your email and you’ll have it right in your inbox in no time.

Get this After School Routine checklist when you sign up for my email list above. Pin this to your favorite Pinterest board for later!

after school routine for kids

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