Schedule For Stay At Home Moms: 6 Reasons You Need One

A schedule for stay at home moms is crucial to thriving each day, boosting productivity, and staying sane! Keep reading for my top 6 reasons you need a schedule and routines in your life!
A schedule for stay at home moms can be so helpful and rewarding! I’m sure you’ve heard people say again and again that schedules and routines are great for stay at home moms too, but maybe you’re wondering why?! Or maybe you think they sound boring. As a stay at home mom myself, I get where you’re coming from! But hear me out.
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As SAHMs, our days often feel like a whirlwind of endless tasks, from changing diapers to preparing meals to shuttling kids to activities. In the midst of this chaos, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like we’re constantly playing catch-up. Amiright? But what if I told you that there’s a simple yet powerful solution to reclaiming control of your days and finding more joy in motherhood?
It all starts with a schedule/routines. In this post, we’ll explore why routines are a game-changer for stay at home moms and how embracing structure can lead to greater productivity, reduced stress, and a more fulfilling life. So grab a cup of coffee, carve out a few moments for yourself, and let’s dive into the world of routines!

What’s the difference between a schedule and routines?
First things first, let’s talk about the difference between a schedule and routines. It’s a tiny deviance, but it’s still important to touch on it and understand.
A schedule is a list of your entire day and the times you will do each thing.
Routines are groups of little things that create your schedule. So it’s really in these simple routines that become a daily habit that is what sets up the structure of your day. Your routines are very important!
Now that you know the difference between a schedule and routine, let’s dive into WHY you need them! Keep reading for a freebie at the end of the blog to help you out!

Schedule for Stay At Home Moms: 6 Reasons You Need One
You might think doing the same thing everyday sounds boring, but I promise you it’s not. Studies show that children thrive in a home with structure, as it helps them feel safe and secure. It can even build their confidence! You can thrive in a structured home too! Here’s 6 reasons why you need a schedule as a SAHM.
Reason 1: Structure and Organization
Routines and schedules provide structure to the day, helping you manage your time more efficiently. By establishing consistent routines, you can better plan tasks, manage household responsibilities, and carve out time for yourself. Can you imagine having such an amazing bedtime routine for your children that they go right to sleep by 7:30 (or whenever you want them to) and then you are guaranteed a couple of hours of “me-time” each night? If that doesn’t push you to set up a schedule, then keep reading!
Reason 2: Increased Productivity
Starting the day with purpose and intention sets a positive tone and will motivate you to tackle tasks more efficiently. When you have a clear plan in mind, you are more likely to stay focused and productive throughout the day. Think about how you might be able to start your day with intention and add that to your morning routine. If you’re feeling stuck, check out my ultimate resource for SAHMs here.

Reason 3: Reduced Stress and Overwhelm
Having a SAHM schedule/routine in place can help reduce stress and feelings of overwhelm. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and scheduling them throughout the day, you can feel more in control of all your responsibilities and less anxious about everything you need to do. Motherhood shouldn’t be leaving you feeling burnt out and underappreciated. If it is, then setting up a schedule can give you more time for you without feeling guilty about it!
Related: The Motherhood Burnout Guide
Reason 4: Better Time Management
Schedules and routines will help you manage your time more effectively, allowing you to allocate sufficient time to various tasks and activities. This can prevent procrastination and ensure that important tasks are completed in a timely manner. Imagine getting all your chores done by 9 or 10 AM and having the rest of the day to spend with your kids, having fun!? Or this: Imagine being able to use nap time to actually rest instead of catching up on chores. A schedule can truly help you do that!
Reason 5: Improved Self Care
Starting the day with a strong routine can encourage you to prioritize self care and well-being. Whether it’s dedicating time for exercise, meditation, eating a healthy breakfast, or pursuing personal interests, a positive morning routine can help you prioritize your own needs, big and small, and charge up for the day ahead. Start your day on the right foot, mama!

Reason 6: Positive Role Modeling
By maintaining routines, starting your day with purpose, and cultivating a positive mindset, you have the ability to set a positive example for their children. When you demonstrate the importance of structure, goal-setting, and maintaining a positive attitude, this can influence your children’s behavior and outlook on life. If you’re ready to take control of your day, mama, then check out my free resource below. I know you will gain so much from setting up a schedule!
Need A Real Life Schedule for Stay At Home Moms?
I have a free one for you! Just sign up below and get your schedule right to your inbox. You’ll get my schedule as an example and a blank template you can fill out. Because schedules only stick when they work for you and your family! What are you waiting for? Sign up below and get started now!
Final Thoughts on a Schedule for Stay At Home Moms
Overall, embracing routines and schedules when you’re a stay at home mom as so many benefits. You can create purposeful days for yourself and your children so you can all thrive. With a positive mindset, I know you can get into a great daily schedule and navigate the challenges of motherhood more effectively, leading to greater fulfillment and well-being for you and your family! And what more could you want?! You’ve got this mama!
Save this Schedule for Stay at Home Moms to your favorite Pinterest board by using the image below!

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- The Power of Setting Healthy Boundaries As A Stay At Home Mom
- Why Is Self Care Important for Stay At Home Moms Who Want To Be Better?
- Empowering Stay At Home Moms To Thrive In Their Motherhood Journey
- Positive Encouragement For Stay At Home Moms Who Are Having A Bad Day
- The Best Daily Schedule For Stay At Home Mom Sanity
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