15 New Year’s Resolutions for Moms That Are Meaningful

With the New Year coming, you might start thinking about those New Year’s Resolutions! If you want some good ones to work towards this year then you’re in the right place. In this blog I’m discussing 15 great New Year’s Resolutions for moms that you’ll actually love and find achievable!
As a mom of 3 myself, I believe the new year is an opportunity to reflect, refresh, and set intentions that align with your values and priorities. It’s not just about making promises you’ll forget by February but embracing meaningful resolutions that enhance your well-being and your family’s! In this post, we’ll explore 15 impactful New Year’s resolutions for moms, discuss the difference between resolutions and goals, and highlight why resolutions matter in creating a fulfilling motherhood journey. Let’s dive in!
What’s the Difference Between Resolutions and Goals?
Before we dive in, let’s talk about the difference between resolutions and goals! Because while they are similar, the differences should be mentioned.
Resolutions are broad commitments to a way of life, reflecting your values or desires for positive change. For example, resolving to “be more present” is an ongoing intention rather than a specific task.
Goals, on the other hand, are actionable, measurable steps that lead to achieving something very specific. A goal tied to being more present might be, “I will spend 30 minutes each evening without distractions to connect with my kids.”
Resolutions set the tone for your year. Goals break them down into manageable steps. Ultimately, think of resolutions as your why and goals as your how.

15 New Year’s Resolutions for Moms
Now that you know the difference between resolutions and goals, here are 15 New Year’s resolutions for moms that are truly meaningful and also achievable! Choose a few of these resolutions you really want to work towards this year, then create specific goals to go along with them so you can achieve your goals this year and thrive as a mom! With each resolution below, I have added a specific goal in bold as an example to get your started!
1. Stop comparing
Comparison is the thief of life and happiness! So, no more comparing yourself to other moms (especially moms on the internet!) And also, don’t compare your children to other children. We are all on our very own journey in life and what others do or don’t do, is not a reflection of ourselves. Find your true happiness this year by stopping the comparison game!
Goal: Limit your time on social media
2. Give yourself grace
Remember that you are human. You are a super mom but you’re not supermom. You will make mistakes and then you will learn from them! So be kind to yourself and accept that you are not perfect and that’s ok!
Goal: Pick a positive mantra and say it to yourself in the mirror daily
3. Say “No”
It’s ok to say “no” to things that do not serve you or things you don’t want to do! If someone else is upset about that, that’s ok too! You are no responsible someone else’s feelings. Make this year the year you do things for you!
Goal: Take one thing off your long to-do list
4. Put your phone down more
This is one so many of us could and should work on! This year, make it an effort to put your phone down more for a multitude of reasons. Because it distracts you from getting things done around the house, because it make you feel bad, because you’re less present. Whatever the reason may be, know that it’s ok to not respond to texts immediately and social media can wait.
Goal: Put your phone in another room for 20 minutes at a time

5. Have more fun
Sometimes when you’re a mom, fun has to be more intentional. I always thought I’d be the “fun mom” and turns out I’m not! 🙂 It’s something I have to really work on. If that sounds like you too, then this might be the resolution for you!
Goal: Pick 1 fun thing to do with your kids everyday
6. Create healthy habits and routines
Creating habits and routines can make all the difference in your home. It can help your home go from feeling chaotic to calm. So this year, make it a resolution to create solid routines for your family so everyone can thrive.
Goal: Start with a morning routine to start your day off right (learn more below!)
7. Start a hobby
You deserve time for yourself as a mom! So this year, start a hobby. Whether it’s picking up on an old hobby or trying something new, put this resolution at the top of your life this year!
Goal: Write down 3 hobbies you’d like to try
8. Declutter your home
Having a tidied up home is great for your mental health! When your space is cluttered, so is your mind. Make it a priority to tidy up your home this year and get rid of things you no longer need.
Goal: Go through your kid’s old toys and donate what you no longer use
9. Teach your kids life skills
I hear many people complain that school doesn’t teach kids “useful skills” like cooking, woodworking, or balancing a checkbook. Well, maybe that’s because those things are meant to be learned at home with your parents?! So this year, involve your kids in age-appropriate chores or activities to foster their independence. It can be a great bonding experience for everyone!
Goal: Cook dinner with your child(ren) at least once a week
10. Get outside more often
Being outside and getting fresh air and sunshine is rejuvenating for your mind and body! Get outside with your kids more often and soak up that vitamin D. This is extra important during the cold months when it can be tough to get outside a lot. Make an effort to go outside even for just 10 minutes a day.
Goal: Take a walk every morning

11. Spend quality time with your husband/partner
A strong and happy family starts with a strong and happy relationship between mom and dad! Working on your marriage/relationship should be top of your list. Be more present and spend quality time together as a couple to teach your children what a solid foundation looks like.
Goal: Plan regular date nights (at-home dates count) to keep your relationship strong.
12. Celebrate small wins
Don’t sell yourself short! Every win counts, no matter how big or small. You celebrate all your children’s milestones, right? When they get their first tooth, roll over for the first time, start crawling and walking, and all their first holidays! So don’t forget that while they are growing and reaching milestones, you are as a mother too! You are learning and growing everyday with your child and all the little milestones you reach should be celebrated too.
Goal: Acknowledge and savor everyday achievements by writing at least one down in a journal
13. Prioritize self care
Again, mama, you matter, and you can’t pour from an empty cup. No matter how cliche that is, it’s true! In order for you to have a happy and thriving family, you need to be happy and thriving. The good news is, self care can be anything you want it to be. Anything that makes you feel better counts. So if that’s a morning shower, exercising, eating a real meal, or reading a book, it all counts so make time for it!
Goal: Take 10 minutes a day to do something for you
14. Practice gratitude
Grateful parents raise grateful kids, so remember to show and practice gratitude daily. Invite your kids in on it and talk about all you’re grateful for together. This is another great way to build a stronger bond with your children. Plus your family will be happier and you may even find everyone is has a more positive mindset from this simple practice.
Goal: Write down 3 things daily that you’re grateful for
15. Stay flexible
Motherhood can get wild sometimes! Remember that it’s ok to go off schedule sometimes and do something different. Staying flexible allows you to relax a bit more and feel less anxious over things you have no control over.
Goal: Embrace the unpredictability of motherhood with grace and a sense of humor.
Final Thoughts
There’s your list of 15 New Year’s Resolutions for moms to help you start your year off strong! Remember though that resolutions aren’t about perfection, they’re about progress and growth. As a mom, your efforts to grow and care for yourself positively ripple into your family. Think about how much your children will learn from a mother who wants to learn and change and become better! Choose resolutions that resonate with your heart and set realistic goals to bring them to life. You’re doing an amazing job, mama! Here’s to starting the new year off right, so it can be the best year yet.
Here’s to a new year filled with intention, joy, and growth! Which resolution will you embrace this year? Let me know in the comments section below.
Make this the best year yet by ending the cycle of mom burnout! Click the image below to learn more.

Use the image below to save these New Year’s Resolutions for Moms to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to it later!

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