Morning Routine for Stay At Home Moms That’s Insanely Simple

morning routine for stay at home moms

Looking for a simple morning routine for stay at home moms that won’t only help set you up for a successful day, but also doesn’t require you waking up before your kids?? You came to the right place! In this blog I’m sharing my detailed morning routine that’s easy and productive and doesn’t include waking up before the sun!

You’ve probably read all the blogs about a morning routine for stay at home moms that tell you to wake up before your kids if you want to have a good day. But if you’re like me, you’re not a morning person. Waking up before the sun is up is totally out of the picture, not happening, no way! I get it, mama. We need that precious sleep. And I’m here to tell you that in order to have a great day, you don’t have to wake up before your kids!! I have never done that and I still get a ton done every day.

So, if you’re ready to rock your SAHM morning routine, keep reading! I have got a great plan for you, because we didn’t become stay at home moms to set an alarm clock and wake up early! Here’s my insanely simple morning routine as a stay at home mom of 3 that helps set up my day to be productive and easy.

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Before we begin, make sure to grab this free morning routine checklist to help your mornings start stress-free!

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    The Simplest Morning Routine for Stay At Home Moms (No waking up before sunrise!)

    Morning Routine for stay at home moms

    Insanely Simple Morning Routine for Stay At Home Moms

    7:00 AM

    My alarm clock goes off at 7:00 AM. I know I said earlier “who wants to set an alarm as a stay at home mom?” but this is a newer thing for me, because my 2 big kids are in public school. And in order to get them on the bus in time we need to be up at 7. I mean *I* need to be up at 7…Here’s the funny thing: My big kids are typically awake before me and they are dressed and have gotten their breakfast started before I even wake up!

    Once my kids are settled with their breakfast, I start drinking my coffee and put clean dishes away from the night before. Then I clean up the kitchen from breakfast. This doesn’t take too long, as it’s usually a couple plates or a bowl to put in the dishwasher.

    Then my kids brush their teeth, their hair, and wash their hands. Once they are all ready for school, they can play.

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    7:30 AM

    At this time, I pack up my kid’s backpacks with their lunch boxes and any folders or books that need to go to school. I prep lunch boxes the night before though. This is a game changer! I highly recommend packing lunch boxes the night before so you are not scrambling and rushing in the morning. That’s when everyone starts to get upset, grumpy, and snappy! Do all you can the night before. In fact I have a whole blog about how to make mornings easier with kids you can check out.

    Morning Routine for stay at home moms

    7:45 AM

    I make sure my kids have their shoes and coats on, 5 minutes before we have to get outside for the bus. There is nothing worse than searching for you kid’s left shoe with seconds to get outside!🤪So make sure those are by the door the night before. And that they are on their feet in plenty of time.

    7:50 AM

    Outside for the bus. We are typically not scramming to get out the door because we give ourselves plenty of time in the morning. And we do the same things everyday. Consistency is key to keeping your routine moving every morning and your kids ready to take on the day! When they know what to do and what is expected of them, it helps to keep them from resisting what to do and lessens any break downs.

    My kids know they have to eat, get dressed, brush their teeth, and their hair before they can play before school.

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    8:00 AM

    Once my big kids are on the bus, my toddler wakes up! I know I’m lucky that she sleeps in, but that is not by mistake. Anyway, once she up it’s time for breakfast for both of us, then I get her dressed. I have her play while I finish cleaning up. Then she can watch TV while I shower and get myself ready.

    Here’s what I do to get myself ready on a typical day. It takes less than 30 minutes!

    • Shower (I don’t always wash my hair)
    • Get dressed (It doesn’t have to be fancy, just get out of your pajamas!)
    • Put on some makeup (as much or little as you want)
    • Do your hair

    The most important part of that list though is getting out of your pajamas! So if you don’t have time to shower or you don’t feel like taking your hair out of the mom bun, that’s fine. Just get dressed. You’ll be surprised how much more motivated and better you feel all day!

    Morning Routine for stay at home moms

    9:00 AM

    Once I’m all ready, I put a load of laundry into the washing machine! Then I do one daily chore. This might be vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, decluttering, dusting, or mopping. Whatever you need to do. I try to break down chores so I do one or two a day and it only takes a small amount of time each day. I’d rather do this then spend a whole weekend cleaning everything. Cleaning up smaller messes is a lot less overwhelming than cleaning big ones. When I work with smaller messes they are more likely to get done because they are doable and I feel confident in getting them done.

    10:00 AM

    Now it’s time to spend some time with my toddler 1 on 1. We either play together or get out of the house for a bit. This might just be a walk in our neighborhood or we love going to the library. This is also a time when I run any errands I need to do.

    11:00 AM

    School pick up time! My middle child is in half day kindergarten at the moment. So I pick her up around 11 and then we go home for lunch!

    Morning Routine for stay at home moms

    That’s my super simple morning routine for stay at home moms!

    Notice all the things I get done without waking up before my kiddos! It’s because I break things into smaller chunks so they are less daunting and more achievable. I also do a lot of prepping at night to help mornings go smoother. Routines and consistency are the key to success, mama! And remember this is my best tip:

    The best morning routine begins with the best evening prepping!

    Let me know what you think of the stay at home mom morning routine in the comments! I hope you found it helpful and like something you could actually see yourself succeeding in!

    Use this morning routine for stay at home moms image to save to your fave Pinterest board!

    morning routine for stay at home moms

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