How To Simplify Life As A Mom In 10 Practical Ways

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In this blog, let’s dive deep into how to simplify life as a mom! I’m sharing 10 real life ways you can make the demands of motherhood feel just a little bit easier.

If you’ve wondered how to simplify life as a mom from time to time, you’re not alone! Motherhood can become super overwhelming with the whirlwind of responsibilities we have day after day, but sometimes moms make things more difficult than they actually need to be. You have probably even heard people say “only good moms think motherhood is hard.” While that can be true, and I understand the sentiment behind it, there are definitely ways you can make it feel easier. In this blog I’m sharing ten practical tips to help you streamline your life and focus on what truly matters!

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How To Simplify Life As A Mom

Simplifying your life as a mom can help you find more balance, joy, and confidence in your daily life. Here are ten practical tips you can begin working on in your day-to-day life to beat overwhelm and start enjoying motherhood again!

1. Establish a Routine

A consistent routine brings structure and predictability to your day. Set regular times for meals, naps, and bedtime. This not only helps children feel secure but also allows you to plan your day more efficiently. Start with a basic framework and adjust as needed to suit your family’s needs.

Tip: Use a visual schedule or planner to outline daily activities and keep everyone on track. Below, make sure to grab my free daily schedule template for an example of how to set up your day for success!

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    2. Declutter Your Home

    If you hate the quote (or ones like this) that go something like “the dishes can wait” you’re not alone. A clutter-free environment can significantly reduce stress and improve focus. So, take the time to declutter your living space by organizing toys, clothes, and household items. Donate or discard items that are no longer needed. For some of us, this gives so much mental clarity to allow us to have more patience and calmer days.

    Tip: Tackle one room at a time when cleaning up and involve your children in the process, turning it into a fun family activity.

    how to simplify life as a mom

    3. Prioritize Self-Care

    Taking care of yourself is crucial for your overall well-being. Make time for activities that rejuvenate you, whether it’s reading a book, exercising, or enjoying a hobby. Remember, a happy and healthy mom is better equipped to care for her family, therefore taking care of yourself IS taking care of your family. Don’t feel guilty about it!

    Tip: Schedule self-care activities into your routine just like any other important task.

    4. Meal Planning and Prep

    Meal planning can save you time and reduce the stress of daily cooking, helping to simplify your life as a mom. Plan your meals for the week, create a shopping list, and prep ingredients in advance. This helps ensure that you have healthy meals ready to go, minimizing last-minute scrambling. When you do cook meals, cook extra so you can have leftovers a couple nights a week. This will help minimize the days of the week you are actually cooking.

    Tip: Consider batch cooking on weekends and using freezer-friendly recipes for easy weeknight dinners.

    5. Delegate Tasks

    You don’t have to do everything on your own! Involve your partner in household responsibilities. Sometimes you might need to ask your husband/partner for help around the house. Instead of feeling annoyed by this, work together to get things done. Delegate age-appropriate chores to your children as well. Teaching kids to contribute fosters independence and teamwork!

    Tip: Create a chore chart with rewards to motivate and track progress.

    6. Simplify Your Schedule

    Avoid overcommitting to activities and events. Focus on what is essential and meaningful for your family. It’s okay to say no to extra obligations that add unnecessary stress. For our family, we only allow our kids to participate in one sport at a time. With 3 kids, we just can’t be running around to more things than that or we will never be home. So remember that slowing down is ok, you don’t need to be a part of everything!

    Tip: Reserve downtime for your family to relax and recharge and be together. That’s just as important at school work and extracurriculars!

    how to simplify life as a mom

    7. Use Technology Wisely

    Leverage all technology to make life easier. Use apps for grocery shopping/pickup or delivery, meal planning, budgeting, and time management. Use robot vacuums to help with cleaning or hire a cleaner if you can. Virtual assistants like smart speakers can also help with reminders and scheduling for busy lives.

    Tip: Set boundaries for screen time to ensure technology enhances rather than detracts from family life.

    8. Create a Family Command Center

    Designate a central area in your home for managing family logistics. This can include a calendar, to-do lists, important documents, and school notices. A family command center helps keep everyone organized and informed and ensures that no one forgets where they need to be.

    Tip: Use color-coded systems to easily differentiate tasks and schedules for each family member.

    9. Simplify Your Wardrobe

    A simplified wardrobe can make daily dressing quicker and less stressful. And I always recommend you get dressed each day! No wearing pajamas all day. Choose versatile, comfortable clothing that can be easily mixed and matched. Declutter your closet to keep only what you love and wear regularly.

    Tip: Consider creating a capsule wardrobe with essential, timeless pieces.

    10. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude

    Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to stay grounded and present. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. This can help shift your focus from stress to positivity and get your day started on the right foot!

    Tip: Try meditation, deep breathing exercises, or keep a gratitude journal to cultivate mindfulness.

    how to simplify life as a mom

    Final Thoughts

    Simplifying your life as a mom is about making intentional choices that reduce stress and enhance your well-being. By implementing these ten tips, you can create a more organized, peaceful, and fulfilling environment for yourself and your family. Remember, this is more of a journey, so start small! Then gradually build habits into your day that support a simpler, more joyful life for you and your family.

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